I Appeal To Caesar!

there at the beginning of the Jewish War [AD 66].” F. F. Bruce, The Acts of the Apostles , p. 197. Josephus, Jewish War 2.20.2 records 10,000 were massacred there in AD 66. Cf., however, 7.8.7, where the figure is 18,000. P. 18 Travel on the Sabbath would violate the Law and was forbidden to strict Jews. This immediate trip from Jerusalem to Damascus will take about five days. Endnotes for Chapter 5, Exodus P. 5 Zechariah 9:9 (Matthew 21:4-5). Jesus rides a donkey into Jerusalem, and a great multitude wave palm branches! William Hendriksen makes this comment about the palm: “In Scripture the palm-tree, with its perpetual verdure and remarkable longevity (constantly replenished with fresh vigor from deep-set roots), majestic growth and stately appearance (its trunk rising straight up from the earth, its magnificent crown of fronds), is a symbol of the righteousness and spiritual vigor of God’s children (Ps. 1:12). Holding in one’s hand the lulav — palm with myrtle and willow branch on either side of it — according to the divine commandment (Lev. 23:40), and shaking it, was the way in which Israel during the feast of Tabernacles expressed its joy. Here in John 12 the symbolism was the same. The multitude waved palm-branches in token of rejoicing and of triumph. Now at last victory … for if this Jesus was able to raise from the dead a man who had been in the tomb four days, where were the limits to his power?” Quoted from Peloubet’s Select Notes, 1961, Wilbur M. Smith, p. 79. P. 8 “Take courage, daughter”: In this characteristic, personal way Jesus assured people to believe God. Matthew 9:2, 22; 14:27; 17:7; Acts 223:11; 28:5. P. 7-9 The story of Rachel. If the story of Rachel’s healing seems far-fetched, please consider that the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John only present a mere fraction of the miracles that occurred. John 21:25 says: “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, which if they were written in detail, I suppose that even the world itself would not contain all the books that would be written.”

Henry H. Halley summarizes the recorded miracles of Jesus like this: “17 bodily cures, 9 miracles over forces of nature, 6 cures of

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