[AD9236] EMEA Catalogue 18-3-20 DIGITAL


NEW An Osteopathic Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment, 4th Edition Eileen DiGiovanna, Michael DiGiovanna and Dennis Dowling

The most comprehensive resource available on osteopathic manual medicine models, An Osteopathic Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment, Fourth Edition is both an ideal introduction for students and a valuable reference for practicing physicians. While many texts favor specific OMM models, this practical compendium reflects the most current and clinically relevant approaches across the full spectrum of osteopathic practice, organizing osteopathic concepts and step-by-step techniques into a single volume. The book’s integrated method for diagnosis and treatment embraces basic osteopathic history and philosophy, palpation and manipulation, and specific manipulative treatments and concepts to deliver a robust understanding, with cases and clinical examples that prepare students for the realities of practice. Now in full color, abundant photographs demonstrate step-by-step techniques, and meticulous illustrations clarify underlying anatomy in rich detail.

978-1-4963-8599-4 / 648 pp / June 2020

Foundations of Osteopathic Medicine: Philosophy, Science, Clinical Applications, and Research, 4th Edition Michael Seffinger

The most current, comprehensive osteopathic text available, Foundations of Osteopathic Medicine , 4th Edition, defines osteopathic terminology and techniques and instills the confident understanding essential to clinical success. This proven resource is the standard text for teaching the osteopathic profession, providing broad, multidisciplinary coverage of osteopathic considerations in the basic sciences, behavioral sciences, family practice and primary care, and the clinical specialties.

978-1-4963-6832-4 / 1124 pp / Dec 2018


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