Trafika Europe 12 - French Bon-Bons

Mi a Funk i s an ar t i st , wr i ter, i nter v i ewer, and curator. F ounder of The Creat i ve Proces s www. c reat i veproces s . info , an exh i b i t i on and internat ional educat ional ini t iat ive travel ing to leading univers i t ies, s he l ives in Par i s, France. Mia Funk’s portraits of writers and artists appear in many public collections, including the U.S. Library of Congress, Dublin Writers Museum, Office of Public Works, American Writers Museum (forthcoming), and other museums and culture centers. Funk has received many awards and honors, including the Prix de Peinture from the Salon d’Automne de Paris and has exhibited at the Grand Palais, Paris. She was commissioned by the Guinness Cork Jazz Festival to paint their 30th- anniversary commemorative painting of over 20 jazz legends. Her paintings of Francis Bacon and Lucian Freud won the Thames & Hudson Pictureworks Prize and were exhibited in Brussels for Bacon’s centenary, in Paris at the American University, as well as international arts festivals in Europe. As a writer and interviewer, she has produced columns, podcasts, and her interviews with creative thinkers are being published across a network of university and national literary magazines. She served on the National Advisory Council of the American Writers Museum 2016-17.


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