Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)


DAWN OF NEW DAY HERALDED IN SOUTHLAND Archbishop Cantwell Preaches Sermon; Eight Bishops, Score of Mon-




A gua~d of honor of Fourth De-

Seated in the church was a con-


the aid. of the officers of th e ~ass and hlS deacons of hon- or, Bishop Budd!. was vested for th e Solem:n Pont1f1cal Mass, which

gregation o! vivid contrasts. Cath- ~ee Kmghts o! Columbus, glint- olic and non-Catholic, rich and mg sabe~ drawn, white-plumed poor found their places side by hat~ noddmg and scarlet lining of I side. A great number of priests their cloaks flashing, acted as a I on one side, nuns on the other.- guard_of honor to the bishop and •followed Wi th

its usual fonn, Bishop

Two papel knights Buddy as celebrant using a chalice th at his mother had given him

Prelates across the front of th archbishop.

church-each offering up his ow~ of the new diocese attended them.

but a few_ months before she died Rev. W1lham P. Casey as etaon

Prayer of thanksgiving and sup-



Ceremony Starts

He was - a~isted~



In the vestibule of the Cathe-

Ceremony Broadcast

The entire ceremony and Sol- dral the officers of the ceremony by the Rev. William P . Casey as cmn ass was broadcast over I paused for a moment while Msgr. deacon, the Rev. Charles Loftus as KFSD as well as to the waiting I Hegarty, as archpriest, presented sub-deacon and the Rev. Fathers crowd outside the Cathedral who the aspergil to Bishop Buddy, who Daniel O'Donohue and the Rev. were unable t-0 gain admittance. signed himself and presented it to M. J. O'Connor as masters of cere- Over the hush of the silence with- Archbishop Cantwell, who signed monies. Msgr. Hegarty as arch-

s i g no r i, Many Priests Present

The dawn o! a new day-the in the Cathedral at times could be himself and of promise of a future-words ut- heard the reverent tones of the around them. Msgr. Hegarty then honor attended Bishop Buddy. t~red by His Exrj~llency, Arch- priest announcing to the radio au- presented the thurible to the ' ~~shop John J. Cantwell, D. D., in ldience or describing the pageant bishop who blessed the incense st ' AuguS t ine High school st u- 1s sermon ~ednesd~y momi~g at of ritual unfolding before him. and returned it to Msgr. Hegarty, I de~ts as Altar boys were perfectly the solemn mstallat1on of Bishop who in turn incensed the bishop tramed in the int1icate order of Charles Francis Buddy in the Ca- I Eight bishops were present in and archbishop, At the conclusion I th e ceremonies and of the Mass. thedral Church of the Diocese of the white and scarlet and purple _of this ceremony the "Ecce Sacr _ They were a credit to their teach- San Diago, rang· in the ears and I robes of their office, a Benedictine dos" was started by the choir eof er, as was the large choir in its 1 heart/'. and minds of the hundred.1. Abbot in black, and a score of over one hundred voices under the rendition of the Mass under the who filled St. Joseph's, those who monsignori in rich purple, chap- direction of the Rev. Matthias direction of Father Lani, perf'ectly lined ' the streets outside and other lains of the army and navy, Chris- Lani,. director of · the cathedral accompanied by an orchestra and ! hundreds as :they sat in their tian Brothers, order priests from choiristers in Los Angeles. · by Royal Brown, who has presided homes and listened intently over the various orders in the brown, . , . at the console of St. Joseph's or- the radio to the· ceremonies that black and white of the habits and ,,.?n reachmg th e,_sanctuary both I gan through the occupancy of four meant so much to them. some 150 secular priests in black biop.op and archbishop knelt on pastors. This was a new day, a day un- cassocks and white 1ace surplices. prie deus before · ~h·e Altar. Their- , like those days and years that From the parish house this large pray~rs finished, th ey arose and Flays Communism tim~ had la1·d away. The terri·- f Id ' . th . f ; bowed to each other, the arch- army o so ier., m e service o b. h t k ' . Before the celebration of Mass ' tory that at one time was the Christ marched in ecclesiastical 11'. op .a mg hIB th rone on th e epistle s d f th Alt d B. was started, Archbishop Cantwell homP. of the savage. had shaken procession under the direction of 1 e O . e ar an ish- op Buddy tak t d mow1ted to the pulpit and preach- itseif. Its people would lay as1·cte the Rev. Francis·· Ott. Leading the . mg a sea prepare d · fo h b f th Alt d e the sennon, an eloqu)ent warn- the glorious .past in which they. procession was the thurifer who r im e ore e ar, his ea- h 1 . . . . cons, Father T, J. McNamara and ing to his suffragan of the tr()lll.- e d so much store. It would for- , left a trail of mcense m hIB wake. F th J A Dal hies that now beset the shepherd get _the adolescence of .its present The Cross bearer was followe · in a er · · ey, O . S. A., sta nd • i·ng nt h1·s 1•1'"'ht and I ft of a flock. He traced the history and live .for the future and the order. by the acolytes, the Altar .. " e · of San Diego, told of the first work that was to. be accomplished boys, and the religious. These lat- Papal Bulls Read Bish.op of the Californias who by the new leader that was pro- ter, almost fifty in number, in- spent a short month in San Diego, vided for them through God's eluded many provincial heads of The Very Rev. William P. Kelly, then a vil.lag·e of 150 souls, to I grace and the favor of the Apos- orders and represented the Chris- O . S. A., who was sel,ected by tolic See. tian Brothers, Paulists, Claretian, Bishop Buddy to .read the papal n:ove on to Santa. .Barbara,, where bUllif, bowed to the Blessed Sac- his martyred remains were buried. , The ceremony which signalized Redemptorist, Passionist, Vincen- . t th h . Coming down to the unrest of the the official installation of Bishop tian Dominican and Benedic'tine 1 amen , e c 01r and profoundly . . orde,rs and San Diego's own friars genuflecting before Archbishop pr~nt day, he exconated Com- Buddy as the bishop of the San , mumsm with tellin h · Diego, San Bernardm·o, Ri·versi·de of the Order of st. Francis Au Cantwell, received the bull and its ( . g emp asis. ' tr l t· Tu . See Archbishop's sermon in full) and Imperial counties, was a gustinian Recollect and Augustin- ans a_ ion. rmng, he made a · deeply moving one. Never has such ian Hermit orders, each group bow befo!·e Bishop Buddy and Bishop Buddy then mounted to pageantry and beauty of ceremony augmented in numbers from other th en mounted to the pulpit to the pulpit to address himself to been unfolded before San Diegans, cities. ·read,_ fitS t in Latin and then in his flock, first in English, then to for Bishop Buddy came to a new- Engllsh, th e wo rd s from th e Holy the Mexican and Italian peopie in ly formed and untenated diocese. Old Pastors Return . Father_addressed to the people of their native tongues. (See sermon Succeeding irenerations may see The secular clergy followed th : Drn~ese of San Diego a nd in full-this issue) . other bishops installed in the many of whom were from th~ written • m th e Vatican October th f St Ar hd . . 31, 1936. . · · rone o . Didacus, but the c 1oeese of Los Angeles, and m 1 · • grandeur with which San Diegans years past had bt'l'.m stationed in . Archbishop Cantwell, standing clothed their first bishop on that San Diego as pastors and assist- before his throne, entoned the "Te solemn occasion w!ll never be ants. They had for a time envi- Deum", after Msgr. Hegarty at duplicated. This was the day San sioned this very da.y and had re- tne epistle .c9rner . of the Altar Diego long had S-Ought. This was turned to take part in its reality. I sang the "Protectpr Noster." the day when the fruition of all Among the religious, too, were I its _religious dreams approached. many familiar faces returned to I Leads Bishop To, Throne · This was the day when in the old- the scene of their earlier endeav- Then taking the bishop by the est of Western shrines a new and ors. hand, Archbishop Cantwell led wonderful honor was given. Then came the Monsignori, the Bishop Buddy to his throne, the 1 sprinkled th O s i: priest and the two deacons

St. Joseph's High Altar and side bishops, the officers of the Mass bishop's chaplains following him Altars were beautifully decorated and between his deacons of honor I and taking their places on eithei , for the ceremony, shell colored walked Bishop Buddy to the 1side of his throne. The crozier, gladiolas and Talisman roses strains of the mighty "Ecce Sa- brought to the archbishop, was \blending beautifully with the gol- cerdos Magnus" - "Behold the placed in Bishop Buddy's hand. sharp cdntrast with mine collar and six-foot train car- his th rone, Bisliop Buddy received their dark and sim,ple beauty, ried by a small train bearer. The th e pledges of loyalty of all his while the light of m~ny candles symbols of his rank reposed on priests, young and old, who filed bathed the whole in a glow of I the Altar, to be presented to him before him to kneel and kiss his splendor that was reflected in the during the ceremony. ring. The otl~ience of the dio·- cloth of gold worn by t~ officers f Separating tbe bishop and ~san ~riests concluded, a. very of the Mass Archbishop Cantwell, who was last part of the ceremony The body 0 of the church was alsc; in the procession, was the Cross ensued . in whi~h Bishop Buddy made ready as for the coming of bearer, the mitre bearer, the )>ook !:~e his bl~~ those pre~- 1 I a bride. Fern encircled the pil!ari, bearer and the Archiepiscopal . During this t~e, too, his 1 in graceful folds, while the papal Chass bearer. voihce was heard for thle first time . I as e stood at his throne and sang fl.ags of gold and :"hite and the the "Dominus Vobiscum" and the diocesan and archdioc:san coat o! prayer of St. Diduus his tones 1 in evidence. d tro ' 1 den hues of the Altar and soft col- Great Priest." He wore the flow- ored robes of the statues. Palms ing purple cappa magna, with er- Thus seated.for thle first time in created a

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