Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)
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I a guard of honor for the greater dignitaries of the day. Arch of Swords. Through their sword-made arch walked toe bishops, also in red, and each accompanied by the two sur- pliced chaplains. Lastly came Archbishop Glennon, Bishop Buddy and Bishop LeBlond. Both Arch- bishop Glennon and Bishop Le- Blond wore their ermine caps and trained vestment that befits their station. Mo.·c than 100 repres entatives of religious orders for women were present in the church. They, with the majority of those in the proccs- sion, occupied more than half of the seats in the church. Parishioners and friends of the new bishop oc- cupicd th<' other pews and crowd eel into the back of the church, many standing through the entire service which lasted for three hour~. Policemen and firemen assisted the church ushers in handling the
THRONG SEES FATHER BUDDY MADE BISHO~ Scriptural Words of Christ Used as Bishop LeBlond Lays Hands on Rector of Cathedral. PANOPLY OF PURPLE Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots and Monsignori From Many Parts of Country Here for Ancient and Colorful Con- secration Rites of Roman Catholic Church-Sermon Preached . by Archbishop Clennon of St. Louis.
Stresses \\"ork of Saint.
He stressed in outline the work of st. Charles Borromeo fo 1· the church and then said: "And now, my friends, ca n I do be tter than bring before you the name and fame and work of the illustrious bishop of Milan-he who was and is for all time the model the forerunner and exem- plification of what our present bishop-
text of Bishop LeBlond's
holy father, whom may the Lord prayer follows:
conserve, designates as Catholic ac- May this, o J,nrrl. flow abundantly• crowd and the whole servic~ ~oved tion '? Can I do better, I say, than upon his head. ma y lhis run clown upon: with becoming orde1· and d1gmty. set before your excellency, Charles his dwl'ks, ma.,·. th is extend unto lhe llany Prelates Present. exlrem1l1es o( ht• whole t,ody, so that Francis, by the grace of God and inwardly he may lw filled with thP Among the hierarchy attending the favor of the apostolic see, con- 11ower nf Thy spirit. """ 011twn1:d!Y the consecration were Archbishop c•ec1·,tcd todau bt-•hop of the d'1ocese tn:iy hP. 1•lotht•,1 with fhat. ~n,ne ~J-llrlt C t 11 f L A I s • ·~ ' ·' • ~lay ronstant faith. purn Jo,·e, sincere John J. an we o os nge e , of San I:\ciego, a more fitting model piety abound In him. .\lay his fel'l hy who will be Bishop Buddy's su- to follow than your illustrious Thy gift _h'; lwauliful for announcin;:: perior in his new field, and Arch- namcsake, St. Charles Borromeo?" fhe glad t1
(Pl('tureH Oil Pltijft 2.1
the Scripluml worLIM
Christ, "Receive the Holy Ghost,
and the laying of the hands of the bishop said. consecrating prelates upon his head
h nds
loose upon earth, Jet
,t likewise be
· who broke under the burden of loosed in heaven. Whose sins he shall Bishop Francis M. Kelly of Winona, Buddy this morning was elevated economic depression, and helped retain, Jet them be retained, ancJ do Bishop Robert E. Luce~· of Ama- to the bishopric of the Roman them to a better clay. Their tears Thou rem_,t the sins or whomsover he rillo, Tcxa": Bishop Wi!liam D. Ca th olic Church. and their prayers will follow him. ~~ii_1 ~r:.:!if ~ta~~~rs;toa~~a'i'et;~~ O'Brien of Chicagn, president of the The ceremony, rich In the ancient "As he looks to his new home in who shall bless him be filled with Catholic Church Extension Society: i-itual of the church and aR colo1'ful the golden West he ha.~ much to blessings. Let him be the faithful and Bishop Thomas c. O'Reilly of as a pageant of the Middle Ages, Prude11t •errnnt whom Thon dost set, S.. t p . B" ·h J h E console him. Sometimes a diocese n Lnnl, nver Thy hnnsehol,l, sn that , ~tan on, a., _ ts op. osep_ • was performed ln S t . Joseph's Ca- is compared to a bride, and the lrn may gh·r them rnoct in rluc season. Ritter of Indianapolis; Bishop thedral which the new prelate has blessed ring received in consecra- :11,c1 p1·0,,, hlmsel[ a perfect mnn. ~la) Henry p Rohlman of Davenport, served fo1· twenty-two years as as- . . . f he hr• uni iring· in his soliciturlP. r 0 r- I . B: h J H R of lion by the bishop connotes 1t. I vent in s r,iril. ,\la)· he ,ietrst prine. owa, 1s. op amcs . yan sistant a nd later as paS t or. natural beauty and adornment are "'""·ish h11miiily and lnith, "'"' neve_r Omaha; Bishop Joseph H. Schlar- Lasts Several Hours. the usual di-,-tinction and equipment, desert ,t, overcom~ either by flattery man of Peoria, Ill.: Bishop August The Most Rev. C. H. LcBlond, of a bride then surely such are the or hy fear. Let him not put _light for J. Schwertmer of Wichita and the . ' . . . darkness, nor darkness for Jight; let . . ! bishop or the diocese of St. Joseph, gifts of this Far \Vestern d10ce~e, him not c:aii evil goocl nor good evil. Most Rev. Christian H. Wmkelrnan, was the consecrating bishop and for there proudly wearing the .\!ay he be a clebtor to 'the wise anu to auxiliary bishop of St. Louis. the co-consecratorR were the Most orange blossoms of her own crca- the. foolish, • 0 that he may ga th er The Rt. Rev. Martin Veth, O. S. B., b . f . th t f th (ru1t from the progress or all. Grant . , bb t Rev. Gerald T. Bergan, 1shop o t1on she sets by e wa crs o .e to him, 0 Lord, an episcopal chair for abbo~ of St. Benedict s A ey a Des Moines, and the Most Rev., great ocean whose other name ts rulin;; Th:v church and the people com- Atchison, Kan., and the Rt. Rev. Francis J. Monahan, coadjutor peace. mitted to him. Be his authuri_ty, be his Phillip Ruggle, o. S. B., abbot of • h f O d b N y Q t f So Is power, be his strength. ~!ult1p\y upon C t· Abb 1 es- bis op o g ens urg, . . . ues o u . . hlm Thy bl -~sing an,l Thy grace, so oncep ton ey, a so were pr The consecration service and "Such adornments, however, the that b>" Thy girt he may be fitted foe ent. mass took several hours, but the bishop seeks not; his quest is the .tlways oblaming Th~• mercy, a~d _by Coat of Arms. · · th h l ltl th 'fhy grace mav he he faith[ul. 1mposit1.?n of_ e an< s w 1 quest of souls. These he would draw Through our r.or·,1 Jesus Christ, Who I . The coat or a~·ms of the new words Receive the Holy Ghost away from worldlincm; and vanity liveth and 1·cignclh in the unity of one bl9hop, wrought m red, gold and is thP. essential and simple rite by 11 nrl sin and death. To ;iii these he Uod, world without end. green, was especially designed by which the episcopal order is con- would bring the beauty of truth. \Vith regal pomp the procession Pierre Chaignon La Rose of Cam- ferred. \'irt uc and God . of several hundred clergymen and den, Mass., one of the best iconog- Monks' Choir Chant". "He i"I going to a land or bles:.ed laity moved from the Cathedral rec- I raphcrs in the country. It is sym- While a warm December sun traditions. To San Diego long ago tory to the church. Down the aisle bolic of both Bishop Buddy's name streamed in through the windows came Fra. Junipcm ..;en·a. There it proceeded, moving in stately tread and the diocese to which he is as- of the Cathedral sanctuary and the he 11.nd his companions started on toward the sanctuary where the signed. voices of the monks' choir from their WAY, which he made the high- coals of a.rms of Pope Pius and of There are six horizontal stripes the Benedictine Abbey at Concep- , . Bishop Buddy bl11zrd forth from a of the Borromeo court of arms, St. lion, Mo., intoned the Gregorian way of th e King. Every day 8 Jour- background of brilliant red from Charles Borromeo being Bishop chant of the mass and consecration ney he marked by a mission church over the widP. altars. Buddy's baptismal patron. A gold service, the dignitaries of the Cath- until he had reached th e snows of lion on a green background repre- olic church exemplified the ritual at the north. Tabernacle in Red, Gold. sents the arms of the Farrell family, which the new prelate received tho "California is proud of th cse On the main altar the tabernacle to which the bishop's mother be- tangible appurtenances of his office, saintly men; of th e work th ey did was draped in red and gold and longed. The crest also contains an the pectoral cross 1 ring-, mitre. for th e poor I nd ians; a nd of th e there were many poinsettia plants olla, or stewpot, the symbol of San t churches they bu1lded, many of I h . i d" t crozier, sandals. gloves-, t!UC 10 which are still fortunately left for and ferns for f~rt er decoration. Diego (Saint Didicus) to n 1ca e (little skull cap) and gremlal or our admiration. Bishop Buddy may The thfone of his excellency, the his boundless charity, and three apron. well feel gratefuul that San Diego Archbishop_ Glennon, was placed on nails in memory of the Christ. After the consecrator, Bishop Le- cradled the glorious enterprise, and the south side of the sanct_uary and The new bishop's motto is "In Blond, had annointed the head of remained the mother church of that of the consecrator, Bishop Le- Consilio Sanctorum" (in the Assem- the new bishop with oil he offered them all. Blond, on the north. bly of the Saints) and is taken from the following prayer of petition for the Scripture verse, "God, who is G F th J .-1 II As the worshipers walked up the speherd of Christ. May o or • oy,u y. glorified in the assembly o! the the aisle they followed two Boy Sermon by Archbishop. "Thus uniting thP, name and work Scouts, one with the papal flag and Saints." In a scholarly sermon, the Most of the great. Charles with the zeal the other with the American flag. Born on Feast Day. Rev. John J. Glennon, archbishop and courage of th e sons of S t . Fran- They were followed by the graduate Bishop Buddy comes from the of sf.. Louis, declared that Bishop cis, you Charles Francis, may go nurses of St. Joseph's Hospital, diocese of St. Joseph, in the prov- Buddy could have no better exam- forth joyfuily. The city of SL Jos- wearing their uniforms and blue- ince of St. Louis. He was born on plP. to follow than his patron saint, eph you may have to leave behi nd , gray capes thrown back to reveal the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. Charles Borromeo, sixteenth cen- but the protection of S t . Joseph the red lining. The diocese of San Diego is in the tury bishop of Milan. shall st m be wi th you. We pray province of Los Angeles. Hence the St. Charles Borromeo through that as you reach your new home, After this group came the grad- appropriateness of the motto. four centuries has been regarded as with the oriflamme of faith before uating class of the Convent of the At the close of the consecration ,. model bishop, a great reformer you, every step of yours may be on Sacred Heart, in white caps and service, Bishop Buddy bestowed his who would restore all things in the highway of the King and in the gowns; thP graduating- class of the blessing upon the assemblage, first Christ, the St. Louis prelate said. footsteps of the padres." Christian Brothers' Hig-h School in upon the clergy, then upon his rela- The saint was one of three men The text of Archbishop Glennon's gray caps and gowns; the semi- tives and lastly upon the congrega- o! the sixteenth century who be- sermon was "Take Heed to Your- narians and monks in the somber tion. yond all others wrought valiantly selve~, and to the Whole Flock, garb of their various orders; priests The consecration was followed by for God and the Catholic church. Wherein the Holy Ghost Hath in their surplices; the monsignori, a dinner In the crystal room of The other two, ,oald the archbishop, Placed You Bishops, to Rule the rcspl~ndent in the purple-red robes Hotel Robidoux, at which Bishop were Ignatius of Loyola and Philip Church of God, Which He Hath of their rank and the Knights of Buddy was host to the visiting Neri. Purchased With His Own Blood." Columbus, in full uniform, forming clergymen.
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