Alcala Yearbook 1995-1996
Jfistorian Julie J:g
elections cric Jvirakis
The Elections Director has three elections to organize throughout the course of the school year: Freshmen Senators, Homecoming, and the AS General. Senator meetings for Freshmen start during the first week of school. Homecoming, in the fall, results in a king and queen, who represent the senior class, being formally introduced at half time, along
H as resposibilitues which I nclude the S lide show at the year-end, T aking picutres at AS events 0 rganizing an AS scrapbook
with one male and female attendant from each of the remaining classes. The only election during the spring is the AS General, which is the largest of the three, which decides the majority of AS positions, including President, VP's, Secretaries, and Senators. While this may sound like a lot of work, the Elec– tions Director is not alone. Backed by strong volunteer committee, the workload is greatly alleviated. The combi– nation of organization and working with AS officers makes Elections one of the best ositions in AS. $ilm$orum ©an Sengenberger
R ecording the history of AS and USD I n a creative and fantabulous way. She A ttends Program Board and N ever misses a photo opportunity.
As Film Forum
As theA.S. Director of Parking, it is Boo's responsibility to protect and promote the interests of all USD students driving on campus. He also chairs the A.S. Traffic Court which hears all parking And traffic
director Dan is in charge of putting on movies for the USD community. The movies included new releases, films dealing with various issues concerning students, or just old favorites.
The movies were another way for students to find activites on campus when driving was not a choice. He gave A.S. Entertainment.
citation appeals made by students. Aside from these duties Boo also brought a good sense of humor, a kind heart, and a great smile to the office of Senator's and Directors. Boo where is the couch?
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