Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)



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1 St. v1·ncent ~YO Holds Hayride

(, little sum last Monday night at a CYO N1·ght at Auto "Box social." The bidding was fast and furious as the boys tried Races Is Success to get their favorite boxes, even (

to SW so many of I

It was ![OOd



our Catholic troops from the San DHiel~o Arca represented at the Mt. e 1x Court of Honor on Friday


.--,.~y ,!o ---.,,-.....,



Joh by the Moth, r'

• .., __,...__. u-, "'--'...__. u-, "'--''- We congratulate the people of St. Didacus parish upon the com-

of Mr C Ne AUXIII, r:Y.

Over 30 clubsters of St. Vin- night last. Mount Helix Court of cent's C.Y.O. met at the parochial Honor is one of ll1ose events th at hall last SundaY and journeyed is sure to go down in th e 'nnnl to Mount Carmel ranch where of scouting in San Diego. Th

It was a record-breaking night


the one with the "rubber

sandwich" at the Midget Auto Races when





the Catholic Youth Organization attended as honored guests of the

parochial brought a good price!

their new

pletion of



school building. With


amphil h eater

they enjoyed a weinie roast and open-air


Coming events cast their shad- managers. First, Gib Lilly clip-

edifice now ready for occupation,

summit of the mountain furnishes the setting that draws forth the full expression of he spuit and vigor that is the soul of ~coulin~. Amongst the troops ri•pl't were Troop 64 of Escondido, Troop 54 of St. John's, Troop 3 or SL. Didacus, Troop 56 of Nazareth House, Troop 17 or St. Patrick' , and Troop 43 of St. Ann's. Ber- nard Wanek of 64 and Jerry Klaus of 3 were amongst tho e award d badges. Bernard was awarded his life badge and Jerry hi , tar badge. * * * Dr. G. J. Couvrette, chairman of the diocesan committee and coun- cil Scout advancement chairman, 1 presided over the court of honor. Father Gallagher, diocesan chair- man, was present on the platform. an addition to their troop equip- ment. The scouts intend to try them out soon on a week end camp. The tents are the result from proceeds of the benefit party -first of many-held at the home St.Mary Players To Present Comedy With seven nights of rehearsals behind them, members of the cast of 'Two Weeks' Vacation' will leave for San Bernardino Sunday morning to stage this 3-act com- edy for the memb~rs and friends of the Chi Rho Alpha club. In- cluded in the cast are Geraldine Floersch, Sohpia Smith, Joseph Whalen, Joseph Geddis, Brendan Shea, Rosa Keller and Eddi / Cairns. Miss Smith is rcplac 1g Miss Phyllis Brickman as Carol Gray for th!S perfo1mnncc. B - sides the cast, busine s manag r, Eddie Floersch, stage manager, Charles Mortz, Jr., director Eddie Sullivan and other members of the St. Mary Players will make th trip. ...............••.................. : j The : ' Master Clc:aners : We Own Oper te Our : v Own leaning l'lunt, • Specializing in Qua11ty : CJ uning, f'r slnz od • DyPini: : Terae & Unh t'ritity A"•• • " Jark on 1204 * • * • • • Troop 64 of Escondido has just purchased six new pup tents as

t 27 C th d the young people of the parish ows: Sep • , a e ra will have a definite meeting place Ice Ska mg Par y; ep • which should tend to strengthen racuda Hop, at It~ ian u a ; their membership and activities. Oct. 1, C O Golf In the past the st. Didacus clubs- Emerald Hills course; Oct. ters have always been amongst Black CaL Ball. State the leaders in CYO doings and Newman Club; Oct. 1 Cl b ' t 30 Bar Cl b H 11 t . t s · 1. y T t

hayride, after an afternoon of swimming, horseback riding and games. Thanks are expressed to "Bo" Floersch, who headed the hayride committee, and France.; I

u s ped fractions of a second off the - one-lap record and then went on to smash the three-lap mark in l3, ning, at the finals fo the 50-lap College main event, Don Farmer proved 28, CYO himself to still be king of the omnamen • record time. Later in the eve-







its next

The club Will hold

even greater Witches Masquerade, House of midget auto racers in these parts



now we

regular bi-monthly meeting next Tuesday night, with the Misses Celestia and Vera Knapp in charge of the Discussion Club. "Open House" Held In New Building the st. Didacus Young People's Club held "open house" last Thursday night in the new parochial school building. C.Y.O.'ers from many clubs throughout the city were on hand for the celebration, which includ- ed dancing, floor show and re- freshments. The new school building, located on the corner of 34th and Madison, will furnish meeting quarters for the st. Did- acus clubsters in the future. The meetings in the past were held at the homes of the members on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. Present plans now call for weekly meetings. Library Planned By Coronet Club Members of

by taking an easy victory in what the officials announced as a new The C.Y.O. turnout for the eve- ning was very good. and indica- tions point to a tidy sum being realized by the various organiza- tions. To Frank Friel and his committee. the C.Y.O. extends a vote of thanks for arranging such !ill evening. O.L.A. Seniors To Hold Dance The Senior C.Y.O. of Our Lady of Angels parish will sponsor movies and a dance on Tuesday night, Oct. 3. one movie being the "Coronation of the Pope." New officers of the boys' C.Y.O. include Philip Morrison, vice- president; Richard Sawaya, sec- retary, and John "Red" Keough, treasurer. Last Sunday the clubsters from the Junior and Senior C.Y.O. held their regular monthly Commun- ion. which was followed by a breakfast prepared and served by the Senior C.Y.O. girls. Football Players Start Practice Forty-four football players, in-


things from them.

lid of , p- re tu1111 d

The Senior CYO groups of Our Stadium record. Lady of Angels Parish will have

Now is a good time to plan on attending the 2nd Annual Ice Cream Bowl game at Lane Field Sunday Oct. 8. Sponsored by th,~ Knights of Columbus, San Diego Sun and the American Kids' club, this game pits two Catholic gram- mar school teams against each other. The support we give these youngsters now will show up 100 fold when they attain the age to Join our group. A good crowd on hand for the auto races last Wednesday, Sept. 13 night and we hope everyone enjoyed themselves as much as we did. Incidentally, I'll bet this sounded good over KFSD, "To- night's racing program is dedicat- ed to the Catholic Youth Organ- ization-familiarly known to all who are interested in the preser- vation of high ideals for Ameri- can youth as the CY.O."

wlll b

a movie, the Coronation of the new Pope, on the night of Oct. 3. There will be dancing and re- freshments following. ---------- -- - - SKATING PARTX A skating party will be held on Thursday, Sept, 28, at the MiS- sion Beach Skating Rink by the senior class of St. Augustine•~ high school. All C.Y.O.'ers are urged to reserve this night for a "night of skating."

'•Ma frl"ts nn• fret at thlni;ts I Gu ss trouble's ju t my mid


11nm .

Sometimes, I make h 1· awful blue,

lov m 1u t tll

Bit, Lord, h

s me."

On his first trip east in 20 years. Rev. John J. Crowley, the "Padre of Death Valley," California, found the humid 80s of New York and other Eastern cities uncomfortable...He is shown with his brother, Dr. Francis M. Crowley, Dean of Fordham University School of Education, during his recent visit there. Pastor of what is geo- graphically the highest and lowest parish in the United States, Father Crowley plans the erection of a chapel in memory of the pioneers who perished in famed Death Valley. Viscious Influences Faced hy Youth Present Grave Problems, Leader Says Sister of Miss Therese HQoley, President of San Diego Catholic Women's Council, Speaks at National Con- clave in San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 14.-Youth today are "do- ing a pretty swell job of thinking," but the world de- mands so much more of them now than in former years,

SY. IPATII E. "'J h SAN BERNARDINO. Alpha members \\ re last aturday by th pas Ing or Mm Isidor Strommer, moth( r or their vice - pres1d nt, Veronic Strommcr. Deepc

With 'fhe Knights . . .

By ED. DE ROCHIE The Grand Knight announces a special election to fill the offi- ces of Treasurer and outside

A great many of the boys who guard which were formerly held rode bikes in the CYO annual by Alex Stewart and Eric Whit- race, were present for "the special man. Stewart has been transfer- races at the stadium the other red to a federal position in San night and we are particularly Francisco and Eric Whitman was pleased to see Ralph Callahan suddenly ordered to duty in the cop the main event and Pete Hawaiian Islands with the Navy Melanson finish up in the money. Bombers. The Secretary wishes to ad- Calling all tennis and badmin- vise all members to furnish the ton players! Get your entry into office with their correct mailing the hands of the athletic com- address. Since the ''Columbia" mittee as soon as possible so that will not be forwared to another pairings can be made for the address it is imperative that the tournament. The more support Supreme Office posse85 the cor- given to Joe Whalen and his help- rect addresses. ers the better these games can be We are happy to report that run off. Carl Schaniel has recovered from

CORONADO-The Coronet club and they are exposed to such terrific influences that held th eir regular weekly meeting at the Gaffney residence here. their elders face a tremendous task in 1·earing them to Tom Rice was appointed to the conduct the world's affairs sue- , position of secretary vacated by cessfully. in the generation to the q.evelopment of maturity.'' the departure of Helen Carrington

come, Miss Anne Sarachon Hooley to San Diego. Bill Traynor wa-; eluding eight regulars from last declared at the Tuesday nighc that youth develops a great deal appointed sergeant-at-arms; ry year·s squad, are out for the 1939 general meeting of the National of its thinking. This is because in C. Leahy and Rupert Lehman. to team at st. Augustine High Council of Catholic Women', the company of their own age the clean literature committee. School, announced coach James convention. levels, they speak more freely and Plans were discussed for the for- Burke Cousart. The veterans are "There is no mode of living so informally. But they need the mation of a Catholic library and Joe Esqueda and Ralph warner, vicious, no political plan so un- ability to think. Youth is the most also for the filling of scrapbooks guards; Johnny Blethen. quarter- sound, that it has not been pre- fertile field for propaganda. They for the underprivileged children back; Dale Van Boven, halfback; sented to youth," asserted Miss are surrounded on every side with in local hospitals. "It is during the leisure time

Owing to other parish acthities,

his recent injury and is now able Al Uppencamp, center; Pat 0'- Hooley, who is National Youth isms and osophies so confusing to conduct his business. John R. Neil, tackle; Ray Rinder, end; and Chairman of the N.C.C.W., and that we the adult world are some- Sullivan was ill for a short time Fent Rinder. fullback. As has been who has only recently returned '1 times puzzled."

. . . . . : . . : :

to postpone the

it was decided

St. Mary Players will be in San Bernardino next Sunday to stage "Two Weeks' Vacation," for the Chi Rho Alpha club. If you hav- en't seen it before you might en- joy the ride up to the northern end of the diocese. Nobody told me I just heard- That St. Patrick's clubsters don't have very many in attendance at their meetings, but always a good gathering at their bi-weekly so- cials. This seems to be a good sign that the group will stick to- gether for sometime. Kinda looks as though Barbara and Hugh have pulled a "Roose- velt" on us, and moved the date up from next May to sometime real soon I Well, they are in the, Players now, so we may get them on the stage before long. With "Pancho" handling the aucUoneer's hammer, the Cathe- dral clubsters cleaned up quite a .•..••...•....••.•.................. Maxwell Studio 217 Commonwealth Bldg. Franklin 4753 San Diego, California "Photography At Its Best" .................•.................

''open house" indefinitely. club hopes to be strongly repre- The tennis and badminton ments. The next meeting w1·11 b". tourna- sented at the forthcoming golf,

the case in recent years. the team fr O m Europe, where she made

Plan Benef1·t for

but is now fully recovered. We

of them will be light and fast this season. extensive youth stu_dies. Thus far the Saints have lined up three games-St. Mary's of Phoe- nix· , on Oct. 1 at Phoenix·, Mt. ample," she said. . "Take Commumsm 'It . ha3

cxpect to see around the club soon. both

• hH )}




1>enrer Individually J) hrned 'OR F..T.





Bill "Admiral" Medusky


the residence of Miss

held at

IS very co~- 1 people say there 1S

···································· ···································· : R. 3644 3326 Adams : Dream Bea ty = Shoppe (El Sueno Courts) "Everything for Milady's Beauty" ···································· . ································· D. Deasy Insurance Fire, Life, Automobile, Casualt Rm. 1022 Bk. of America BldK, Office: F-4212 R F-475'1 ··································· . ................................. . : GLEN'S IDEAL STORE GROCERIE -FRUITS EGETABLE I. Glen Deanlorf, Prop. Bakery Product. r h Dally • 301 pruce, Cor. 3rd Al'e. : J-6454 Free D livery .........•......•...••.......•...... .................................... . ..•............•..•.•.•....•••...... TYPE~ RITER EQ IP IE, T CO. 1023 7th A, e. F•?J0I All Makn ot Typt riltra and Addlnt '-::::::~'B',217 1arhinr• SOLD, RE. 'T D & REPAlRli D ···································· . ··········-······················· The an Diego BL DERY .lAY FARMEI ( Prop. 127 "E" treet Jiranklh1 6cl13 l\lanufacturlng Bookblt'loll'rs : ....................••....•.•••.••.. ··································· 3 JIO:\IE FOOD , TOI E 811 W., a.biniton _ J.5105: 301 University ......... J. 21 '11 : 3794 30th Stre t. • ••• • J. 3111 : I~r e Dcllv ry Service . . !3354 : 421 HEATI ................................... Hercules Oil Company OF SAN DIEGO : 1516 KcHmr Bl d. : I ......... ~~-!~~}!?.. .......... =. =~ ;g: • I :i-, LE E .. HAGE ' F or iner oods 4538 Maryland t.

t h


P ut away the cribbage board and

Mildred Han.;~.


or mg o



Carmel High of Los Angeles, there on Oct. 6 ; and St. Bemardines





The S t. Didacus Holy Name So- __


no danger of Communism

o ac ive

o re um

1s prepare


11 d

It is contrary to our ciety will open the fall social sea-


ca e


service as soon


b ·ct

Dougherty and Turner.


d 500

f th· k'


Headquarters. Mike Reynolds has High from San Bernardino, here


* *

m mg; oon with a

par y

n ge an

American philosop Y o

on the 14 th of Oct.

..,. _____________ we are after all a Christian na-1t.o be held at the new school hall,

passed his physical axamination

All clubs are reminded that the final date for filing entries for the golf and tennis tournaments is Sept. 25. The golf match will then be held Oct. 1.

d t



l'f' d f


tion. But it is equally disturbing located at 4630 34th st., between that Russia was Adams and Madison avenues, on to remember


u Y as ore h Brot er


qua 1 1e

and is



or afloat." We expect

C. E. BI,RrJtAl\f

that Germany was Priday evening, Sept. 22. I



Allin of Lakeside will also be dusting off the blue uniform. Father Ott was gr e e tin g friends at the club Monday even- ing, His usual smile was very much in evidence. Come again and stay longer Father. We always do enjoy a talk by either Very Rev. Father Mauch OSA or Father B. V. Murray, OSA, and last week was no ex- ception. We wonder when they will honor us with another visit. Brother Cy Hebert is busy on his program for Columbus Day and hopes to make this the best K of C affair held in San Diego. I Cy has what it takes to put over an affair of this nature and may expect plenty of help from the rest of the membership. The date is Oct. 12 and the place the San Diego Hotel.

Valuable prizes have been se-



Christian, that Mexico was cath- olic, and yet in our own time sub- versive influences have taken from these peoples things that we. as s Americans, hold pretty dearly.'' DOCTRINAL BACKGROUND


i c ed for both card games and ................................... .

convert, housekeeping position; can take full charge; good cook and thoroughly ex- perienced; has worked at rec- tories. Call M. 2602, Mrs. Peter- son. ltp wishes

r prize. Refreshments will be • ed. Proceeds from this party \ 1 be used to furnish the kitchen the new hall The committee CUnningham, Ted Greville, John : - ists of the followsing : Dr. •


1 n 3188:

.d Miss c

404 S D Trust Bldg •


• F 5101



· ·: UNEMPLOYED secretary wants Hooley, "muS t have a backgro~~d DeeIY. Al Jacobs. Vincent Gara, ...... ·• ••• •••• ··•···• .. •••• .. •....: k h 1 t t . e Is of doctrinal truth and the ability •................................ . wor . w o e or par rm . , A E. Hagel and earl Schamel. I:~ Chenkin's ·~ also good seamstress. can dam to t es t society s propaganda ·

I; ~•~· : •.




s,~:t•tl~E. ~j

They must

1 Care of children. against the truth.

and mend. Joan, M. 2602 _



have the power to detect the sham

• •-, : :.;,.:,..;~:

rhe D,partm,nt 'tore for Children

from the real, the false from the ,_______________ :



Room for rent near St. Vincent's true, a nd th e tawdry from th e church. Light housekeeping or beautiful. They have in th is doc-




• •• •• ••·"•· ••· •• •·•• • ·· • ••• .. •.. ••• • ••••• •• •• ••• ••••••••••••• •••• •••••

"Chuck Harrington

trinal truth a standard of family

Ending a highly successful sen- social and son in a blaze of glory the girls from st. Ann's again won ideals. c Y.O. girls' softball title by win- an ning over our Lady of Angels to • the deep

board if desired. Address Box

Lumber - Sash and Doon 1\-Illlwork - Hardware Peterson Lumber & Finance Co.

standard of

ltc life, a


economic justice, and a wise in- terprepation of political


Work done by experienced dress- maker either in the home or at The smock Shop, 2926 Im- perial Ave. Phone M. 2288. 4tp Housekeeper for a Priest. Write qualifications and salary ex- pected. Box 126, Brawley. Cal. WANTED


They must have

: 4105 Pacific Highway

understanding of this truth that the tune of 16-3. In a game as hot

J. 4144

the champions • •• •••" •·•••·"••• ••·••• ••••·•••.. •

as the weather

they can live it and share it:·

---- , •••..•.•...•.•...•................................•........•.•......•... . MEYER'S Home Made CANDIES Made In Our Own Kitchen 1011-6th Ave. San Diego, Calif. 1112 Orange Ave. Coronado

• •


"After all, youth today is the went on a spree climaxing the sea- same as it has always been," the son with seven victories and only • speaker continued. "But we, the one defeat. Clare and Robinson, I: adult world, are surrounded with the batter th a t has worked : an entirely different set of cir- throu~h most of the victo:ies, :

Boden's Super Service ew Location

Ran. 9386: .


top shape for the fmal

are were m


cumstances. Young

• 35th & Adam

ALCAZAR APARTMENTS ushered into a society of social. gam , and they received plenty of Alcazar Apartments, 914 17th economic, and even moral dis- help as their mates jumped Lady st., San Diego. All outside a~a.rt- 1 I f An 1 f · ht h"ts Th' · ments, all utilities. When V!Sltmg order. They are given the phi - o ge s or e1g 1 . 1s 1s San Diego stop at the Alcazar. If osophy of the 'new freedom,' the second year that st. Ann's has you live in San Diego, make it which is about as old as the an- won top honors in this field, along your permanent home. Rents, $35 cient fleshpots of pagan Rome. with the 100 points for the excel- and up. Steam heat.______ But it is dL,;guised in a new dress lent trophy will go the possession

·········································································· ········································································ MEATS Honest Value and Quality 902 12th Ave. Phone M-1662

Use Our Cards to Help Build : ST. DIDACUS SCHOOL : le on every gallon ot gas you : buy goe. to .. chool Building : Fund : Expert Lubrication and Repair: erviee at Low . t Prices • ................................ , ..

of self-expression, the right to of the perpetual trophy for an-

USED- 3 exceptionally good 2- dresser, $12; 2 lovely 9xl2 rugs; gas ranges. $10; coil springs, $6; inner spring mattresses, $4; Kelvinator, Fng1da1re, Gibson, ABC $8 C ldspot .. • . ; 0 . Maytag, $19;

such other year

life, and

piece living room sets: bed and live one's ovin


The game between st. Didacus .................................. ..


: Cla

ic Beauty ~:

LOUIS MOISAN -General Contractor-

and Serra club was defaulted by the former. This game, however, : will make no difference in the fi- : nal standing. The positions of tl1e •

' : ' • : : •



"They have been deprived of • the protection of convent1·on and


3 3 ~ Park Bhd. : Cornr,Jete Beauty s~rv- : Ice nt Modcrute l'ricea =.n·i:n.rn~ .." llouae Paintinar : Automohile Pa,nttnir : For Appointment Phone J-0373:






Some dandy ice boxes, $2 up. d1sc1pline which have always been a security for that period pending Open evenings. Easy terms. Gustafson, 2930 El Cajon ••••••••••••········•·•·••·····••••••·•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••; ; BRADY BEDDING AND FURN. co. Mattresses Renovated "to:-« $3.50 • Phone l\l-3615 ___ ____ ----

Phone La Mesa 6951

8998 Lemon Avenue



the season as

t the end o


following St. Ann's •••••••••••••••••••••·•·•··•••••••••

--- Serra club

,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::• --~

:·•••••••••••·•••·•••••·••··•••:::-;:, •••·•••·····••••••·••••••••••••••••·

,vi!h Our Lady of Angels and Toi-


Thousands of HEALTHWISE Families. Drink ·· _,. ·' ·• · · ARROWHEAD SPRING WATER. Regularly and •· - . . '

fourth place and St.

Box score for final game:

/;1. ~~i:y

: • •


R.H. E.

31 :

And Up



St. AnnS St.


, .

18th &


• :

3 7






f An

T ndy

· : T F McDononrb ·········································································· .... ; .. Order Yuur Supply Today • - · '

San °••Ro Free Eetimat..,


ge S

r '-"'




., ................... , ........... .

2052 Fourth Ave., San D1e1o : .......................•......•..••.•..•.••••••••...•••.•.•.•..•.

Batteries: Clare and Robin!:io11;

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