Alcala Yearbook 1995-1996

'Ihe 1995-1996 J)earbook Staff

fit this time I 'vf)Ould like lo thank all those 'vf)/1,0 helped make this book possible. 'fhe y earbook is a large task tha t is usually produced by t'vf)enly or so people. 'Thi.· y ear Lh e y earbook 'vf)as produced u:>ilh an editor, an ,5/Tssistanl editor-Julianna errie, a <:f3u.·iness .anager- 'firn Murphy, and an arlisl-fimy Schellig. 'thesefour people 1,,1?ere responsiblefor producing the product which you hold in your hands. In order lo rnake Lhis possible a lot ofpalience, understanding~ hard work,·and long hours had lo be conlribuled by each ,n ember. 'this is a f eal thoug ht 1,,vould n el?er happen bul it, has and 'vf)e hai:>e the 'vf)Onde,ful iJolurne 41 qj'Lhefilcala' . . l Lhis Lirne r 1,,1JOidd like to thank each ofmy staff" indii:>idually. Julianna, thank you f or all your Lirne and hard 'vf)Ork. Corn– ing lo a uni i:>ersity is hard enoug h, taking on the role you did asJ(Lssislant editor makes il aLrnost irnpossible. J)ou are a rernarkabLe 'vf)01nan. 'Thank you f or all you hai:>e done. 'Iirn JW urphy, Whal can I say excepl Lhal you h ai:>e been rny rock throug hout all of Lhis. It didn't lurn oul how 1,,i:>e expected, 1.vho ei:>er though I 'vf)Oilld be edilor– and-Chief. J)ou hai:>e g ii:>en so selflessly to this book and to rne. l hile ,nany of Lhe thing s you did are nol i:>isible on Lhe page, they 'vf)ere an intrig ate part ofproducing this book and 1,,i:;e would nol hai:>e the product 'vf)e hai:>etoday ~/ i /. 'vf)eren 'L for you. 'thank you, S'vf)eetheart! qrny ,Schettig~ you gol drawn into the clutches of the y earbook due lo ,n ere.friendship. J)ou rnade our pages beautiful and gai:>e to the y earbook a Little touch of.ffmy that nobody else could do. 'Thank you for your .·upport and giji. Jeff, our photography man. vViLhoul you there 1,,1JOuld be nothing lo sho 'vf) in Lhis book. 'Thank you f or your 11vonde1ful organiz ation and p ictures. Susan, 'Thank you.for all your support and encouragernen l. J)our liule cheer.· rig ht before deadline 'vf)ere a big help. 'Thank you for helping pick up all Lhe odds and ends and.for reassuring rne thal Lhis could be clone. 'fo all of rny fri ends, especially 'firn,ffniy,Josh,firny, . tcole, thank you for Listening lo my gripping and reassuring m e that this 'vf)a. · possible. W ith oul you guys I vi:>oulcl hai:>e gii:>en up a Long Lime ag o, you all are rny sai:>ing Grace, I l:s) 1e J)ou Guys! , (/), J hope thi. · captures all ofyour m emories and helps you sai:>or Lhe y ears you hai:>e had at the , ni1:>ersity of ,San (/)iego.

8trit 'P_/or thP,_y;uture, cSal?or the

'fhank J)ou,

'fammy Schaefer editor-and-Chief

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