2022 Fall Newsletter

The first annual Paola meeting of the AHTA was held in Mallory Opera House Oct. 15th and 16th 1902.

Around 1890, the first chapter of the “AHTA” was established in Miami County. By the 1900s, there were 10 chap ters in Miami County. In 1901 the state convention was held in Miami County. Throughout the country, there were over 50,000 members of which over half were from Kansas. Things started to slow down as time went on. Many men left to fight in World War 1. By the 1930s, law enforcement agencies were in place and the days of the frontier had ended.

MINI-MINUTES By Librarian LeAnne Shields The following are highlights of the happenings at the Museum. A new exhibit on display from October thru November. 2022 is the “Women’s Suffrage Exhibit”. On loan from “Freedoms Frontier” in Lawrence, KS. President Aggie Dillard served coffee & cookies Thurs day, November 3, 2022 at the museum to honor Na tive American month. Honored guests were descendants of Christmas & Mary Dagenett. They were Jeanne–d’Arc Dagenette from Williamsburg, KS, Elaine Dagenette Heisler from Wichita, KS & Debbie Elder from Elkland, Missouri.

The museum sells the bricks that are in place in The Paola Park Square with family members names en graved on them. Cost is $60.00. Order at the muse um. Ann Benton is the new museum Secretary. Luanne Debrick Resigned due to health issues. The museum now has Pay Pal and Square for those that want to pay with a credit card. Nov 4th 2022 Agnes Dillard stepped as President but will rmain as a volunteer. Jana Harrington Barcus was elected President of the museum at the November meeting for the next two years.

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