Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)


jiis :&cellenc9 'The (\osl f\,eJerend Charles _rluberl ~l3lond,<]_q) J3ishop of SI .Joseph cordiall9 re9uesls !he honor of 9our presence al !he formal f-\.eceplion in hon~r of ji1s :&cellenc9 'The (losl f\,eJerend 0mlelo qioJanni Cico3m,.ni ,<] <] _ 0rchbishop of ~odicea 0poslolic COelegale lo !he 4,niled Slales of 0merica in 2)1 Joseph's Calhedral 2)ljoseph.(\issouri al lhree o'clock !he aflernoon of Sunda9 ,COecember lu.lenlielh One lhousand nine hundred lhirl9-s1?{ 2)olemn ponlifica.l l)enediclion of \he (\osl ,Blessed 2)0.cramenl jiis l:3cellenc9 The (losl f\,eJerend John Joseph Canlu.lell ,<] CD. 0rchb1shop of lss 0ngeles Officialing

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