I Appeal To Caesar!

destruction portrayed in the Scripture. The kingdoms and accomplishments of man will pass away, and only the Kingdom of God and the new creation will remain. How will such a report be brought to heaven? By angels? No. They are already fulfilling their calling, and they will be used in the First Resurrection. The LORD has made an unusual decision: send a SPECIAL human messenger FROM heaven—an ambassador with impeccable credentials as well as “special abilities”—to visit key places and people on earth and bring back a report on the condition of the Church and nations worldwide, as well as the possibilities of spiritual harvest. In the past, Moses and Elijah were sent in physical, human form to confirm Jesus in the Transfiguration (Matthew 17; Mark 9; Luke 9), and it appears that they are also scheduled (Revelation 11:3) to bring judgment on the wicked inhabitants of earth. This special messenger that will be sent is therefore not without some precedent.


• Earth time will not end with a defeat for God, His plan, and His people.

• Time will end for earth with the Earth’s greatest spiritual harvest of souls.

• The climax will see the greatest display of sacrifice and martyrdom by God’s people who “will not love life to death.”

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