Alcala Yearbook 1995-1996
Sacredj-Ieart Club
The Sacred Heart Club began as a community service organization with the main goal of preserving the spirit and integrity on which the University was founded . The club focuses mainly on providing services to the greater San Diego community as well as activities here on campus to involve both students, as well as faculty members in the process of community building and awareness of the needs of others in our neigh– borhood. This year, we have already worked to donate floral arrange– ments to the patients at a local hospital and we co-sponsored a Thanksgiving feast for the students who couldn't go home for the holiday.
The objectives of the Psychol–
ogy Club for this year are many. One of them being to provide a place for all students to acquire informa– tion about the field of psychology and it's major and to explore pos– sible career choices in the field itself. Another objective is to provide a relaxing and fun atmosphere for the students to meet and make new friends.
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