Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)


Fred Karr Speaks of St. Vincent's His devoted friend~ Fred Karr, who Fred Karr. an a'sodate of Bishop aided him in his cafeteria and whose Buddy in the St. Vincent's Cafeteria counsel rendered distinguished service and Shelter venture, spoke of t. Jo- in the carrying on of this work, was seph's loss and San Diego's gain. De- next mentioned. He also thanked scribing how the Bishop adhered to Chairman Joseph E. Corby, bis life- the rubrics and ritual of the Church, long and devoted friend, for the interest he commented on his spiritual guid- he took in the reception, and for his ance and the number of religious he I advice and counsel. received through had sent into religious Communities. his many years of the priesthood in St. In speaking of bis administrative Joseph. He thanked Bishop L~ Blond for :1is

HONOR BISHOP BUDDY Cro,, d Wishes God-Speed- Purse Presented

Larue b

. Re~_·poudinl( to the time!,· Pa etoi·al ueanng cnaracu~nsLs, ne traced his ca-1 ability, he told how he took care of t~e reer as a little altar boy in the chapel , needs of the poor and dwelt on his presence at the recept10n. remarkrng 01 Bishop Le Blond which was read of the Sacred Heart Convent, as a I labor as a charity worker. Before the that his _kindness and encouragement in all the Catholic Churches of the youth, a student and a priest. "When• federal, state or local government helped him greatly when word came city la st Sunday by the respective pas- ever we look at the pulpit and altar could raise any money, Mr. Karr ex- from Rome like a chalTenge that he tors, CaLholics in large numbers from rail" he declared, "we will remember plained how Bishop Buddy built St. was to be made Bishop. every parish in St. Joseph, as well as ho~ often Father Buddy stood there; Vincent's and served 3,000 meals a He ·thanked St. Joseph's Mayor, many non-Catholics in the city, gath- we will think we can still hear bis day, often giving shelter to ~omP 700 Phil J. Welch, whom he said was a ered Ill th e auditorium of Central High voice saying good things about eter- of the homeless, declaring that in I progressive executive. Bishop Buddy School Sunday afternoon to tender nity." April 96,000 meals were served the ~poke of his labors ~n St. Joseph _as be- ~ishop Charles F. Buddy congratula- Colonel McNeely pictured how we poor. . mg only half done: m fact, be said, the twns and present him a purse as a would miss Father Buddy and how Fa- Bishop Le Blond Speaks surface has just been scratched. token of their Jove and esteem for his "M h th t Id b d I b serYice of twenty-one years as assist- ther Buddy would ~niss us-men :-1nd "It is with deep feeling I extend my uc a ,, cou . e "on_e 1as een women of every faith and denomrna- sincere congratulations for the honor )eft undone,_ be said. fot I must go ant and as pastor of St. Joseph's Ca- mto othei fl Ids" thedral. Bishop Buddy will leave the lion. In featuring his departure, be bestowed upon Bishop Buddy, and it , . . e . . . latter part of January for his new dio- stressed the great lonesome feeling, is difficult for me to speak," Bishop 1 , Bis~op Bud?Y pa!d tI_-1bute to · those cese in San Diego, Cal. because Father Buddy was a great Le Blond declared, saying that words associates with him rn the County A number of personal friends oc- master, a native of St. Joseph, an ideal are inadequate to express one's heart Court, Welf3:re Boa~·d ~nd Commumty citizen, and he endeared himself to all. when a friend speaks to a friend. Chest, devotmg their time to the care cupied places on th e st age, which was He drew a parallel-just as the peo- "Much has been said here about the of t~e PO?r. H~ encouraged th em to attractive wi( h its mulberry drop cur- ple of Cleveland felt in giving up Bish- loss St. Joseph must sustain-about contmue rn canng : 0 r th e poor, for, lain and numerous baskets of poiu- op Le Blond, so the people of St. Jo- the loss of someone we admire and as the poet, Goldsmith, says: settias. In conspicuous places were two large flags-the Parm! and the seph feel about giving up Bishop with whom we hate to part," Bishop 111 fares the land Buddy L Bl cl ·d H I f th l To hastening ills a prey, Stars and Stripes. · e on sai · e spo rn ° e oss ,¥here wealth accumulates, The Bernard Marnell Orchestra Colonel McNeely spoke of the new most keenly felt by the family and And men decay; played several selections while the Bishop's great charity, especially men- the loss deeply felt by the parishloners Princes and lords guests were being seated. tioning in the time of depression the whom he loved and worked wilh con- I ~l;Y /l~uriRh or may fade; Joseph E. Corby, chairman of the establishment of _St. Vince1:t's-a_ sta- tinuing: "Bishop Buddy worked' with But a bold peasantry, Bishop Buddy Fund c ·tt . _ tion of _mercy w~ich stood llke a _llght- me and helped me to carry my bur- Their country's pride, sided at the meeti·ng 0 1mmt e~, Pf1.el house m th_e time of storm; hke a dens," recalling that a city is like a When once destroyed, n a gi ace u d S t F ti B dd h d Can never be supplied. manner he opened tht program sa _ goo . aman an: 'a 1er. u Y s owe person-certain voices we heat·. cer- ,

Bishop Buddy warned against the "red flame" of Communism which has spread in Mexico, Russia and now in against the doctrine being spread in our own country. He referred to the with the people and said: "The love of my heart and my prayers at the Spain, and cautioned his audience twenty-one years of his association the large number of people present, showing their Jove and affection for him, which caused him to realize that this one time he is leaving with joy In conclusion, Bishop Buddy said: "I will not say farewell, but, in the in his heart.

sl!e. When we no

tain figures we

' Y chanty to all, irrespective of race or

ing, in part:

1 "A little over three years aao we creed. held a public reception in the"Audi- longer hear the voice and no longer tion: yet there is another side, if a . But a voice o_f the Maste1: is callmg !,ee the figure, we realize the separa; torium. That occasion was one of ha _ him from the city _by the T~ber where piness for we were welcoming to s1 Augustus once reigned,_ said Colonel man is what he should be-he will T d th· McNeely; fr:om th~ Chall' of St Peter meet new labors, new .duties. new sac- situation is reversed. Our h~a:is ar: Gomes a voice wl11ch ~e_nds him _01_1- rifices will come to face him- that is filled with confused emotions of pride any pnest or any religious rec_eivrng what life is. •he declared. and sorrow in the paying of this trib- such a mandate_ woul~ go forth Joyou_s Bishop Le Blond spok~ of Bishop Joseph our new Bishop. . . . .

Whal a comfort Buddy's labors and. sacrifices-a -part altar will always be with the people our ow~ country still of "our life." He pictured the Golden I of St. Joseph." He also referred to

ute to our former pastor. We are on su?h a II1:ission. proud that Holy Mother, the Church he will be 111 has placed upon his head a mitre, upo~ dwellmg a~ongst us! his breast a cross upon his finaer a Neely declaied. ring, and in his l1and a crozie;-all

Colonel Mc- West. a _land of sunsh~ne and fl~we:s, where Bishop Buddy will spend lus life and carry there the spirit of St. Jo-

SJ?ealu~g of the g~·eat ~,·elcome ~h_at awaits !um m the city by the Pacific, seph.

symbols of the higl offi Yet we are sorrowfu~ in t~:tofro~s on we must be deprived of his leader- ship, his counsel his guidance f B' 1 ~~e.,:

"Has not the city an obligation he is not leaving them in sorrow, but

just as an individual-of planting there

the n_ew

Colonel McNeely spoke of

friends that would _gather round ~im. a cleaner, happier and fine1· spirit of We feel_ that he will wear the miter happiness?" he asked. "Our happiness I

i tinged with selfish sadness,'' the

the ve~t-

"Love is an illogical emotio~ for in of a Bishop . as he wore

a cold analysis we must conclu~le that ments of a p~·1est, an~ his crozier. will Bishop continued, as he congratulated old Anglo Saxon,' love is indePd selfish; were it other- glitter_ as_ a diamond m God's sunllght, Bishop Buddy an~ felicilated him on Good-bye-God be with you. God be wise, 11·e would be completely happy he said m conclus10n, and v.:e know the future that lies before him, _and wilh me-in life and in death. Good• and be singina Te Deums instead f he will be a ~eader a~d _preside over wished him many long ·years of happy bye! " saying one to a~other: 'Ho'w are we g~- )1is ne':" See with_ the digmty of author- labor in his Diocese of San Diego. · Mr. Corby then presented to Bishop ing Lo get along ,dthout Father 1ty wl11ch the Episcopate d_emands. Presents Purse Buddy a white enameled gilt-edged Buddy?' Buddy Family Praised At the close of Bishop Le Blond's booklet faced with gold, which con- "If the Vatican had a procedure in Dr. Daniel Morton was the next/ remarks. Mr. Corby said: I tained the names of all those who do- the s~lection of her Bishops by an- speaker. He said it was right and "Your ExcPllency, with the pride and nated to th e Bishop Buddy Fu. nd · He nounc1ng, _for example, that the choice ' proper that the City of St. Joseph satisfaction which we all feel i!l the was. also handed a bank diaft for for Ihe Bishop of San Diego 11 as be- should gather to say farewell and _God- high honor that our wise mother, the• neatly $ 3 ,~00: . _ tween one Father John Doe and Father I speed to one leaving for other flel~s Church, has bestowed upon one so de- I _on th e• rnside of th .e covei was en_ Charles Buddy. ""' would sign peti- of labor. In speaking of Father ~uddy s serving, we who have been spiritually g1a~ed_ l11s coal of aims and the fol twns, SPnd cablegrams. and en?n dis- promotion in the Church which he and materially enriched by your la- lowmg · , P~t?h a delegatio~ to His Holiness. served so faithfully, Doctor Morton bors amongst us wish to show our His Eic~llency mgmg the select10n of our Father dwelt on his role as a churchman and love and affection for you in present- 'l'he Most Reverend Buddy, and were he not the chosen public-spirited citizen. ing you this purse made up of the Charles Fran('is_ Buddy, D.D... one we 11·ould b · d' t L I h Jf t . D t r . . ' Bishop of San Diego, California e m 1g-nan . et us, For near Y a a cen ury, oc O lovmg donat10ns, large and small, or I ,;t. Jost>ph. :Mo. December 27, 1936 then. smother our sorrow and today Morton said, he enjoyed the honor of your grateful friends." sho,, only our pride in that this honor serving the Buddy family as their fam- . ' ily physician. He described the happy Bishop Buddy Responds has come to one so entirely deservingr family circle and paid a bea~tiful trib· Bishop Buddy, in cassock and fer- 10 one so completely our own." ·, ute to the parents in particular and riola. the civic attire of his new office, · 'l'he local Council will give a fare· At the close of his introductory re- the family in general. Nor were the spoke. He was deeply affected and well banquet for Bishop Charles F. marks, i\Ir. Corby called on Phil departed daughters forgotten, for be as he responded tears bedimmed the Buddy' Sunday evening, Jan. 24, at \\'elch. St. Joseph's young Mayor, who gave a personal appreciation of the eyes of many admiring friends, as well Hotel Robidoux, . at which the mem- ,!xpressed his great pleasure at seeing late Sister Loretto, a former dean of as his own. bers and their ladies will be present. Bishop Buddy's elevation to the Epis- St. Mary's College, and :Miss Helen "I thought I could handle this situa- The committee in charge of arrange- copate, declaring it was an evidence Buddy, who preceded her mother m tion," h~ said. "but only your great ments for. the banquet will hold a of his great ability. He expressed hi death by a few months. Sister Mary loving hearts can know the emotions meeting at the Council rooms Monday, sorrow at bis departure, because he· 11agdalyn, former dean of St. Mary's that fill my heart." Jan. 4. to make final plans for the I had seen Bishop Buddy grow from boy- College, and at present Superior of He did not trust himself to try and occasion. Francis Smith is chairman hood lO manhood. becoming one of stJ Sacred Heart Academy at . Ogden, express his love and gratitude, but of this committee and the other mem- Joseph's leading citizens. Emphasiz~'j and other members of the family were wished the whole world could have bers are Joseph J. Komer, F. J. Mur- ing that his personality and ready- complimented. heard this tribute of loyalty and affec- ray, Joseph Riordan, Charles J. Buss- smile endeared him to old and young; Tracing the career of ~harl~s F!·an- tion, so typical of the spirit of St. jaeger, M. F. Fogarty, Edward A. alike, :vrayor Welch told of the great cis Buddy as a child, with his htt;e Joseph. Thomson, Joseph E. Corby, J. J. Mc- part Bishop Buddy took in municipal. altar erected in his _h?me, he J?a~d Bishop Buddy then paid a tribute to Guire, M. M. Conway, '_Villiam Weipei:t, I affairs and declared that the city- tribute to him as a rehg10us and civic bis old friend and legal adviser, Col. , Joseph J. Hruby, W!lltam J. McGrnms "·ould miss him. But, although His Ex-- leader, and told how h~ and Fa~her John D. Mc eely, who, on Bishop and. ]f. J. Staedtler. cellency will be away from the city- Buddy worked together m the varwus Buddy's recommendation, assisted entering upon a new life, bis spirit wilt. social agencies. Explainil:g t?at a_s a many a person in trouble. still remain with us. man a priest and a humamtanan Bish- He thanked Doctor Morton for his Col John D McNeely op Buddy had abiding faith in God tribute to the Buddy family, both those The }fast _Rev. S:harles F. Bu?-dY, · · and St Vincent working shoulder to present and those departed. :·ecent!Y or?amed Bishop of San Diego . _Col. John D. )IcNeely, a Jifp-long;- should~r with Catholic and non-Cath- m Cahforma, was a gue,a at the col- t nend of ~harles Buddy, Father oli whenever good was to be done. lege Jan. 12. The Bishop celebrated Buddy and Bishop Buddy, spoke of the- c :\-lass in the Chapel of the Annuncia- humility of the ne1Y prelate and com- tion Tuesday morning. Tue~day after- mented on his intellectual gifta. noon at 2 o'clock an informal recep- Speaking of his distinguished and en-,- tion was held in the social room. language of the

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