Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)

BISHOP BUDDY ADDRESSES AUDIENCE IN THREE LANGUAGES When Bishop Charles Francis Buddy mounted the pulpit Wedne day moming to address for the first time the people of hi diocese it was ,vithout notes or set of words that he spoke. From his heart he poured forth his appreciation and his pledge to lead his people in Charity, I the only way which he knew how "The Sacred ·office, that is to rule. mine, with all its responsibili- I Following his words of humble I ties, ~e~ands courage, prudence devotion, the bishop begged that I and Jtisbce, but the o~ly way I he might be allowed to address in know how govern is by the Spanish, "Mio amigos Mexicanos" ~ws of Charity. The perfect so- for whom he has a special regard. ciety of th~ Church-both h_u- He pledged to them that he, like man and divine, with the wis- Junipero Serra and other mission- dom of th e ages has towerf~ aries of centuries past, would work Jaws to guide, to streng hen an for them and their eternal salva- to protect. But the greatest of tion. The Italian people too, were all the Church's laws, like the t f tt b B" h B dd f greatest of the Commandments, no orgo en Y is ~P u_ Y ~r is the law of Christ-Love one he addressed them briefly m their th L t th. b th Ch native tongue. ano er. e _is e_ e a~-

Bishop Buddy to Speak Over Radio First official greeting of San Diego's new bishop, the Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, D. D., to his diocesan priests and

people will be made by radio Sunday, Febru- ary 14, over KGB, according to an announce- ment made yesterday.

The present plan calls for an hour's pro- gram, during which time the bishop will speak and the choir of I 00 voices, under Father Lani that sang Wednesday morning, will again sing several numbers. Final announcement as to the time of the,\ program will be made in The Southern Cross next week. verted may convert your Brethren.' I

"My dearest children in Christ, even amid the splendors of this glorious day, even amidst these joyful festivities, there cames to me the sobering' thought that, notwithstanding the vigor of hl'alth, nor the burninl:' clcsire to do ancl achi,~vc, the vcr:v ring that encircles this fini:-cr ma:v rnon encircle dust :tnd ashc!'. 'Let us then do ,:-ood while we "May our Immaculate Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary-Star of the Sea stand ever near to guide May that Star never fail us! May I Christ enter the frail bark of our lives and Himself be the strength e of us so that not one be lost. God grant that we may all one day . . have time.' j . . . t ,

1 ter of our Relabonsh11>-the bi- lateral contract we enter into this da:v.

Bishop Buddy's addressed his

audience as follows:

"Th' "The cathedral of St. Joseph in I orful, impressive and significant, San Diego is no cold court of fllls me with awe and gratitude. legislation and statutes but the 1 · 1 1s so emn occas1on so co -

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speaks well for the future. my ardent desire to contmue with It is . . . well begun, here by others. This is the victory indeed, that over- the grace of God, .


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"The center a nd source of all join the joyful company of Saint cometh the world-your Faith. It Supernatural vita I i t Y in the Joseph, st. Didacus, my own Saint is my ardent desire to prove Ch!.!rch-every pledge of Eternal Francis, Father Junipero Serra, worthy of your most cordial wel- Happiness is the living Presence of with his v"liant band of first fer- come, the kindness and genuine our Saviour in the Most Blessed vent missionaries in San Diego. In charity lavished on me, by his \ Sacra~ent of. the Altar. Behold the Name of the Father and of the Excellency, the Most Rev. Arch- ~he lovmg fu~f1llment of the pro~- Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen." · I 1se of The Kmg, "the bread. which most humble layman. f th ld th' · th li · o e war . . . . 1s 1s e vmg bishop of Los Angeles, down to the I will give is my flesh for the life I "Let me take this occasion to / bread that cometh down from express heartfelt appreciation to heaven.' I the Most Rev. Metropolitan, to the "From the Tabernacle of Divine

1 Archbishop Cantwell Heads Notables

At Bishop's Installation Services ,~i •.--------------~-------------

Most Rev. Bishops and Priests, Love, from the Unbloody repetition sisters and laity, who honor the I of the Sacrifice of Calrnry, radi- scared office of Bishop, by assist-1 ates the divine influence th at ing at this history manking In- makes heroes out of cowards and stallation by their gracious pres- saints from sinners. My one great ence, here, this morning. hope for success in San Diego is "My dear people, your very pres- not in human wisdom or even hu - ence here this morning is a pro- man energy nor the favor of fession of your Faith. It stresses principality or powers, but in the your belief that an Ecclesiastical Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. authority comes to you from the "May God in his goodness and successor of Sa1nt Peter, and links mercy be pleased to grant us the you in loyalty, love and reverence, grace to assist devoutly at Holy with His Holiness, Pope Pius XI, Mass ancl to receive frequently- Bishop of Rome, now gloriously weekly and daily the bread of reigning. Angeles, which is also for us the food of pilgrims. -Not Strangers-- "So with these thoughts in mind, -No Mis,i:-ivinl:'s- we present $aint Paul's message "T have no false notions, no nus- to the Ephesians- 'now therefore givings about the future, if we are "Let me assure you, Most Rev. fresh you.' This is the answer and Metropolitan that the years of the only salvation to the clarken- your zealous and apostolic labors ing horizon of materialism and the in this section of your vineyard gathering shadows of Communism will now react in the devotion, so eloquently and accurately de- fealty and affection of bishop, scribed in the beautiful discourse priests and people, of your Excel- we have just heard from the Arch- lency's Suffragan See of San Di- bishop. Soldiers of Christ the en- ego. we are no more strangers or for- eigners, but fellow citizens of the Saints.' Co-heirs of Christ--chil- dren of our Father in Heaven. faithful in responding to the Io,·- ing invitation of Jesus Christ. 'Come to me all ye that labor and are heavily burdened and I will re-

McGee, all of St. Joseph; Miss Ann Elizabeth Dandurant, Holy Cross, Ind.; Dr. and Mrs. Edward P. Buddy, St. Louis, Mo.; Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Frien, Belleville, Ill.; Mr. Daniel J. Redmond, Laurelton, Long Island, N. Y.: Miss Martha Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Law- ler of St. Joseph; Mrs. John Good- rich and John Goodrich Jr., of St. Joseph, who will accompany Mr. Goodrich; Mr. James R. Farrell (Bishop Buddy's uncle) and Dr. and Mrs. H. Will Elders, all of St. Joseph. Visiting Bishops Listed Bishops in attendance at the rites were: The Most Rev. Robert E. Lucey, D. D., Bishop of Amarillo, Tex.; the Most Rev. Philip G. Scher. D. D., Bishop of Monterey-Fresno; the Most Rev. Gerald Shaughnes- sy, S. M., S. T. D., Bishop of Se- attle. wash.; the Most R€X. Rob- ert J. Armstrong, D. D .. Bishop of Sacramento: the Most Rev. Daniel J. Gercke, D. D., Bishop of Tucson.

Abbot of Conception Abbey, Con- ception, Mo.; Rt. Rev. James P. Brady, V. G.; Rev. Leo J. Ruggle, Rev. Charles Nowland, Rev. P. O'Connor and Rev. Camill Marosz, all of St. Joseph. Others in Party The laymen aboard the train were: John Goodrich, general agent for the Chicago, Rock Island & Pa- cific Railway Co., which is provid- ing the private car for the party; Mrs. Louis J. Dandurant, Mrs.

San Diego today played host to the greatest gathering of visiting dignitaries of the Catholic church in its history who were present to participate in the installation rites of Bishop Charles Francis Buddy in St. Joseph's cathedral. A large party arrived with Bishop Buddy from St. Joseph, Mo., yesterday. Many others were gathered from Southern Califor- nia cities and other parts of the west. who were in attendance was the I Most Rev. John Joseph Cantwell, D. D., metro1'clitan of the Prov- ince of Los Angeles. who presided at the colorful ceremony and preached the sermon. RepresentiI).g the clergy of St. Joseph, Mo .. was the 1-~st Rev. Charles Huber LeBlond, D. D. William J. McGinnis represented the mayor of St. Joseph and the Missouri city's lay population. In addition to Bishop LeBlond and Mr. McGinnis, the party which accompanied Bishop Buddy from the east included: I The Very Rev. Jo~eph M. ~ulli- van, S. M., Manst semmary, I Brookland, D. C.; the Very Rev. I Paul P. Waldron, director of St. Columban's Foreign Mission se- ciety of St. Columban's. Neb.; the Rt. Rev. Philip Ruggles, 0. S. B.

Missouri Visitors Daniel J. Redmond, Mrs. John The ranking churchman of all Goldsmith, Mr. and Mrs. John A.

emies of mankind have desired to have you that they may sift you as wheat, but Christ says, 'I have prayed for you, that your Faith 1 fail not, and that you be,ing con-

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