[AD9236] EMEA Catalogue 18-3-20 DIGITAL


Maternal and Child Health Nursing: Care of the Childbearing and Childrearing Family, 8th Edition Joanne Flagg

Maternal and Child Health Nursing follows the family from pre-pregnancy through pregnancy, labor, birth, and the post-partal period. It then follows the child and the family from birth through adolescence. Basic themes that are integrated into this text include the experience of wellness and illness as family-centered events, the perception of pregnancy and childbirth as periods of wellness, and the importance of knowing normal child development in the planning of nursing care. Also included are themes reflective of changes in health care delivery and the importance of meeting the needs of a culturally diverse population.

978-1-4963-6532-3 / 1744 pp / Oct 2017

Introductory Maternity and Pediatric Nursing, 4th Edition Nancy Hatfield and Cynthia Kincheloe

Introductory Maternity and Pediatric Nursing provides clearly-written, well- illustrated, and clinically relevant coverage of pregnancy, birth, and pediatrics to help you master key clinical and critical thinking skills and prepare for the NCLEX- PN exam. This proven book features integrated case studies, inpatient scenarios and outlines of appropriate diagnoses, outcomes, interactions, and rationales, and many other engaging features to best understand each patient’s overall nursing care plan. Cultural sensitivity and awareness of all family structures is addressed and applied in what you are learning.

978-1-4963-4664-3 / 1056 pp / Oct 2017


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