3-6 Decodable book

Lesson 16.3: More Vowel Sounds /e/ spelled ie, ey

The Rookie

Words to Read

Katie briefly

rookie shield

field relief


shrieks cookie crowd

thief track

brownie crowd

sprints table



competing because

Katie is competing in the big race. Because she is a rookie, she has been placed far back in the field. Katie still believes she can win if she can pull around the crowd. She sprints for a better spot on the track as the crowd gasps and shrieks. The yellow flag waves briefly, urging safety. Katie does not yield. Using her hand to shield her eyes from the sun, she spots her goal and leaps with relief. Katie feels like a thief as she wins first place! No Katie is hungry. She will run to the table for a cookie and a brownie.

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3-5 Decodable



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