Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)

Bishop Buddy Enthroned


Ami Colorful Setting

r~•• 11

/Cent nu,d from 1 mander 1s the Pontiff in the Vati- cathedral. where those who could ' can followed the first part of the not obtain places inside followed program, including the eloquent

-- ----

a better and a happier San Diego." The archbishop deli\'ered his

the audible part of the ceremony sermon of Archbishop Cantwell, ritual leading up to the enthrone- through a broadcast over station 1 .ent o Bishop Buddy could not loud speaker system through a

begin to convey its impressiveness. sermon from notes, finishing his

there was a religious quiet, broken KFSD. only by the strains of Georgian

addre s about an hour after the

As early as 9 o'clock this morn- Words are not equal to music.

lights and color combined to make ceremony began.

sung by the many-voiced choir ing knots of people had begun

Responds Wfth Greeting Bishop Buddy followed him in

Thousands o! others in clustering around the doors of the a glorious picture.


Climax of the pageantry came

the religious army whose com- Cathedral and along the Beach-st

side, which was decorated with when Archbishop Cantwell led he pulpit, responding to the ser– white and gold Papal flags. Ad- Bishop Buddy to the throne which mon which was largely a greeting mission, however, was by ticket the latter will henceforth occupy to him and an expression of confi- only and scores had to be con- as supreme teacher in his diocese clence in the manner in which he tent with hearing the ceremony and placed in his hands the cro- would fill his new seat. He spoke through the loud speakers. z.ier of st. Didacus, symbol of his extemporanf?usly, his forceful de- All See Procession spiritual sovereignty over the cler- ll_v~ry and hts w~rds bot~ e~pha- Everyone who went to the ca- gy and laity of his diocese. , s1zmg the quallt~es of kmdlmess, thedral saw all the participants in 'F th and Shepherd' der~mtness and smcenty that were . a er . . so instantly recogruzed by those th e ceremony dming th e proces- Earlier, Very Rev. Vl1lliatn P. who e,-reeted him on his arrival sion from the rectory and the St. Kelly. 0. s. A., had read from the here yesterday from his native St. Joseph's School hall where th e puplit the Papal Bull creating the JoS""h, Mo., where he won nation- clergy donned the yellow and · ..,., white vestments worn in honor ranking prelate of San Diego a al renown through his work in aid of St. Didacus, patron saint of San bishop. Dated at the Vatican Oct. of depression sufferers. Diego. 31, 1936, t)1e Bull named Bishop Those in the audience unaware From beginning to end the pro- Buddy "father and shepherd" .of of Bishop Buddy's linguistic gifts gram as outlined in previous stories the souls in his newly created d10- were surprised when, at the con– in The sun was followed on sched- cese. Another Papal Bull creating clusion of his remarks in English, ule, every step being taken with the Diocese of San Diego was pro- he ru:ked permission to say a few precision. The smoothness with mulgated in Los Angeles at the words to his Mexican friends in which each participant filled his time of its issuance by Archbishop the gatherL.,gs in Spanish. Finally, Cantwell. he spoke briefly in Italian. appointed part showed the wisdom At the conclusion of the reading Dons New Robe of th e weeks of rehearsals directed of the Bull the "Te Deum Lau- Returning to his throne from by Msgr. John ! ~. Hegarty, V. F., d ., d th e th 1 ·t B' h B dd d' rector of the catpedral which I amus was sung an . en ca'.n . e i:;u ::n . 1s op u y was 1- henceforth is formally Bishop the e~thr?nement, during wl;t~? vested of his bishop's robes by his Buddy's episcopal seat. the A1ch~1Sh~p and Bishop '\\o.e ceremonial attendants, who placed As the procession, led by the over t~en: light purple cappas upon hi,; shoulders the white and lowliest in rank and closed by the shoulder pieces of ermm~. red amictus and a bishop's ca- . . · . . . Clergy Pledge Obedience sula. a nd Alchbishop, filed mto Installed upon his throne the Clad in these vestments, Bishop th ~ ca th ~dral th rough th e clo~e- new bishop received the obedience I Buddy was led to the altar where P~~ked ianks _of th ose. clu st ered of the clergy of his diocese who he celebrated pontifical mass with ar?~d th e front entrai;1ce, th e filed up to the throne, knelt and pontificial assistants. At i.he con– strams.of Ecce Sacerdos filled the kissed the bishop's ring. signifying clusion of the mass he pronounced ca th edral. their acceptance of him as their the papal blessing upon the gath- Guards Take Posts teacher and leader. ering. As a guard of honor to the Bish- Bishop BucldY, in a strong, clear That act was the second high- op and Archbishop, a delegation voice, then read a brief prayer light of the ceremony. It was fol– of Fourth Degree Knights of Co- from the throne. lowed by further ritual before the lumbus paced the aisle beside the Archbishop Cantwell then rose gathering filed out of the church procession of clergy. Before reach- from the throne at the right hand as the organ plaved Theodore Du– ing the altar rail the guards side of the altar-a chair placed bois' "Fiat Lux." paused, took up positions on either there only temporarily for the pur- Th;,uks for CTreeting side of the main aisle and the pose of today's ceremony-and In his brief address from the procession moved majestically moved to the pulpit whence he de- Dulpit. Bishop Buddy disclosed through their ranks. They stood livered his sermon. th~t he is a gift.ed orntor. After rigid, with swords raised at the sa- 'Teacacr and Leader' telling of the awe and gratitude lute, two standard bearers holding I As reported elsewhere in these with which he had been filled by the K. of C. flag and the Stars columns, he referred in graceful the enthronement r:eremony and and Stripes motionless. phrases to the "ecclesiastical dis- urofessin~ fa!th in the future spir- When the last of the procession tinction" conferred upon San Di- itual progress of the members of had passed through the altar rail ego by its selection as a bishop's his diocese, he exore~sed thanks into the sanctuary the guards took seat and spoke in glowing terms of for the warmth of the welcome ac– places reserved for them in pews Bishop Buddy-"a bishop of your cerded him in California by every– at the front of the cathedral. own"-"a priest prndent and body with whom 1'P has rrnne iP Ranged with them were the sevan faithful whose unselfish labors contact "from the Metropolitan of bishops who came here from other have reloiced the Church of God'' Lo1< Angeles (Archbi::;hop Cant– cities to attend the ceremony, and ... who "comes to be a teacher well) to the humblest layman." Albert V. Mayrhofer in the white and a leader" ... ''to play a man's "The only way I know how to cape of a Knight Commander of part in the social and civic better- govern," he .,rid, "is by the law of the Holy Sepulchre. ment of this conununity and in charity an~ by tlwt r;,reatcs;t of A description of the intricate every activity that will maJ;:e !or all laws: 'Love one another.' Let


ST. JOSEPH'S FOR SERVICE Devout Hush Grips Follow– ers Listening To Words A bright new page was em• blazoned upon the history of tlie Roman Catholic Chnrcit in California today when the Rev. Charles Fra~cis Buddy, D.D., was installed as first bishop of the newly-created Diocese of San Diego before a rapt gathering tacle signaliz– ing Bishop Buddy's eleva– tion to spiri– tual leader– ship of a 11 Catholics in San Diego, Imperial, ldl~~,,,;.:=;;:.:;.:w Riverside and San Bernardino counties was fi deeply moving one. Participa- 1 tion of Archbishop John J. Cant-– well, D. D., archbishop of Los Angeles, of which the Diocese ot San Diego becomes a Suffragan See, and the presence in the Ca- Additional pictures on Page 5. thedral of seven bishops and many other high dignitaries of Mother I Church lent tremendous impress– iveness to the enthronement cere• mony. Throughout the two hours or colorful pageantry - from 10 :30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m.-all the ele– ments creating an atmosphere or pomp, of which the church has gained such consummate masterv during the centuries, were blended with supreme artistry. Music, per– fume, colored lights, brilliant vest– ments and sonorous Latin phrases combined to create and sustain an air of solemnity and religious devoutness. Not a sound, not even a whisper, broke the hush in which the throng of worshipers followed every word and motion of ths ritual that has not altered since the first Catholic bishops were sent out from Rome as supreme teachers of their faith 1900 years ago. Even in the street outside the Turn to Page 5, Col. S. Of Archbishop By NED MORRIS which crowd– ed St. Joseph's Cathedral to the doors. The spec–

this be the charter of the bi-lat– eral contrast we make this morn– ing. This cathedral is no cold court of legislation and statutes; it i is a temple of Christ, who suffer– ed that we might live." Then, after a dramatically ef– fective, lengthy pause. the Bishop j raised the hand bearing his bish– op's ring and, holding it turned towards those in the pews. said: "Sooner or later the ri,1g that encircles this finger will en::ircl" dust and ashes.... L2t us do good whilst we have time."

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