5-6 Science Fair Handbook


Students are responsible for keeping a science fair notebook, where all information must be kept. The following forms will be given to each student to add to their notebooks. Each form must be presented to and approved by the teacher and the parent. Due dates for each of the forms are as follows: __________ Project Proposal Description of topic and question that will be investigated __________ Research Description of what needs to be investigated, list of all sources, and information found at each source __________ University of Utah Science and Engineering Fair safety paperwork. MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EXPERIMENTATION BEGINS. __________ Hypothesis & Materials Predict the outcome of the experiment based on the research, and provide a list of materials that will be used in experimentation. __________ Experimental Design List of step-by-step instructions for your experiment. __________ Observations & Data Collection All data that will be collected during experimentation. __________ Graphing A visual representation of the data collected. __________ Analysis & Conclusion Reviewing and analyzing data to determine an appropriate conclusion. __________ Preparing Display Board __________ School Science Fair *Only 5th grade students compete in the District Science Fair. 4th grade students compete only at the school level.

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