Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)

CHARITY APOSTLE. ful career of Bi hop John 'Vard, known for hi· greatness of mind and kindness of manner. He inaugurated Catholic high sehool::; and promoted Cliri ·tian education. •·My dear friends. you are witnes es I that , ·bile each one of his predeces– sors completed au effective program according to the plan of the Almighty, Bishop Johannes by a life of personal sanctity and progressive achievement measured up to each and to all. ''The very motto ,on !tis coat of arms 'Deo Servare Regnare E.:;t'-to serve God is to reign-indicated the motive of his regime. Be it said to the honor of the Catholicity of Leav– enworth that priests and people tool, up the note of their bishop's zeal. The sons of Ignatius and the sons of St. I Benedict, Franciscans. Carmelites. Au– gustinians, the great religious orders, ~ 1e bulwarks of the Kingdom of Christ n earth-the Sisters of Charity, Bene– ictine Sisters of St. Scholastica's, isters of S>t. Francis, Ursulines, Sis– ers of St. Joseph, Oblates, and Sisters ervauts of l\1ary-all worlced hand in hand with the secular clergy for the glory of God and the sal\•ation of souls. letting their lights shine that the people seeing might _glorify their Father in Heaven. "It is not necessary to recount the material monuments that follow Bish– op Johannes, the schools and churches erected under his direction, for these are but corollaries of a fervent apos– tolate. Like St. Paul he was all things to all men. but the orphans, the poor, the halt and t11e lame will grieve most at his passing. "It is trne that the Ward High School with its splendid cnrriculum and its enrollment of six hundred stu– dents: the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine· the organization of the Prop– agation 'of the Faith with its far reaching parish branches, to extend the Kingdom of God on earth, these are indeed enduring works. There are generations still unborn who ~ill , thank God for the fervent promotion I by Bishop Johannes of the Sodalities of the Blessed Virgin Mary to protect the Faith and morals of the young ' and to foster devotion in the acad– emies and high schools of the diocese. "But greatest of all is the deceased prelate's immortal apostolate of_ the l poor by establishing in every pansh a conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Already we pray he has mer– ited to hear from the Saviour 'I was hungry and you gave me to cat, I was thirsty and you gave me to drink, \ naked and you clothed me, a stranger and you took me in.' \Vhile other I shepherds of Leavenworth may be known as pioneer organizer, exe~utive, educator, Bishop Johannes will be hailed as the apostle of charity, and in this he harmonized all the clements of his vast diocese. "J\fy dear sorrowing people, men die, but the Church lives on. She lives in the hearts of loving, loyal children. Bishop Johannes is dead, but the in– fluence of his life still Jives and throbs to increase your Faith and to warm vour hearts with love for Jesus Christ. · "And so dear Bishop Johannes, hero of my youth, and inspiration of later years, my devoted friend, farewell. In our own halting way we have tried to imitate the consoling messages by which in your day you lifted the hearts of thousands in affliction. "For me and for many a priest you have pointed a better way-solving our difficulties gently leading us along the path of the Cross. "Your consecrated hands have re– laxed their hold upon the Crosier and are now folded in prayer, significant of the rest you deserve so well. The miter has been lifted from your brow and in its place you are crowned anew with the dual coronet of suffer– ing and victory WOil. Your gold pec– toral cross and your episcopal ring have lost none of their lustre and the virtues symbolized in your life by II these jewels will shine as the stars for all eternity. "While we an confident that not death but life eternal has claimed you, yet Holy Mother Church bids us to pray for you. May our glorious St. Patrick, whose feast day you always honored receive you at your coming. May the Poor Man of Assisi with the thousands of your flocks who have gone before us, greet you at the port– als of Heavell. May the Immaculate l\Iother of Goel who cherishes eYery ferYent recitati9n of your soul stirring Hail Mary, may She, the Queell of I Apostles, lead you to the vision of · God."


TRIBUTE TO BISHOP JOHANNES I The procession from the Cathedral

Leavenworth Cathedral Scene of Notable Trib-

to the cemetery was several ~locks long and brought a large port10n of religious and nuns 1 who had attended the Mass. Due to the little_ burial grounds, only a small group witnessed the last services at the grave per- ,, the clergy and I; limited space in the

ute to Ordinary Who Served Diocese

Only Nine years.


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At the conclusion of the office, the formed by Bishop Buddy. The pro– to the balcony and I cession entered the grounds through Archbishop Glennon began the Mass. the south road and passed the chapel, Assisting him were: Father Anthony where Bishop Johannes had presided Dornseifer of Kansas City, Kas., I at many ceremonies, before wending archpriest; Father Andrew Grootaers, its way down the winding road to the of St. Joseph of the Valley church last resting place on the extreme near Leavenworth, deacon of the north side of the grounds. Sisters Mass; Father Brocard A. Koehler, O. and students lined every foot of the Carm., of Leavenworth, subdeacon; roadway. Father Gerard Heinz, O.S.B., prior

H art Att ck I F t I t P I t a 5 a a O Who Was in Midst of Active Career. Bishops of Middle West and Three Dioceses Honor Him as Priest and Leader. e

re a e choir removed

In the presence of fifteen bishops, of St. Benedict's Abbey, Atchison, and 150 priests, 200 nuns, and a crowd of Father Matthew Germing, S.J., presi– laity from all parts of his diocese as dent of St. Mary's Jesuit Theological well as the St. Joseph Diocese from Seminary, St. Marys, Kas., deacons which he came, Bishop Francis of honor; and Fathers Egbert Hall, Johannes, fifth bishop of Leaven- O.S.B., and Father Matthew Hall, worth, was buried from his Cathedral O.S.B., both of St. Benedict's Abbery, Wednesday morning. masters of ceremonies. The bishop, ill since the first of Bishop Buddy, like Bishop Johan- October, died Saturday morning in St. nes, a boy of Immaculate Conception Joseph's Hospital, Denver, Colo., of a parish, St. Joseph, and who grew heart attack. Msgr. Patrick Mclnerney to manhood th~re while Bishop Jo– of Topeka, his vicar general, was with hannes was assistant and ~astor, de-, him at the hour of death. livered the serr_non. He said he hii;d The body was returned to Kansas looked up to Bishop Johannes as. his I City Kas. Monday afternoon and I hero when he was a boy, was gmded lay in stat~ ill St. Peter's church un- 1 by his advice as a priest, and in more I ti! Tuesday morning when a Pontifical I recent y~ars had. considered him as Requiem Mass was celebrated by one qf !us best fnen~s. Bishop Thomas F. Lillis of Kansas He referred to Bishop Johannes' City former bishop of Leavenworth short but notable career as a bishop and 'a close friend of the late prelate. but emphasized particularly his priest- Tuesday afternoon, the remaills ly qualities which made him admired were removed to Leavenworth and lay by both clergy and laity of St. Jo– in state in the Cathedral until. the seph. funeral Mass at which Archbishop John The day being the feat of St. Pat– J. Glennon of St. Louis pontificated rick, Bishop Buddy concluded with and officiated at the absolution for I the remark: "May our glorious St. the dead. I Patrick receive you at your c?ming Practically all the priests of th and may the poor man of Assisi to-1 Leavenworth Diocese were present t get~er. with so many of your former the funeral. In addition, there we e pansln~.ners greet your arrival in large numbers of priests from the hea!"en. . Joseph Diocese the Kansas City Di Bishop Buddy stated that Bishop cese and a Jes;er number from oth Johannes, in his youth, bad tasted nea/by dioceses. All of the religio poverty and . privation i~ a home orders of men and women in the d" where the hght of Faith burned cese were represented. brightly und_er the inspiration of his The laity came principally f good and v1rtuo°:s parents. Kansas City, Kas., and Leavellw r At the ~oncluswn of the ser~on, but they also came in numbers r m th e absol~tion for the 'dead was. given other places, particularly fro t. b~ Arch.bishop Glennon and Bishops Joseph where the bishop serve l in Lillis, Tief, Schw~rtner, and 1:"eB!ond. one parish for thirty-two years d The last. absolution f(?r a bishop is from Marysville, Kas., where !he al ways given by.five bishops. who a1:e served as pastor during the ye Jthe ~eated sun-oundmg the coffm. This was coadjutor to the late Bishop hn· 1~ a CUS t 01;ll that. has been practiced Ward. Many a cheek weather eite s~nce mecheval ~imes at funerals of ::;y ,, o1 l.;. in the fic!,h; Y, ~s ~ee.n,iill Uw bishop~. Sometimes the same cere– crowd showing that the rural sec- mony _is used at the funeral of a tions realized how much concerned Ca th ohc ruler but _neve~ for priests. Bishop Johannes was in their welfare. . The celebrant (m this case Ar_ch- The Cathedral, built nearly three- i1;1hop Glennon) was seated facmg quarters of a century ago by the first aJJ;ar a nd a_t the foot. of the cas- . 1 - f I{ B' h J h t.

Moines, Louis B. Kucera of Lincoln, Nebr., Christopher E. Byrne of Gal- veston, and Christian H. Winkelman, auxiliary bishnn nf S!: Louis.

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