Chapter 21 / Inv estments ill Associates (l AS 28)


10. EXTRACTS FROM PUBLISHED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 10.1 NOKIA, Annual Report 2006 Notes to the Financial Statements 15. Investments in associated companies EURm Net carrying amount January I Translation differences

2006 193 (2) 19 ( I ) 28 ill} 224

2005 200 8 12

Additions Disposals Share of results Other movements Net carrying amount December 31

(17) 10 am 193

In 2005, the Group disposed of part of its 36 .2% minori ty holding in Aircom Ltd resulting in a hold ing of 10%. Th e gai n on the sale recorded in othe r operating inco me was EUR 18 million . Th e Group's rem aining 10% holding in Aircom sha res is recorded as a noncurrent available-for-sale in– ves tme nt. Share holdings in associated compa nies are comprised of investements in unlis ted compa nies in all periods pre sen ted. 10.2 CLARIANT, Annual Report 2006 Notes to the Financial Statements 6. Investments in associates CHF mil 2006 Beginning of the year 282 Acquisitions 1 Change in scope of consolidation (6) Share of profit/(loss) 35 Dividends received (22) Exchange rate differences -.f2l End of the year 288 Th e key fina ncial da ta of the Grou p' s princip al asso ciates are as follows: Country of CHF 11111 incornoration Assets Liabilities Revenue Protit/iloss ) 2005 Infraserv GmbH & Co. Hochst KG Germany 1,039 525 1,260 35 Infraserv GmbH & Co. Gendorf KG Germany 195 99 306 8 Infraserv GmbH & Co. Knapsack KG Germany 169 64 240 8 Others ill --M m -..!! Total 1,5 16 749 2,045 59 2006 Infraserv GmbH & Co. Hochst KG Germany 1,229 705 1,324 56 Infraserv GmbH & Co. Gendorf KG Germany 197 97 355 11 Infraserv GmbH & Co. Knapsack KG Germany 173 73 239 (I) Others 102 ..M 179 Total 1,70 1 9 19 2,097 66 Th ere were no unrecogn ized losses in the years 2006 and 2005 . No acc umulated unrecogn ized losses ex isted as at the balance sheet date. 10.3 NESTLE GROUP, Annual Report 2006 Notes to the Financial Statements 6. Associates Share of results of associates is analysed as follows: In millions of CHF Share of results before taxes Less share of taxes Share of results 2006 1,198 (235) 963 2005 1,071 (175) 896

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