Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)

Overlooking the Pacific Ocean, this beautiful residence, right, in the exclusive Sunset Cliffs clistrict, will be the future home of Bishop Buddy, who assumes the

throne of the newly created

diocese of San Diego. ~Picture by L. A.

Cathedral Church of. San Diego Diocese


Historic Parish Of St. Joseph's Erected in 1875 as a monument to the labors and zeal of Father Ubach. It was dedi-j cated in 1894. After serving the I parish for thirty-two years the venerable priest was called to his eternal reward in March, 1907- St. Joseph's, San Diego, was or- deeply mourned by the people of ganized by a great and beloved San Diego. missionary priest, Rev. Anthony The last official act of his event- D. Uback. t'.'the last of th~ Padre~," ful career was that of blessing the and a na 1ve of Cataloma, Sµam. new altars installed · t' ·h . h He came to San Diego that is to I m ,ie c uic • "Old Town," in 1866' and soon I Father Ubach's successor was afterwards undertook the ere~ti:m ~cv., Bernard Smyth who !~ad pre- I of a new church the foundati:ms Vl0Uwly been pastor of Holhster for of whi"h were laid in 1869. i ~3 ye::·s: After fhe years of _fait.1;1- Work on the bui!din:; had not '~~\ .s,-"~;~e Fath::-r S~1yth . ~ied . m I progressed very far beiore the dis-I; ~Ji u~rJ • _l9l2.., Durmg,.· lus n;-: ;astrous fire which destroyed Old v;1D1ben'.'y t, 1 e P 1 ~sent pa.ish hou ,e 1 'Town on April 20 18 ~, 2 I was built on the site of the old I ' · churc·1 Instead of rebuilding, however, 1 0 1 • . most of the community bocame at-, n March .9, 1912. Rev. Joseph tracted to the vigorous young set- Nunan _w~s ar,_Jo,,;ted rector. He I tlement which at that time was had previously been p~stor at ,growing up on Horton·s Addition , Pomona. I in the present San Diego. j It was Father Nunan who built , Father Ubach follo•.:1·ed his con- ti13 p:iro~hial hall. gre~ation and in 1875 organized a! He rem:>in2d in the parish until parish on the mesa west of town, July, 1914, and wns succeeded by since known as St. Joseph's. Two montl!S afterwards the ap- 11875, by Mora. The growth pointment of Very Rev. Msgr. John of the parish soon warranted a J . Brady was announced. Father larger church and so Father Ubach Brady had s e r v e d as Father began preparations for the erection Ubach's assistant from 1898 to of what was regarded at that time 1902, during which time he had the finest Gothic church in the endeared himself to the pioneer [diocese. I The present St. Joseph's church was the result and today it stands I The first frame church was built as on the corner of Fourth and Beech January, 1919. streets and dedicated January 31, in:::umbent until his death in

Saint Joseph's parish church, San D\eg-o, dedicated in 189'1, will become the Cathedral church when the first Bishop of the San .I)iego Diocese is consecrated. (Story of St. Joseph's 'parish on Page 18)

R::v. E. Heffernan who continuej catholics of San Diego.




to his


parish he had been pastor at San Bernardino. Mons i g n or Brady continued as rector until his death in March, 1929. His successor was the present rector, Right Rev. M.<;gr. John M .

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