Trafika Europe 12 - French Bon-Bons

Festival, and since 2009 has co-organised the Prague Microfestival. He is a member of the editorial board of Rhizomes: Studies in Cultural Knowledge and founding editor (1994) of the online journal HJS (Hypermedia Joyce Studies) . He is the founding editor of  VLAK Magazine , and directs the Centre for Critical & Cultural Theory at Charles University, Prague.


Margarita Serafimova (born Sofia, Bulgaria, 1976) is a practicing human rights attorney, a European expert in equality law. Her interests include social justice and animal rights, as well as languages. She published two collections of poetry in Bulgarian. In English, her work appears or is forthcoming in Agenda, London Grip New Poetry, Noble/ Gas Quarterly, Obra/Artifact, MockingHeart Review, The Birds We Piled Loosely, Tales From The Forest, Peacock Journal, Anti-Heroin Chic, Window Quarterly/ Patient Sounds, In Between Hangovers, Heavy Athletics, and Outsider Poetry. She writes in both Bulgarian and English, and translates her own work _____


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