Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)

_,_ Impressive Figure in Vestments.

"In hi day and journey to Leavenwort1l to-1 to his eternal reward, he will haYe the prayers of the people and the prie::,ts and the religious of the LeaYenworth Diocese. He was de-, -voted to all of you. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace." Assisting at the Mass were: Father Anthony Dornseifer of Holy Name parish in the Rosedale district and the oldest pastor in either Kansas City in point of service, a:rchpriest; Father John Grudzinski of St. Jo– seph's parish and Father Eugene I. j Dekat of Blessed Sacrament parish. deacons of honor; Father Florian Briede, O.F.M., of St. Anthony's par– ish, deacon of the Mass; Father Isa– dore Smith, O.S.B., of St. Benedict's. subdeacon; Father John O'Connor, of Osawatomie, Kas .. and Father Charles Stimac of St. John the Baptist parish, masters of ceremonies; Father Stan– islaus Loncaric and Father William Landwehr, acolytes; Father Alexan– der Harvey, censer bearer; Father Bernard Schraeder, mitre bearer; Fa• ther Joseph McManus, book bearer: Father Daniel Gnidica, O.S.B., and Father De Paul Holzmeister, O.F.M., leaders of the office. Among the clergy present were the following. Monsignors Patrick M<'In– erney of Topeka, former vicar gen– eral and now administrator of the Leavenworth Diocese; William Keu– enhof, cha.ncelior of the Kansas City Diocese; James J. McCaffrey, rector of the Kansas City Cathedral and vicar general; Adolph J. Doman of Paola; John P. McKenna of St. Thomas' parish, president of Ward High School; John W. Keyes of St. James' parish; Cornelius M. Scanlan of St. Stephen's parish, James N. V. McKay of St. Peter's parish, Kansas City, and M. D. Tierney of Annunci– ation parish. A large portion of the church was occupied by nuns of several com– munities, by Boy Scouts, fourth de– gree members of the Knights of Co– lumbus and lay leaders and friends of the late bishop. Mayor Don C. Mccombs and other city officials were present. Students of Ward High School and nurses of Providence Hos– pital also attended in groups.

PONTIFICAL MASS IN ST. PETER'S Bishop Lillis Officiates and Preaches in Kansas City, Kas., Church. Asks People to Pray for Bishop Johannes, Who Prayed for Them Daily. Nearly 100 priests representing all parts of the Leavenworth Diocese, the Kansas City Diocese, and the St. Joseph Diocese, attended the Ponti– fical Requiem services for Bishop Francis Johannes in St. Peter's church, Kansas City, Kas ., Tuesday morning. Bishop Thomas F. Lillis of Kansas City, himself a former bishop of the Leavenworth Diocese, was celebrant of the Mass and the absolution for the dead and also delivered the ser– mon. The large crowd of clergy and people were present, said Bishop Lil– lis, to pray for the repose of the soul of Bishop Johannes who spent many hours every day of his life in the episcopacy praying for the priests and people of his diocese. 1 "We are here to pay a tribute of respect to our father, our friend. His life assures us that he will have a reward in heaven because of his services here and in the diocese of St. Joseph, Mo. I "It is not yet ten years ago when we assembled in the joyous and happy occasion to witness his consecration. The people of St. Joseph had their joy mixed with sorrow on that day for they were losing a priest whom they all looked upon as a kind father and as one that they could always depend on. "The people of the Leavenworth Diocese were rejoicing. He came to Leavenworth, to this diocese, to spend himself for the people intrusted to his care." Bishop Lillis told of the pledges taken by Bishop Johannes on the day of his consecration, the pledge of loyalty to the Holy See, the pledge to preach the Gospel, and the pledge to safeguard the faith of all the peo– ple under his charge and to care for the orphans and the poor. "The voice that made those promises is silent I today. He made a vow that he would, so far as possible, carry out the mandates and epistles of the Holy See. And the one that authorized that ceremony is stlll amon~ the living and reignin~ as the ,,, tstand– mg citizen of the world-.t'iub X.l. He gave authority for that ceremony I ten years ago and, if he were only well enough to receive the word from the Leavenworth Diocese, his symp– athy would be with the diocese this j morning because its shepherd has passed away. Bishop Lillis said Bishop Johannes attended every one of the meetings of the bishops of this province (Mis– souri and Kansas) since he had be– come bishop. "We are here this morning because of a sacred privilege that Is ours– to remember those, that have fallen fa our prayers. This bishop of ours'. , when he interpreted the laws and ' spent many hours in our behalf, also I devoted many hours of his twenty– four every day to prayer, prayers for the Church, prayers for his priests, J prayers for his people. He prayed I for the living and for the dead. We 1 are going to take advantage of the same privilege and we are going to pray for him. "As a priest of the St. Joseph Di– ocese, he was looked upon as a most gentle and pious priest. We accepted I him and we found that he was always true to those promises he made on the day of his consecration." Bishop Lillis told of visiting Bishop Johannes in St. Margaret's Hospital last fall and in the early winter and spoke of his resignation to the will of God. "His funeral tomorrow in the Leav– enworth Cathedral will take place on the thirty-third anniversary of the death of the beloved Bishop Louis M. Fink of this -diocese. Bishop Fink ·was buried from the Cathedral and iu the cemetery of the Sisters of Charity. In the same cemetery. be– loved Bishop Ward was burled. After the Mass tomorrow, Bishop Johannes will be taken out and buried along- n f thn QA nt

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Bishop Johannes in his episcopal vestments was al ways a striking figure. He is shown here dedicating th church at Shawnee, Kas., assisted by Father Anthony Dornseif er of Holy Name parish, Rosedale. This wee¥ Father Dornseifer acted as presbyter assistant at twq successive Pontifical Requiem Masses for the funeral o the bishop.-Catholic Register Photos.

Five Bishops of Province Conduct Last Rites.

The final absolution ceremony over the casket of Bishop J ohannes as it stood in the sanctuary of the Leavenwor th Cathedral Wednesday morning. Bishop Thomas F. Lillis of Kansas City and Bishop F rancis J. Tief of Concordia, two pf the five bishops who offici ated, are shown seated near the casket. Archbishop John J. Glennon of St . Louis was celebrant and the other bishops were: Bishop Charles H. LeBlond of St. Joseph and Bishop Christian Winkelmann of St. Louis.-Catholic Register Photos

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