Wiley lFRS: Practicallmplementation Guide and Workbook

Compa ny cash flow statement

52 weeks ended April I, 2006 £m

52 weeks ended April 2, 2005 £m

Cash fl ows from operating activities Cash generated from operations Tax paid Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities Cash fl ows from investing activities Dividend s received Preacqui sition dividend received Investment in subsidiary Intere st received Net cash inflow from investin g activities Cash fl ows from finan cing activities Interest paid Nonequity dividends paid Purchase of own shares Redemption of nonequity B shares Shares issued under employee share schemes Repa yment of intercompany loan Tender offer expenses Equity dividends paid Net cash outflow from financing activiti es Net cash inflow from activitie s Cash and cash equivalents at beginn ing and end of period

(0.4 ) (0.5) (09)


946.7 1,626.7

205 .2


(0. 1)


(2.5 )

(2.8) (2,300.0) (19.2) 68.4 (64.9) (14.9) (236.9) ~)

(11.0) 61.8 (48.4 )

*** Authors' editorial clarification-"Notes" CI , C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, and C9 are set out below. CI Accounting Policies. The Company's accounting policies are given in Note I of the Group finan cial statements. C2 Employees. The Company had no employees during the current or prior period. Directors received emoluments in respect of their services to the Company during the period of £502,000 (last year £401,000). The company did not operate any pension schemes during the current or preceding finan– cial year. C3 Auditors'Remuneration. Auditors' remuneration of £0.3m (last year £0.2m) in respect of the Com– pany 's annual audit has been borne by its subsidiary Marks and Spencer pic. C4 Interest. 1.7 J Under lAS 32- " Financial Instruments" dividends on nonequity shares, previously shown as dividends, are now treated as interest payable. C5 Dividends. 2006 2005 2006 2005 Per share Per share £m £m Dividends on equity ordinary shares Paid final dividend 7.5p 7.lp 124.3 161.3 Paid interim dividend 4.8p 4.6p 79.8 75.6 Jl,jjJ JJ;Zg 204 I 23Q.2 Dividends on nonequity B shares' Interim dividend 3.36% 1.4 Final dividend 3.78% 1.4 2Jlil 2l2..Z 1 Under lAS 32-" Financial Instruments" dividends on nonequity sha res, previously shown as dividends, are now treated as interest payable. In addition, the directors have proposed a final dividend in respect of the finan cial year ended April I , 2006 of 9.2p per share mounting to a dividend of £1 54. 8m. It will be paid on July 14, 2006 to share– holders who are on the Register ofMember on June 2, 2006. In line with the requirements of lAS 10– "Events after the Balance Sheet Date," the dividend has not been recognised in these results. Bank and other interest receivable Dividends on nonequity B shares' Net interest (payable)/receivable 2006 £m (2.5) (2.5) 2005 £m 1.7

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