Alcala Yearbook 1995-1996
fXP of!Finance fuscilla -Villanueva
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My position as VP of Pro– gramming allows me to work with over 25 AS directors in programming events on campus. I chair a weekly program board meeting where pro– grammers meet to report and plan for their events. All the Directors on AS work very hard to bring concerts, speakers, such as Coretta Scott King, cultural events such as World Color, showcases, and much more. One of the most exciting things about Pro– gram Board that I am most proud of is the work that a lot ofdirectors do in co-sponsoring events with other groups on campus, such as United Front. Our Public Relations direc– tors have also worked very hard this year in letting faculty know about AS's educational events and publi– cizing AS events in general. I have enjoyed my position because I get to be a part ofso many wonderful things happening at USD every day.
Priscilla Villanueva had an awesome responsibility this year for AS. She was responsible for distrib– uting and keeping a check on over half a million dollars of AS Funds. She did this job perfectly even though she had to put up with lazy AS mem– bers who wouldn't return their petty cash on time or complaints from other members about not having enough money in their budget. She had the time to make this job look easy. Priscilla aided the AS Programmers and Senators with all of their finan– cial wants and needs. She also was responsible for working with all of the clubs and organizations . She tried to help them in whatever way was possible. Priscilla was the oil behind the machine for AS this year.
The VP of Academics is the sole student representative to the faculty and administration. He at– tends such illustrious faculty govern– ing meetings as the Academic As– sembly and the renowned University Senate. The VP ofAcademics is also a member of the Academic Affairs Committee for the Board ofTrustees. This fall semester Drew had the privilege to serve on the ProvostSearch Committee. This com– mittee was charged to find a new Provost for USD. He was the pre– miere undergraduate student repre– sentative. He had the opportunity to rub elbows with deans and faculty from all five schools. It was definitely a once in a lifetime experience for Drew. It isn't every day a student gets a chance to be on a search com– mittee. Within the workings of AS, Drew is the most important of all the executive board members, or so he claims. He is responsible for criticiz– ing the members ofAS and providing comic relief for the benefit of all hu– man-kind. However, he works care– fully with Showcase, Academic Pro– gramming, Freshman and Sopho– more Senators and one of the secre– taries to accomplish his humorous goals. The Vp of Academics is also responsible for providing the student body woth academic research grants. He attends more meetings than Bill Clinton and has connections with more eo le than Madonna. 111
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