Alcala Yearbook 1995-1996

<;Black Student Vnion

The Black Student Union is geared to enhance the educational environment of all University of San Diego students and employees; to provide a program to increase re– cruitment and retention of African– American students. They also pro– vide opportunities for the increased sensitivity of the student body to– wards minority citizens through education and involvement. BSU supports the University Mission and acts as a positive outreach to the community and minority organiza– tions . M.E .Ch.A. (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan) : A Chicano/a organization which was founded at a conference held in Santa Barbara, California in April, 1968. Concerned Raza and commu– nity members gathered at this conference to draw attention to the needs and concerns of Chicanos. Although M.E.Ch.A. originated in the southwest, it has quickly spread throughout the United States. Our primary goals are to take part in the direction of the move– ment towards Chicano self-determi– nation or control over one's own destiny; to socialize and polticize Chicano students on the campus, to the ideals of the movement.



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