Electricity + Control July 2015



Actuators qualify for 3D racing simulator

Linear actuators from Warner Linear , part of Altra Industrial Mo- tion, have been specified for use on a new racing simulator which has been designed to give the driver the most realistic high speed experience possible.The actuators are used to create movement in the seat which simulates pitch and roll with braking, acceleration and cornering G-forces.The Warner Linear K2x models were specified due to their exceptional response time and load carrying capacity. Using a combination of 3D screens, surround sound and ad- vanced gaming software, the racing simulator allows drivers to experience the exhilaration of motor sport first hand. However, the final touch that really adds to the authenticity is the motion controlled chair that allows the driver to feel all of the forces that would be exerted upon them if they were in a real car.The move- ment is controlled by motion outputs as part of the racing software and delivered through the twoWarner linear actuators attached to the underside of the racing seat. The high quality K2x linear actuators are fromWarner’s B-track range.They have been designed for use in tough, high-load applica-

tions where they will be in frequent use.With a load of 270 kg (max load 1 270 kg) the actuators are able to travel at 25mm/second with a 200 mm stroke (50 mm - 600 mm available) and respond instantly thanks to their high performance electric motor. It was this precision performance that made them ideal for the application – perfectly translating every movement the car makes from the screen to the driver’s seat. Enquiries: Email david@dmaeuropa.com

Cost effective valve retrofit Mitech offers a valve retrofit service that fits new internals and top works to an original valve, substantially saving costs and assurance that plant performance remains high and that safety standards are adhered to. It is im- portant to note that retrofitting valves that are smaller than 150 mmor have a

pressure rating below 60 bars i s gene r a l l y not justifiable. However, with larger sizes and high pressure rating valves, i t b e c ome s progressively more worth- while.The valve retrofit service is usually un- dertaken on site at Mitech’s fac-

tory. The valve system must first be removed from service and dismantled, and if necessary, be machined on site. In many cases, when an existing valve needs to be replaced at a plant, the valve body is still in good condition, but the trim is no longer suitable, while the actuator and positioner may also need upgrading. Enquiries:Tel. 011 927 4850 or email enquiries@mitech.co.za

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