Alcalá View 1981 2.6

Page 4 - Alcala View - April, 1981

~\~~7 ~ =1_.__ ~ 7 -- C: ,:-_ ~ ~ _ , 7 _ __d • ~ _- ----~ HOW ABOUT A NIGHT OUTl MOVIE/ FREEIII The Trading Post is sponsoring a contest (compl>– ments of USO and the Alcala View) which will run for two months-April and May. THE CATCH? We need information as to places to go, things to do, helful hints, etc. We would also like to continue our FREE classified ad section. All it takes to enter is submission of an item to be used in the Trading Post or Classified Ads. At the beginning of June, all entries will be placed in one container and the winning name drawn at random. Send your entry to Fran Swank, Controller's Office, De Sales Hall - be sure to print your name. Entries received by the end of the month will appear in the next issue. THIS IS YOUR COLUMN, HELP SUPPORT IT ANO PERHAPS WIN A NIGHT ON THE TOWN! Members of the Alcala View Editorial Board are not eligible. . . BUT YOU ARE! Alcala View in no way endorses any of th e services, bu sinesses, or ideas presented. Garcias of Scottsdale, Glasshouse Square. Rosecrans traffic circle. Pri ces medium to high. Excellent M exican food, inviting decor, great atmos phere. Casa de Bandini, 2660 Calhoun. O ld Town . Prices moderate. Good food. Great bee r! Good alternative to Casa de Pi co. Julios, University & 4th St. Good food, fast service, medium prices. Ports-0 -Call, Lon g Beach, 1/, m ile from Q ueen M ary. Very simi lar to Seaport Vil lage. Good 1/, day excursion. CLASSIFIEDS WANTED: Used refrigerator, good runni ng con– dition, under 6' in height. Contact Lori Stout, X4294 . For Sale: Girls bike, low ri der in good cond ition. $35 Contact Lin da As h, X4303 • • • • • S.E.A. Notes Staff Employee A ssocation ~ .......... .A....:. Th e Febru ary Board meeting was held the 18th. Pam Tenney, ou tgoing Assistant Director of Personnel, introd uced her repl acement, Jan Chlarson, who gave a small pres entation ex plaining her duties and willin gness to ass ist all employe es. Th e Sick Leave In centive Plan was discussed. Comparisons from other uni– ve rsities of equal size wi ll be requested before the plan is finalized.

HEALTH AWARENESS DAY, APRIL 23 Evaluate your physical fitness! by Joan Murry

variety of health screenings, including screenin gs to evaluate blood pressure, vi sion , and gen eral physi cal fitn ess; info rmation booths will provid e in stru c– ti ons on self breast examinati on, se lf defense fo r women, and nutriti onal needs. " Peopl e can do a lo t toward taking ca re of th emse lves.. . fee ling good should be a commun ity concern " are th e beli efs of th e senior stud ents who plan– ned Health Awareness Day. Th ey hope thi s program will stimulat e interes t in improvin g phys ica l and mental hea lth. Fo r parti cular questions, contact Roberta Callahan, Jo Ann Hugill, Carol Hougga rd , or Karen M acFarlane on " Health Awareness Day." interminable fight scene-are prolo nged unti l they w ilt. Paul N ewman, playing the veteran cop/ hero, gives his usual competent pe rform– ance as Paul N ewman giving a competent perfo rman ce; Pam Greer as th e killer prostitute is blood curd ling; Rita Ti coti n as the d ru g– addicted nurse w ith whom M urphy fal ls in love turns in some veryquelconque wo rk. The movie breaks in half somew here around th e middle– gears shift, energy drops, and the attitude seem s to be " let's w rap this up fast and get to the end." The fi lm manages to hold one's attention, but has been grossly overrated. If you have to d rive across town to see it, don't bother.

USO student s, staff, and fa culty are invited to participate in " Health Aware– ness Day" at th e Phil ip Y. Hahn School of Nursin g on Thursday, April 23rd ., from 9 a. m. until 6 p.m . " Hea lth Awarenes s Day" is bei ng o rganized to provid e hea lth and fitn ess info rmation to th e general publ ic as well as to th e USD community. Acco rdin g to Caro l Hougga rd , o ne o f th e four stud ents in nursin g w ho are o rgani zin g th e proj ect, th e main o bj ec– ti ve is to p romote " a hi gh leve l o f well– ness as a lifes tyl e." General health edu cati on materi al will be availabl e fo r persons of all ages- from stud ents to senio r citi ze ns. Set up througho ut th e nursing school buildin g will be equipment for a wid e The Jaundiced Eye

Films Reviewed by Sandra Edelman ~®®®®®®®®@@®@@®®®®®®®@@® FORT APACHE, THE BRONX is a spl endid example of w hat happensto a film when itsspine is dislocated. Somebody- it's impossibl e to tell whether it was the produce r or the screen– w riters- failed to make the commitment essen– tial to artistic integrity. As a resul t, " Fo rt Apache" stands first o n one foot and then o n the other sometimes it promises to take a philosophical stand on the several issues suggested (po lice morality, drugs, racism, prostitution) and some– times it just ru ns along like a good old-fashioned cop movie. M ostly, it's the latter. This vacillation mu st have thrown the editor off center, because sequences th at merited longer treatment are nipped in th e bud, while others- in particular an

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by Fran Swank

Large bill

Cr a v a ts

Che s s pi ece

No t l oose

Past t e ns e of s tand

Equal scor e

The Alcala View is published nine ti me per year by th e Personnel D epartment of USO. Editor: Lorraine Watson. Ass istant Editor: Sandra Edelman. Editorial Boa rd: Sara Finn, Sue Howell, Fran Swank, Joa n Murry. Prod uction: Linda Ash, Tricia Prisby. Overall content of the newsletter is determ ined by the Editorial Board, which holds open meetin gs each mo nth. Articles written express the opinions of the autho r. W e welcome contributions. The Editor reserves th e right to edit copy fo r space and content.

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