Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)

Bishop Bu~dy Interviewed in Former Home on Visit There Last Week ST. JOSEPH, Mo., March 19.- asked to g!\"C A colorful, picturesque land. col- blessing. ored forever by the achievements His new home city, San Diego, of Catholic Faith-Southern Cali- with its parks, broad boulevards fornia, the birthplace of Chris- and sparkling water front, is :i tianity and civilization on th" never-ending source of visual de- \vestern coast-San Diego. resting lights, said B ishop Buddy. He place of saints and martyrs--this I especially extolled the "educated is the diocese of Bishop Charles people·· of the community and its F. Buddy, he said last night•in an educational facilities. interview in St. Joseph's. follow- As a "stranger from a strange ing the funeral services for th!, land," he smilingly continued, he Most Rev. Johannes, bishop of had a few misgivings when he ar- Leavenworth. rived in San Diego. but his fears Bishop Buddy stayed over night I were_ ~Hayed by the "kindness, at the home of his sister, Mrs. gene1os1ty and expressions or Louis J. Sandurant, 424 south faith" accorded him. Ninth street, and will leave to- I night for San Diego. Communism, special enemy of the Catholic Church, is being vig- orously fought on the West Coast, he added. and short shift is gi\'en to communistic tenets by Califor- sympa- ufacturing, especially in the air- thetic, the people and the ne\\'S- craft line. is making San Diego a papers of my diocese have given ' happy, prosperous city these days, me splendid co-operation. realiz- said Bishop Buddy. ing that much work yet remains Bishop Buddy will say a special for me in the establishing of the Mass this morning at 8 o'clock diocese." at St. Joseph"s Cathedral. the sermon at the I "The people of San Diego gave me a most cordial welcome," said the former St. Joseph priest. who last fall was elevated to the bish- nians. opric by the pope. Bufiness is humming, and man- "Understanding and

Coadjutor Abbot Schappler To Be Consecrated April 14 in Abbey Church, Conception, Mo. r·o:-,;1_ El:'TlO. . .\Io. - , l,ped,tl. \ - California. will prea<.:n tlk sermon. .\.c the ,-onse(•ration of Co,Hljutur Ab- The deacons of honor will be the hue :,cephen 8ehapvler b~· tile llost He,. Robert Gralrnm uf .\l:J.rFille anl Jte,. Di:bop '-'· H. Li' Blond of St. the Rev. Leo Wbsiug of .\l<:'~dota: Ill., .fo:--eph 111 the .\.bb-ey l'11urch. bt>giu-1 while the dearons of the .\lass will. be nin~ n t !J :30. ,,_·ednesday morning-, the Re\'. Patric-k Cummins. O. S. B., .\prtl 14. the rnntt>d guests and the I of CorH:<:'ption Abber and the Re,. '.lllblie attencling will be nble to fol- I Kunkel. 0. s. B.. of Springfielcl. .\Io. ·ow tllE> agr old eer<'mon.,· or the The ner. rrh:hard F<'lix. O. s. B. of 'hurcll i11 ,111 Englh;b 1·t'r~iu11. This l'i!QL Uroni. :.\lo.. ~-ill be read,·r vf

Bishop Buddy has an opportun- ity to absorb folk lore of the earl- iest Americans, the Indians. for he has four Indian parishes as well as seven Mexican parishes. This historic atmosphere-in the land of the firsv Spanish padre.s to Christianize the Western shore of America-has invigorated the prelate spiritually and physically, and he is in excellent health dese- pite much traveling about his dio- cese. which contains 34,000 squar~ I miles. Last Sunday Bishop Budd,· dedicated a new Mexican cburcr. I at Uplands, Calif.. and he is con- s'.antly on the move throughout California, attending conference~ connected with his work. He re- cently went to San Francisco and Fresno on church business, and will return to St. Joseph April 14 for the blessing of the new abbot, Father Stephen. at Conception Abbey. Bishop Buddy has been

l:,t. Rev. Stephen Schapl}ler, 0 . S, B., .\bbot, C'once11tiou Abbey I the .:llanu.ale, whkh is a general Apos- tolic: command issnccl in all ab'batial l.J!e;,siugs. The Hev. Basil Oclermatt, o. l:l. B., of Sioux Citr, 1mm, will be as- sistant priest. I l n the ceremony, the abbot begins his .\!ass at his own altar, until the o_ffertory,. w_here ht' makes the Lradi- \ tiouai ofiermg of the ~ymuolic two ve.,; ·els of wine, 'two loaves of bread and two candles to the bishop, as al- so takes place in the <:onsecra tion of a bishop. From thiR point on the abbot says .\lass conjointly with the bishop, as al~o happens in ordination to the I A.bout ten abbots ancl half as many bishops are expected to be in attend- ance at the solemn ceremony. After the consecration lhe attend- ing members of the bit'rarchy and clergy will dine iu the .\.bbey ref<:'c· tory, while the lay worshi1~rs will enjoy a spread in the parish hall, at- . tended by the ladies of Conception parish. The new C'Oadjutor abbot, the youn,;- I e~t iu the. United states, is Concep- tion Abb

i\lost ReY. ('. H. Le Blond, D. D., Bishop of St. Joseph, ~lo. 'is contained in a :;o pa;::-<' ::;ou,enir pamphlet. \\'llkh was tran::;lated lo- call.1. aau. set up a ncl priutcd by the .\.blley .Altar and Home Pr<:'ss. I A<:"Sisting the consec-rating bi.;hop will lie two abbots. the Ht. Rev. Phil- I ip flll~glc of t'oncP~tion .\bbe~: nnd the ru. Rev. Ignat111.· Es~er of St. Indiana. The .\lost Re,·. Charles F. Buddy of San Diego, I .\Irinrad Abbey,

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