Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)

C. Do you believe, according to your understanding and the capacity of your mind, in the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Gho t, one God Almighty and the whole God- head, in the Holy Trinity coe sential, consubstantial, coeternal, and co-omnipotent, of one will, power and majesty, the Creator of all creatures, by Whom are all things, through Whom are all things, and in Whom are all things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, corporeal and spiritual? R. I assent and do o believe. C. Do you believe each single Person of the Holy Trinity 1s one God, true, full, and perfect? R. I do believe. C. Do you believe in the Son of God, the Word of God eternally begotten of the Father, consubstantial, co-omnipotent, and coequal in all things lo the Father in divinity, born in time of the Holy Ghost from Mary ever Virgin, with a rational soul, having two nativities, one eternal from the Father, the other tem- poral from the Mother, true God and true Man, proper and perfect in both natures, not the adopted nor the fantastic, but the sole and only Son of God in two natures and of two natures, but in the singlene of one person, incapable of sufferings, and immortal in His divinity, but Who in His humanity sufiered for u and for our salvation, with real sufiering of the flesh, and was buried, and, rising on the third day from the dead with a true resurrection of flesh, on the fortieth day after resurrection, with the flesh wherein He rose and with His Soul, ascended into Heaven and sitteth at the right hand of the Father, thence to come to judge the living and the dead, and Lo render to everyone according to his works as they shall have been good or bad? R. I assent and so in all things do I believe. C. Do you believe al o in the Holy Ghost full and perfect and true God, proceeding from the Father and the Son, coequal and coessential, co-omnipotent and coeternal in all things with the Father and the Son? R. I believe. C. Do you believe that this Holy Trinity is not three Gods, but one God, almighty, eternal, invisible and unchangeable? R. I believe. C. Do you believe that the Holy Catholic and Apostolic 10

Church is the one true Church in which there i but one true baptism and the true remis ion of all sins? R. I believe. C. Do you also anathematize every here y that hall arise against this Holy Catholic Church? R. I do anathematize it. C. Do you believe al o in true resurrection of this same fie h of yours, and in life everlasting? R. I do believe. C. Do you believe also that God and the Lord Almighty is the sole Author of the New and Old Testaments, of the Law, and of the Prophets, and of the Apostles? R. I do believe. Afterwards the Consecrator says: - ~l AY this faith be increased in thee, by the Lord, unto true and eternal happine , dearest brother in Christ. All answer: Amen. The examination being futished, the aforesaid assistant bishops lead the Bishop-elect to the Consecrator, whose hand is reverently kissed by the Bishop-elect, kneeling. Then the Consecrator, laying aside his mitre, and tm·ning toward the altar with the ministers, begins the Mass, saying in the usual manner the Confession. The Bishop-elect remaining at his left hand, and the assistant bishops, standing before their seats, say in like manner the Confession, \\ith their chaplains. The Mass The celebrant, standing at the foot of the altar-steps, and signing himself with the sign of the Holy Ct•oss, begins, the other ministers responding: - gN the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. C. I will go to the altar of God. R. To God Who giveth joy to my youth. Psalm 42 C. Judge me. 0 God, and distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy; deliver me from the unjust and deceitful man. R. For Thou art God my strength; why hast Thou cast me off? and why do I go sorrowful whilst the enemy affiicteth me? 11

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