Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)

be w nttng to you. H wil sus- t, m you in the Etrrnul Arms and the Li ht of His Spirit will guide youi· feet; and His servant, San Diego, whose name is upon this c·ty and is t e property of this Dwcc>

AR I G SOU DED 0 COM UNIS BY BISHOP C. FI BUDDY In Farewell Message to City He Points to Conditions in Foreign Lands. RECEPTION FOR PRELATE ATTENDED BY THRONG

li rien<1 to AlL "He has been a friend to B.ll, re- i;ardless o! color or creed. He has given his time unselfishly to public ervice. An outstanding citizen, a man of great personality, he shall indeed be missed by the people of St. Joseph,'' said the mayor, Colonel :Mc. ·eely, who has known Bishop Buddy since boyhood, em- phasized the humility of the new bishop, and said that the people of St. Joseph now are aware of what the people of Cleveland went through when Bishop LeBlond was transferred from that city to this. I He t~ld of Bishop B_uddy's w~rk in St. Vincent's cafeteria, and said:

or of the •·status quo" or that easy policy of leaving well enough alone No studenL of history will deny that the Church has been I the strvnNf t rhampion of the well being of the worker. There is no I body on earth that has so persis- tently insisted on the inalienable system that does not violate the rights of justice. The Church is in this world but is not of this world. To think so would be to harbor a delusion as carnal as that of the Jews who desideratecl a Messiah to restore the ancient splendors of Sion. The Church was not founded to solve unem- ployment or to regulate the cur- rency crisis any more than she ex- ist.s to achieve success in litera- ture, in art, or drama, or music. Her ethical teaching, her rich and I varied life, will find expression in ways economic and artistic. She exists to bring to the world that peace of Christ which surpasses all understanding. Her real suc- cesses are regarded not in the wealth of nations but in the sane- I tification and salvation of souls for whom Christ died. Oh, that someone had a voice so strong that it be heard by the multitudes-avoice with a power that would turn men's minds from the ephemeral trifles of politics and business and pleasure to 1 Christ, even as Elias spoke of old: ·'Hear all ye heavens and hear all ye earth, for the Lord ha• sp, 1 ken. I have brought up childrer; and I have exalted them, and they have despised me. The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master, but Israel has not known me and my I people have not understoocl." You, my dear friends, Catholics and Protestants, have a share in I molding public opinion unto bet- ter things. You have a part in guiding the destiny of our nation. Today a new leader has risen up among you. You must sustain his arms even as his companions lifted up the arms of Moses while the I Israelites fought in the plains be- low. You of the laity can help to bring back a forgotten God to His own people. You can be exemplars of high thinking and noble living, The task is yours, men and women. We priests, like the Levites of old, are not numbered among the tribes of Israel. Our work is done apart. They will listen to you when they will not listen to us. Laity's Help Invoked Most Reverend and dear Bishop, too~y for the first time you grasp the crozier of St. Didacus. May it be a support to you unto many years and happy days. Men of God-some veterans in the Army of Christ - have pledged to you their reverence and their obedi-

came, when



men, women lost heart, and when many were going Six Civic Leaders Laud New hungry, Bishop Buddy did not wait Bishop for His Work in !or g_overnment.. ~e knew no sec- retar1an or rellg10us bounds or St. Joseph. frontiers. That mission that he es- tablished stood like a lighthouse in and children

time of storm."

In a touching farewell to the peo- pie of the city he has se1·ved for twenty-two years as a ssistant pas- tor and later as rector of St. J os- eph's Cathedral, Bishop Charles F. Buddy, consecrated a week ago as

Prai.sed by Physician.

For nearly half a century the physician of the Buddy family, Dr. Daniel Morton spoke of the beauty of the home life of the bishop and

told of the members of the family. the first bishop of the diocese of He also dwelt on the bishop's early interest in humanitarian problems. San Diego, Cal., warned yesterday "For the city of st. Joseph, I am against the insidious dangers of I communism. I Catholics and non-Catholics alike tilled the auditorium of Centrnl a witness to the fact that he has been a benediction to thousands of our citizens to whom the road of life was rough and wearisome, and blocked by overwhelming disaster,'' said Doctor Morton.

! High School yesterday afternoon for \ the reception at which six civic I leaders, including Mayor Phil J. Welch, lauded the new bishop for his work along religious, charitable and civic lines. Gift of ];'urse Presented. Joseph E. Corby, who presided, on behalf of the members of the Ca- thedral parish, presented Bishop Buddy with a purse as a token of their esteem. "Although I shall be far away, my thoughts and p1:ayers shall al- ways be with the people of St. Jos- eph," said Bishop Buddy. ( . "I shall not bid farew!lll, but shall use the Anglo-Saxon term 'goodby,' which means God be with you." t Points to Foreign Nations. In his warning a$ainst commu- [ ni&m, Bishop Buddy.pointed to con- j ditions in Russia, Mexico and Spain. "In those lands the red flame of communism has burst out among many unsuspecting people. Let us 1 not be unprepared against its dan- gers," the bishop said. · The communist movement today has in America paid propagandists to spread its tenets among the peo- ple of this nation In an effort to

"It is my belief that the most ac- ceptable service that one can ren- der God is doing good to one's fel- lowman. Bishop Buddy went about doing good. Does that not compass it all? Can I 5ay anything better than that about him? Quotes Apostolic Secretary. "And now I am su1·e that I voice the sentiments of all when I bid Bishop Buddy goodby in the beauti- ful language of that old apostolic secretary to Pope Boniface IX, Francesco Giovanni: " 'And so at this Christmas time T greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem, and with the prayer for you now and forever that the day breaks and the shadows flee A.Way. 1 " Declaring that Bishop Buddy is rminently fitted for the new post l'or which he has been chosen, Fred Kal'l', who worked hand in hand with the prelate in the operation of St. Vincent's cafeteria ,said that iL ,s the poo1· and lhe m fortunate of

this city who will miss Bishop

tear down all that is good, right and Buddy most. just In government, Bishop Buddy

He told of the petail that ~ell to the lot of Bishop Buddy to work out in connection with the opera- tion of the cafeteria, but said that


Voice Filled With Emotion. His voice was packed with emo• tion as he told hi& audience:

the cafeteria for the poor was only "If you wanted me to go away, one of Bishop Buddy's great ac- I would have been a failure among complishments. you." St. Joseph by losing Bishop He especially tha.nked Bishop Buddy is making a sacrifice to help Charles H. LeBlond for his words another city, San Diego, Bishop Le- of appreciation for liis services as I Blond said. The occasion yesterday, I rector of the Cathedral, and said he said, was one of happiness tinged that the people of St: Joseph are to with selfish sadness. be congratulated on the choice of I "It is difficult ·to speak of Bishop I Mr. Welch as mayor. He also Buddy. Words are not , made to praised the Council of Social Agen- express the sentiment of one's heart I eies and the county court. when a friend speaks of a friend,'' Speaking of St. Vincent's cafe- Bishop LeBlond said. teria, which he had been praised by "It is losses such as that of the program speakers for opening Bishop Buddy that a city or a man I and operating, Bishop Buddy said must take in stride." l its operation was made possible by . . l all people of.. the city, Catholics, Reception on Stage. non-Catholics, --;J-ews jlnd l\ ns I Since the day he arrived in St. gave aid ano succor to the p1 J ct Joseph a little more than three l City Will Miss Prelate. year~ ago B!sho:l? Buddy. spared I . nothing to assist him with his work, _The speaker~ who _p_a1d hon?r to Bishop LeBlond said. l Bishop Buddy, 1 11 addition to Bishop He closed by wishing the new L\lBlond and Mayor. .)Y,elch, were bishop long years of happy labor in Col. John _D. ~cNeely,: :Dr. Dam~! the diocese of San 'Diego. Morton, Fred ~arr a1;1d. Mr: Corb:-,;. Following the program Bishop Mr. Corby said tb;e, occasion -~as Buddy met the audiP.nce in a recep- 01~e when the sorrow on lo 51 ng tion on the audi'orium stage.

1 ence. They will not fail you. A devoted laity will bind you to their I hearts and homes with strands of affection. Priests and people will march with you unto difficult tasks as they have done with the I unworthy one who has preceded you. They will help you to strengthen the stakes of the holy place and extend its curtains. To you-their Father and leader- they shall look for advice and guidance and correction. He who railed you from out the workshop of the carpenter. Joseph to be His witness in broader fields will not

BJShop Buddy should be smothered I by pride over the honor "one so completely our own has deservingly 1 received." The city administration will miss 1 Bishop Buddy from the city family, said Mayor Welcb, who eight months ago appointed him to the city board of health.

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