Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)

as the great drama of the church unfolded. Sacred Music And the exalted strains of "Ecce Sacerdos Magnus"-"Be- hold the Great Priest"-and the I mighty anthem of gratitude, "Te Deum Laudamus"-"Praise in the I Highest to God"-echoed above the whispered prayers of humble worshipers. This was the day San Diego day when the fruition of al, its religious dreams approached. This was the day when in .he oldest of Western shrines a new and wonderful honor was given. Medieval in its pictorial qual- ity, a procession of religious- Jong had sought.

When his metropolitan's ser- mon was ended, Bishop Buddy addressed himself for the first time to his flock. "This solemn occasion," he said, ''fills me ·with awe and gratitude and urges me for- ward in the work of God for the people. "With Saint Paul I can say 'In this faith there is a victory that overcomes the \VOrld. "Let me assure you, my dear people, that the welcome that has been given me here has been most hea.rtening. And I beg to assw·e you, most rever- end metropolitan, of the devo-


This was the Do Good While We Can

IN~ucr euaar IAS flRST BISHDr Dr SAN DltGD Archbishop Cantwell Leads Im- pressive Ceremony; Great Spectacle Viewed by Crowds

tion and fealty and love of the bright-eyed acolytes whose lips : bishop and priests and people moved in ritualistic recitation- of your suffragan see of San friars of the Order of St. Francis, Diego. in coarse habits of brown-Au- "The only way I know how gustinians and Dominicans and to govern is by the law of Christian brothers and Jesuits Christ, the greatest of all laws, 1 and Paulists-the secular clergy 'Love one another.' This f;a- in black cassocks and white lace thedral of Saint Joseph shall surplices, preceded the hierarchy. be no court of legislation but a temple of Christ. Cross Borne Aloft "I have no misgivings about Shining like an immortal sym- the future. But even in the bol in the bright ' sunlight, a vigor of health and all the golden cross was borne aloft and I enthusiasm of hope · for the a golden censer swung in wide future, there comes to me the arcs and the blue smoke of the thought that the ring that incense it wafted hovered halo- encircles this finger soon will like over the heads of the march- encircle dust. ing men of the army of Christ. "Let us, then, do good while Robed in rich purple, the mon- we can and not fail in the I signori, more than a score in way of Christ.'' number, preceded the bishops, whose white and scarlet and pur- Speaks in Spanish pie silken robes endowed with With these words of humble superb color the tremendously devotion, Bishop Buddy con- moving scene. eluded his sermon, but he asked 3.- A guard of honor of Los An- I to be allowed to address, in

BISHOP-ELECTa A CIVIC LEADER A word picture of San Diego's bishop-elect is reprint- ed from the St. Joseph News-Press, in paragraphs gleaned from the editorial column, "Timely Observa- tions," as follows: The honor that comes to the Very Rev. Charles F. Buddy, bishop-designate of the newly created Catholic diocese of San Diego, will bring pleasure to the priest's many friends, and they number men and women of all creeds and of none. Father Buddy is what we all like to consider our ideal spiritual leada.r-, a he-man with the courage of his convictions who retreats not an inch where fundamentals of faith are concerned, yet withal so con- siderate, so thoughtful of the opinions of others that his tenderness in dealing with those other creeds is one of his most striking characteristics. San Diego, will receive a civic leader when Bishop Charles F. Buddy assumes his bishopric, if the new pre- late follows the example he established as a St. Joseph priest. Notwithstanding his onerous duties at St. Jo- 1 seph's Cathedral the priest found time to devote to civic affairs. His sponsorship of St. Vincent's cafeteria in the early days of the depression probably will be remembered in this city for many years to come. The priest never dis- closed the fact himself but it was known to a few that St. Vincent's cafeteria was made possible through the gen- ero~ity of his mother, Mrs. C. A. Buddy. She donated the building which housed the cafeteria. The civic activities of Father Buddy included work every year in the Community Chest, the Civic Music As- sociation and other groups. More recently he accepted appointment to the municipal board of health under Mayor Phil J. Welch, and has been a constructive force in the present administrntion.

Full page of pictures on induction.-See Pic- ture Page. By James Lee SAN DIEGO, Feb.

Upon a city where sons of the geles fourth-degree Knights of Roman Catholic Church have Columbus, glinting sabers drawn, labored for three centuries the scarlet lining of their cloaks and more, a crown of church- flashing, preceded his excellency, 1 white-plumed hats nodding and



amigos Mexi-

canos," who constitute a consid- erable part of his flock. And to his Spanish-speaking faithful he pledged that he, like Fra Junipero Serra and the other missionaries of centuries past,

Bishop Buddy.

ly glory was bestowed today. With maJ'estic ceremony and

The bishop, walkmg with meas- ured tread, was obviously imbued wou




work for

em and t eir

solemn the Most with a spirit of deep humility. Reverend Charles Francis Buddy Although robed in the flowing l like an idealized medieval tap- was enthroned as the first bishop purple cappa magna, _wit _ermine [ estry, formed again. The pur- of San Diego and an Episcopal : collar a nd long tram, his :,vas pie-robed monsignori and the , . such an appearance as might See was erected where m the long I have been created by the brush bishops in their robes of shining ago brown-robed friars minis- of a Michelangelo; his mien was silk, the acolytes, the cross- tered to the Indians of the moun- grave and his head was lowered. bearers a nd the participating clergy filled the sanctuary. The tains and the seacoaS t . I Deacons ol Honor procession passed from the Archbishop Preaides In vestments of cloth of gold, church into the bright noonday, In the Cathedral of Saint his deacons of honor, Father where thousancis knelt again Thomas McNamara and F'ather in tribute to the young prince Joseph, where the great and John A. Daley, walked on either of the church sent by the Holy humble alike knelt in rapt devo- side of the bishop. Father in Rome to be the first tion, His Grace, the Most Rever- c_hanting so~tly, the Diocesan I bishop of historic. San Diego. end John Joseph Cantwell, Arch- choir of 200 v01ces and the great Envoy From Missouri bishop of Los Angeles, installed organ and the c:1-thedral orch:s• The members of the hierarchy his suffragan, Bishop Buddy, as t_ra blended music vocal and m- present included: · d. t d strumental into tne auuw1c :;ym- shepherd of the reg10n de ica e bol of the coming of the Bishop _The .Mo~t Reverend Joseph M: in ages past to Christ, the King. f S D" for the first time I Gilmore, bishop of Helena, Mont., A religious spectacle of trans- ? az:i iego the Most Reverend Robert E. cendent splendor was enacted mto his ca th edral church. . Lucey, bishop of Amarillo, Texas; with reverence and with beauty. Bishop Bud~y knelt silently the Most Reverend Philip G. More than 1500 men and before the high altar as an Scher, bishop of M O n t e re y- women thronged the cathedrl'll to Augustinian priest, The Rev. Fresno; the Most Reverend Ger- participate in it-to voice their 1· William Kelly, ascended to t~e ald Shaughnessy, bishop of Seat- own prayers of jubilation. pulpit and read the bulls of _his tie; the Most Reverend Charles Th d · St t holiness, Pope Pius XI, decreemg Hubert Leblond bishop of St ousan I in ree s • s f s D. ' · . erection of the ee o an iq~o Joseph, Mo.; the Most Reverend , A d in th~ street:;: ?~ttside, t~e fl and naming Cha~l:s. Fran~is Robert J. Armstrong, bishop of I s~ately cruciform edifice, add~- I Buddy, doctor of divimty, as its Sacramento; the Most Reverend t10nal thousands knel~, th e~r prelate. Daniel J. Gercke, bishop of Tue- heads bared to the sunshme, their R 1 . . H • t son and likewise the Right Rev- ears attuned to the li~urgical Traces e_ igious is ory ere~d Abbott Philip Ruggles of music, the paeans of prai~e, a~d . It was time th en for Arch- the Franciscan monastery at Con- the voices of holy men raised m bishop Cantwell to spea~ to th e ception Md and leading church- chants of supplication. priests and the people. His grace, men fr~m ~;ery part of Califor- Even as on that day in 1602 who just two m?nt_hs ago was nia and the entire West. when holy mass first was cele- elevated to archiepiscopal ra'?k Bishop Buddy's native city of brated in San Diego, there w:re ' by the order of the Holy Pont1f~ St. Joseph where he was conse- Indians in the throng of worship- which created t.he seperate di- crated six 'weeks ago, sent as its ers. , . I ocese of .san Diego, walked to official representative William J. It was a scene of vivid con- the pulpit and spoke above a McGinnis, civic leader. trasts. hush th at conveyed as no sou nd The Mayor and other city offi. The gorgeous ve~tmez:its of cou!d the fervor of the congre- cials of s,.n Diego were in at- bishops and monsi~nori, the gation. . . . . . tendance at the impressive cere- gleaming robes prescribed ?:I:' the He trac~d th e iel!gious hi st ory monies, as were high dignitaries rubrics for such a magmf1cent of San D'.eg~. He spoke sadly of the Army, the Navy and I ceremonial, the soft sheen ?f the of the evil tu'?es that o~ce had Marine Corps, whose uniforms marble high altar, bathed m th e come upon th is lovely city.. He added martial color to the stir- glow of many .candles, ~ere the pointed with stern emp~asis 'to ring scene. more vivid beside the raiment of the menace of Commumsm and the peons and the tribal delega- the need for vigilance against 1 eternal salvation. Then the picture, that was · h thanksgiving,

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