Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)

WARNING SOUNDED ON COMMUNISM By BISHOP CF BUDD 1 1 In Farewell Message to City He Points to Conditions in Foreign Lands. RECEPTION FOR PRELATE ATTENDED BY THRONG Six Civic Leaders Laud New Bishop for His Work in St. Joseph.

Friend t-0 All.

"to foretell what kind of men and ! women the Buddy children ·would grow up to be." Doctor Morton later said, in ex- planation of "all this talk about the Buddy family," that "if you would understand the whys and where- fores of a good life, seek out its ' origin and the enYironment in which it was reared," In the home life, he continued, "noble and useful characters can- not grow and develop except in the presence of that mysterious influ- ence which we call religion, acti- vated b~· the sunshine of God's presence." Doctor Morton said that he had been attracted by Bishop Buddy's personality as a child, for "even in childhooc;l he had a strong bent to- ward the religious life. He delight- ed to serve as acolyte at the altar at the convent. He even had a little altar at his home." The future bishop "always left I the impression he was thinking of the deep things of life, and trying to find himself and properly place himself where he could do the most good." Bishop in Response. In closing, Doctor Morton quoted Francesco Giovanni, ,apostolic sec- retary to Pope Boniface IX: "And so at this Christmas-time I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound es- teem, and with the prayer fol""you now and forever that the • day breaks and the shadows flee away." Mr. Karr, speaking as an associ- ate of Bishop Buddy in the opera- tion of the cafeteria and shelter, lauded him for his untiring devo- tion to the project. "His talents, education and ex- perience make him fitted for the hierarchy of the church," said Mr. Karr. The bishop, when the depres- sion was a.t its worst, went out reg- ularly to the stricken victims of economic disaster, giving them comfort and ministering to their needs, continuoq the speaker. Yet Bishop Buddy remained calm and congenial, despite his unfaltering activity on behalf of the poor, Mr. Karr said. Bishop LeBlond, under whom the new bishop was a priest, said that "he has been a true friend," and that st. Joseph will miss his fan1il- iar face and voice, as well as his good deeds.

"He has been a friend to all, re-,. gardlesi; of color or creed. He has given bis time unselfishly to public I Eerv1ce. An outstanding citizen, a ·y :::e~f b:r;~;~rs;:;at~i:•P~~p~h~; St. Joseph, sa.1d the mayor, _Colo_nel McNeely, who has known Bishop Buddy since boyhood, em- phasizpd the humility of the new bishop, and said that the people of St. Joseph now are aware of what the people of Cleveland went through when Bishop LeBiond was transferred from that city to this. He told of Bishop Buddy's work in St. Vincent's cafeteria and said· lost heart, an~ when many were going hungry, Bishop Buddy did not wait tor government. He knew rro sec- retarian or religious bounds or frontiers. That mission that he es- t:tbJlshed stood like a lighthouse in time of storm.'' "When depresson 'came, when men, women and children

FRIENDS LAUD BISHOP BUDDY AT RECEPTION Prelate's ,v ork 1n City Praised by Six Speakers His years of labor on behalf of the poor and his achievements in the field of social welfare and devotion lo his parish were recounted in pro- fusion yesterday by speakers at Central High School who at a pub- lic reception eulogized Bishop Charles F. Buddy, seated with bent head in the red robes of his high church office. In the crowded school auditorium, flankrd hy admiring friends of St. JoRcph business, professional and 1·rligious circles, Bishop Buddy heard Mayor Phil ,T. Welch, Bishop C. H. LeBlond, Col. John D. Mc- Neeley, Joseph E. Corby, Fred Karr 11nd Dr. Daniel Morton laud him as a i

memories will come gently from out God's sanctuary. We will think we hear bis kindly voice again.'' Warmly praising the bishop for his activity In establishing St. Vin- cent's cafeteria and shelter "when the greatest depression America ever bas known had gone on until even famine struck among the lowly and unemployed," Colonel McNeely asserted "it was he in par- ticular who did not stand idly by and wait for government relief. Charity with him knew no sectarian frontiers, nor frontiers of race, creed or color. "Upon that station o! mercy which he established there were no bolt~ or Jocks, and at nights Its lights burned brightly as a beacon to white and black, to Catholic and Protestant, to Jew and Gentile." I The speaker touched briefly on civil and religious strife in other I countries, in saying "It is a comfort to know that Bishop Buddy is to remain here in his own free native land, where our highest boast of freedom is that not one of our states has ever burned, closed or confiscated a synagogue or church •, of any religion, here where anarchy can never raise its hideous head, where the Commune can never shake its bloody fist in the face of I God, where all men are free to worship Him according to the dic- tates of their conscience." Life in Buddy Home. "Proud submission" and ''digni- fied obedience," continued Colonel McNeely, characterized the bishop's services as a. pastor. "We feel that your crozier will glitter as a diamond in God's sun- light, for we know you will wear the mitre of a bishop as you wore the vestments of a priest," the speake1· concluded. In painstaking detail, Doctor Mor- ton, a. lifelong friend of the bishop, speaking on behalf o! other religious faiths, traced Bishop Buddy's spiritual development from his boyhood days to the honor which was conferred on him I Monday. "For nearly ha.If a. century," said Doctor Morton, "I have enjoyed the honor of serving the Buddy family in the relation of family doctor." The veteran St. J cph physician paid eloquent tribute to the bishop's i family life, praised I his father for "honesty, integrity and financial re- l sponsibility," and for his love of "good literature, music and art." Charles Francis Buddy's father, 1 according to the speaker, "recog- nized the advantages of a.n educa- tion for its dual value of self-cul- ture and fitness for life's work. He had clear, definite and wise ideas of the manner in which a home should be governed, and an intimate knowledge of the manner in which to instill into the hearts of the children love, affection and respect for father, mother and other." Bil!lhop's Mother Pralsed, "An intelligent, pious woman" was Doctor Morton's description of Bishop Buddy's mother, whom he praised for her deeply religious philosophy. Religion was "so intimate a. part of her nature, that she could not conccd.l it," said the speaker, for "in it she moved and breathed and had her being. It was a. joyous, happy cheerful, glorious experience that never left her for a. moment; that permeated all her conversa- tions; that motivated all her acts, and that guided her in the upbring- ! ing of her children. Power of ob-I servation, judgment, sense of values, wit, humor, command of 1 ranguage, sincerity and loyalty were 911 qualities of her mind and heart." j With such a father and mother, said Doctor Morton, the atmosphere I of the home was "religious, with all its implications of responsibility to God and church, of affection for each other, of family solidarity, of faithfulness in the discharge of the secular duties of life." Origin of a Good Life. It would not require the vision of a prophet, the physician remarked,

In a touching farewell to the peo- pie of the city he has served for ·

Praised b Ph

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For nearly half


a the twenty-two years as assistant pas- phy~iclan of the Buddy family, Dr. tor and later as rector of St. Jos- 1Dame! Morto~ spoke of the beauty eph'a Cathedral, Bishop Charles F. ~f 1 Jhe home life of the bishop and B dd O of the members of the family u Y, consecrated a. week ago as He also dwelt on the b' h , · th . . 1s ops early e bishop of the diocese of in~eFrestthin ~umanitarian problems. San Diego, Cal., warned yesterday _or e city of St. Joseph, I am against the insidious dangers of witness to the fa.ct that he has communism. een a benediction to thousands of Catholics and non-Catholics ~ur citizens to whom the road of !!lied the auditorium of Central iife was rough and wearisome, and High School yesterday afternoon for !~eked by QVerwhelming disaster," the reception at which six civic sa'.,d J?octor Morton. leaders, including Mayor Phil J. It is my b~lief that the most ac- Welch, lauded the new bishop for cepta.ble ~erv1?e that one can ren- hls work along religious, charitable der God 15 domg good to one's fel- and civic lines. 10 "."man. Bishop Buddy went a.bout Gift of Purse Presented. doing good. Does that not compass I it all? Can I say anything better Joseph E. Corby, who presided, on than that a.bout him? 1 t~e sentiments of a.11 when I bid "Although I shall be far a.way, Bishop Buddy goodby in the bea.uti- my thoughts and prayers shall a.1- ful language of that old apostolic ways be with the people of St. Jos- secretary to Pope Boniface IX epb," said Bishop Buddy. Francesco Giovanni: ' "I shall not bid farewe!J, but shall " 'And so a.t this Christmas time use the Anglo-Saxon term 'goodby,' I .gre~t you, not as the world sends which means God be with you." g1eetmgs, but with profound Points to Foreign Nations, e st eem, and with the prayer fo1· you In his warning against commu- now a nd forever that the day nism, Bishop Buddy pointed to con- ~:::.~.. a nd the shadows flee dltions in Russia, Mexico and D 1 "In those lands the red flame of .ec aring that Bishop Buddy i communism has burst out among emmently fitted for the new pos~ many unsuspecting people. Let us for which he has been chosen, Fred not be unprepared against its da.n- K~rr, who worked hand in hand gers," the bishop said. 1Wi th th e prelate in the operation of The communist movement today ·~\i;'incent's cafeteria ,said lhat ,t has in America paid propagandists is e poor and lhe unfortunate of to spread its tenets among the peo- this city who will miss Bishop pie of this nation in an effort to I Buddy most. tear down all that is good, right and He told of the detail that fell to in government, Bishop Buddy I the ~ot of Bishop Buddy to work Voice Filled With Emotion. ~ut m connection with the opera- tion of the cafeteria, but said that cen ury behalf of the members of the Ca- thedral parish, presented Bishop Buddy with a purse as a. token of Quotes Apostolic Secretary, "And now I am sure that I voice their esteem.

Bishop Buddy, speaking last, said he was grateful for the training St. Joseph had given him and briefly warned against the "red flame" of communism which in Mexico, Rus- i sia, and now Spain is threatening the church.

His voice was packed with emo- tion as be told his audience: , "If you wanted me to go away, ;o:~?ld have been a failure among , thanked Bishop Charles H. LeBlond for his words of appreciation for his services a.s He especially

the cafeteria for the poor was only one o.f Bishop Buddy's great ac- losing Bishop Buddy 1s making a sacrifice to help an Diego, Bishop Le- Blon~ said. The occasion yesterday, he said, was one of happiness tinged comphshmcnts. St. :1oseph_ by anoth ·t s er ~ 1 Y,

.rector of the Cathedral, and said with selfish sadness. that the people of St. Joseph to "It · d be congratulated on the choice of is ifficult to speak of Bishop .M:r. Welch as mayor. He also Buddy. Words are not made to praised the Council of Social Agen- express th e sentiment of one's heart cies and the county court. when a. friend speaks of a friend" Speaking of St. Vincent's cafe- Bishop LeBlond said. ' teria, which he had been praised by ."It is losses such as that of the program speakers for opening Bishop Buddy that a city or a man must take in stride."

and operating, Bishop Buddy said its operation was made possible by

. Reception on Stage.

all people Qf 'the city.


Since the day he arrived in St.

non-Catholics, • Jews and Masons Joseph a than three gav~ aid and succor to the project. year~ ago Bishop Buddy spared City Will Miss Prelate. nothing to assist him with his work little more

Bishop LeBlond said. ' . He closed by wishing the new bisho!' long years of happy labor in the diocese of San Diego. Following the program Bishop ~uddy met the audience in a recep-j hon on the auditorium stage. ·

The speakers who ·paid honor to Bishop Buddy, in addition to Bishop LeBlond and Mayor' Welch; were Col. John D. McNeeiy, br. Da.nlel Morton, Fred Karr and Mr. Corby. Mr. Corby said th!l. <)ccasion was one when the sorrow on losing Bishop Buddy should be smothered by pride over the honor "one so completely our own has deservingly received." The city administration will miss Bi~hop Buddy from the city family, said ·Mayor V\'elch, who eight months ago appointed him to the city bo


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