[AD9236] EMEA Catalogue 18-3-20 DIGITAL


NEW Henke’s Med-Math: Dosage Calculation, Preparation, and Administration, 9th Edition Susan Buchholz

This best-selling text features a highly visual, hands-on approach to learning dosage calculation and principles of drug administration. With the step-by-step approach to solving problems and in-chapter exercises, provides the opportunity for students to gain ability and confidence in the material before proceeding to the next concept. Over 70 Calculations in Action Animations provide step-by-step demonstrations of how to solve equations presented in the text.

978-1-9751-0652-2 / 560 pp / Oct 2019

NEW Clinical Calculations Made Easy: Solving Problems Using Dimensional Analysis, 7th Edition Gloria Craig

Safely and Effectively Calculate Medication Dosages. Dosage calculation and drug administration are easier than ever with this easy-to-use skill- building guide. Clinical Calculations Made Easy equips you to confidently calculate accurate medication dosages with a review of basic math skills and measurement systems, as well as a systematic approach to drug calculations/preparations using the proven dimensional analysis method.

978-19751-0376-7 / 304 pp / Oct 2019


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