USD Women's Basketball 1998-1999



1998-1999 Torero Basketball

Where Are They Now?

Melissa Sortino-Abraham , 1990-94 Teaches e le m e ntary schoo l in Tiga rd, OR.. . Hea d g irl 's baske tba ll coach a t St. Mary 's HS. Heidi Ambrose, 1993-97 First Stude nt-A thlete Va le di cto rian a t USO ... Now in seco nd year at m edica l sc hoo l at th e Uni versity of Was hingto n . June Andrews, Manager, 1988-92 Teaching and coachi ng at Madison Hig h, he r a lma m ate r. Lyn Anatasio, Asst. Coach, 1987-89 FBI agent in Phoenix, AZ. Jill Bradley-Applegate, 1982-84) Flig ht A tte ndant fo r Am e rica n A irlin es. Melinda Blade, USD's First Head Coach Athle tic Directo r at O ur Lady o f Peace . Paula Mascari-Bott, 1986-90 Spo rtswrite r at th e Sa n Diego Union - Tri– bune . Has one c hild. Michele Brovelli, 1992-96 Teac he r and Hea d Bas k e tb a ll Coac h a t Drake HS in th e Bay Area. Bambi Brunning-Greene, 1982-85 Recently mo ve d back to San Diego and is teaching in th e Po way School Distric t. Jeanne Burns, 1983-84 Stable m anage r fo r e ques trian team . Christine Burke, 1983-87 A cco unting m anage r fo r Lo ng 's Drug Sto re . Received Maste r's degree in 7 998 . Meg Estey-Capps, 1986-88 Direc to r o f Be thphage Community Re la– ti o n s . Erin Characklis, 1988-89 Ho rse tra in e r in Hamburg, German y. Rachel Chism, 1988-90 Teac hes 4th g rade a t Shadow Hills, p ur– suing Mas te r's d egree in Edu ca ti o na l Lea de rship . Madeline Herill-Cobb, 1979-81 Director o f school-age c hild ca re program in Ca rme l Valley, CA. Kelli Behrends-Coley, 1985-87 In sa les with Glaxo Pharmaceutica ls. Mar– rie d with o ne daug hte r The USD Wonwn 's 8.iskt•th,111 pro– gr,1m is proud oi its lwrit,1ge ,111cl tlw .iccomplishnwnts oi ,1 11 its former pl,1vers. Ii ,·ou or ,1 cl,1ssm,1tP h,we ht•t·n excluded from this list, pie.1st• writl' ,incl tell us wlwre vou .ire ,111cl vou ,Ht' currently doing. Letters should be addressed to: USD Wonwn 's 8,1skt'th,1II Office '>'J'JB Alc,11,\ P,irk S,1n Diego, CA '!21 I 0-2-1'!2 Alumni: Help Vs Keep in Touch

1992-1993 USDToreros NCAA Tournament Team

Julie Lemery, 1988-90, 1991-92 Wo rks for Mic roso ft. Rochelle Lightner,

Therese Hollcraft-Collins, Sa les rep fo r UBC Ph armaceutica ls... Two c hildre n . Jean Corley, 1979-81 A ttends to he r three c hildren at her home in State n Island, N Y Kelly Schroeder-Dakin, 1983-87 Marrie d w ith three sm a ll c hildre n, resid– Teac hes b iling ua l class es at Ram o na Ol– ive Pi e rce Sc hoo l... Coac h e s an e ig hth g rade g irls team . Vicki de Jesus, 1991-95 Teache r and Assistant Coac h at Po way High School. Chris Enger, 1989-93 Played profess ional bas ke tball in Eng land. Curre ntly working at the Vi sta Recrea ti on Dep a rtm e nt. Candida Echeverria, 1986-90 Selling rea l es tate in th e Chino, CA area . Serena Eierman, 1991-95 Wo rk s in ad ve rti sing fo r Macy 's in San Fra nc isco; running a m arath on thi s yea r. Christi Engl ish, 1986-90 Wo rks at Bechte l Eng ineering Corp .. Cindy Fischer, Asst. Coach, 1981-87 Spec ialist at IBM Ope rational Supp ort. Cheryl Getz, Asst Coach, 1990-98 PHO in Lea de rship fro m USO; Ass istant Dean, School o f Edu ca tion - USO Jane Gilpin, 1985-88 Accountant at Ca mp Pe ndle to n. Debbie Gollnick, 1988-92 High school head coach in De n ver, CO. Sue Hampton, 1982-85 . Teaching and coaching at Hinkl ey Hi g h School in M inn esota ... Two c hildre n . Mollie Hunter, 1987-91 Ma rke ting and Prom o ti o n s Direc to r fo r WNBA team, L.A. Sparks. Nya Jensen, 1991-95 Returned to De nmark and is marrie d w ith one c hild. Laura King, 1992-96 Wo rking fo r Yahoo Intern e t Se rvices . Run– ning a marath o n this yea r. ing in Paso Robles, CA. Julie Doria, 1988-92

Teaches in National City. Chayo Moreno, 1982-83; Asst. Coach, 1983-84 Marketing sales rep for Comm. Hea lth Pro– g ram Group. Lori Morris, 1980-84 Acting Asst. Principal, Athle tic Director and Coach at Montgome ry High Schoo l. Martha Nelson, 1979-83 Coordinator for the A.R.C. Society in Molin e, IL. Cathy O'Brien, 1983-87 Teaches at preschool in San Marcos. Attending USO Law School. Kim Reynolds, 1987-88 Customer Service Associate fo r Pacific Corporation. Has fiv e children. Karen Skemp, 1984-88 Pursuing do ctorate at Univ. o f Minn eso ta. Mary Stanbra, 1981-85 Athletic trainer at Mi chiga n State University Student Hea lth Center. Lynda Jones-Tealer, 1988-92 Senior Women 's Administrator at Santa Clara University. Debbie Theroux, 1983-86; Asst Coach, 1988-91 Environmental Planner for Department o f De fense. Laura Thomas, 1980-83 Works fo r San Diego County Probation Dept. as a probation o ffi cer. Brittany Volk, 1991-95 Attending grad school at St. Mary's College. Peggy Weaver, 1982-86 Works in management for R.P. S. Busy with three children. Cathy Perkins, 1986-90 Sup ervisor with Safeco In surance. Sheila Peyrebrune, 1995-97

Roa dway Package Sys tems. Debbie Weinreis, 1981-82 O ffi ciating co llegiate bas ketball.

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