Oil & Gas UK Activity Survey 2016

Another project focusses on the standardisation of subsea technology, where potential savings are estimated to be substantial. The results from this work will be used to identify a fit-for-purpose approach that industry will be encouraged to adopt. Next Steps Efficiency Roadshows across the UK will begin in the first half of 2016. A number of preliminary town hall style meetings, tailored to the audience to ensure appropriate messaging, will take place at Oil & Gas UK’s members’ offices. The aim is to encourage engagement in the Task Force’s ongoing projects, take general advice on its future direction, and crucially ensure that the group’s key messages reach the workforce. The Task Force is also now looking into new efficiency target areas that have the potential still further to reduce unit operating costs. These include establishing how the tendering process can become more efficient; identifying best practice for maintenance regimes; and understanding how collaboration around logistics can reduce excess costs.






6.2 Driving Efficiencies outside the ETF Publication of Guidance


Member companies have supported Oil & Gas UK in publishing guidelines on the following topics to encourage standard practices and operational streamlining 22 :

• Execution of planned maintenance shutdowns – to improve efficiency and reliability offshore • Well operations – to provide industry with a common framework in which to generate more consistent and complete cost estimates • Late-life/decommissioning inspection and maintenance – to aid efficient planning and execution of decommissioning • Adoption of novel solutions – identifying, qualifying and adopting new technologies used in the decommissioning of offshore assets Learning from Other Sectors The industry has actively sought to learn from the experience of other sectors. As part of the then Oil and Gas Industry Council, PwC was commissioned to study the measures taken by other industries to improve efficiency. The Cross-Sector Efficiency Study 23 identified characteristics – from leadership to treating operations as a strategic asset and innovation – that drive efficiency in high performing sectors such as aerospace, automotive, chemicals and rail, and proposed tangible practices that can be transferred to oil and gas industry operations.

22 The guidelines are available to download at www.oilandgasuk.co.uk/publicationssearch.cfm 23 http://pwc.to/1ih4gZ1

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