3-6 Decodable book

Lesson 28.2: Plurals Ending –ed, spelling change y to i

Shelly Studied at the Library

Words to Read

empty worry apply

emptied worried applied






supplied studied




Shelley had an assignment at school. She needed to choose a topic, study and then write an opinion piece about the topic. Shelley usually did not worry, however this time she was worried. Shelley tried and tried to choose a topic and she was unable to identify one. Shelley decided to go to the Library and read. She picked some nonfiction books to study. Shelley studied and studied. None of the books helped her choose a topic. She went over to the bookshelves again. Shelley’s friend Ann was looking at books too. Ann asked Shelley if she had chosen a topic for the opinion piece. Shelley said, “No, I have tried and tried but not yet.” Ann shared, “Shelley, you are the best team member on our soccer team. I thought you’d write about soccer for sure.” Shelley said, “You are right! That is the perfect topic!” Now Shelley was in a hurry. She hurried over to the computer and looked for all the soccer books. Soon she emptied the shelves and her arms were full of

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3-5 Decodable



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