USD Women's Soccer 2000

2000 UN1vEns1n' OF SAN Drnco To1rnno WoMEN's So~cEn


USD Athletic Administration

USD General Information School Name Un ivers ity of San Diego Location 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92 11 0-2492 Year Founded 1949 Enrollment 6,800 Conference West Coast Conference Affiliation USD Sports Information Sports Information Director Ted Gosen Assistant SIDI Women's Soccer Contact NCAA Division I

President Alice B. Hayes

NCAA Faculty Rep, Mitch Malachowski Director ofAthletics Tom Iannacone Associate Athletics Director Dan Yourg Associate Athletic Director/SWA Wendy Guthrie Associate A.D./Ath/etic Development Brian Fogarty Assist. A.D./Marketing & Promotions Renee Wiebe John Martin Director ofIntramurals/Recreation Gary Becker Director ofFacilities Director ofJenny Craig Pavilion Carl Reed Head Athletic Trainer Carolyn Greer, M.A., A.T. , C. Assistant Trainers Suzi Higgins, Paul Signore lli Sports Information Director Ted Gosen Assistant SID/Women's Soccer Contact Me lissa Turley Director ofAcademic Support Shaney Fink Compliance Coordinator Mike Matoso

USD Coachin St ft . Tate, Head c;ach a


. Assistant Coach Tommy John Cossaboon & Assistant

Coach Ada G


Table of Contents

University of San Diego Misc. Information Season Prev iew USO Coachi ng Staff Roster/Torero Honors Torero Biographies Torero Biographies/Alumn i



2 3


Melissa Turl ey Office Phone (6 19) 260-4745 Fax (619) 260-2990 Press Box Phone



1999 Statistics/Resu lts

IO 11 I 2

The West Coast Conference

USO Record Book

USO All-Time Results/ Series Records


(619) 260-2982 Torero Hotline (619) 260-2323 USD Website http://sa. acusd. edu/ath I etics

USO Athletic Support Staff/ Media Information


USO Support Services


This is San Diego


USD Women's Soccer Quick Facts 1999 Overall Record: 16-5 WCC Record/Place: 5-2 (Second) Head Coach: John Cossaboon (Fourth Season) SUNY Cortland , 1978 USD Record: 35 -2 1-3/Three Seasons Career Record: 47-45-3 Ass istant Coaches: Ada Greenwood; Tommy Tate Women's Soccer Phone: (6 19) 260-2306 Home Field: Torero Stadium (4,000) Lettermen Returning/Lost: 12/8 Starters Returning/Lost: 6/5

Toreros Defined The University of San Diego, which sponsors sixteen NCAA Di vision I interco llegiate teams, competes under the athletic nickname ofToreros. In 1961, the Most Reverend Bishop Buddy, the fo und ing father of USO, announced that the schoo l's ni ckname wou ld change from Pioneers to Toreros. "The name Toreros is keeping with the friend ly re lationship whi ch exists between San Diego and Mex ico," His Exce ll ency sa id at the time. Torero comes from the spanish term toro , the bu ll, and from the word torear, to fight bulls. A ll of the contestants in the ring are ca lled toreros. Torero is a genera l term describing a bullfighter and sign ifi es courage, honor and fidel ity. USO student-ath letes, li ke the Torero, represent a w illingness to stand alone in the ring and accept the cha ll enge. The 2000-200 I school year marks the 40th anni versary with Toreros as the officia l nickname for USO athletic teams.

Acknowledgements 2000 San Diego Women 's Soccer Media Guide Produced by the USD Sports Information Office Design, Edit & Layout: Mel issa Turley & Ted Gosen Printing: Kings Printing Photography: Brock Scott - Scott Photo Scott Photo: www.

Universily o f 6an Die30

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