September 2019 HSC Section 1 Congenital and Pediatric Problems


Head and Neck Canfarotta M, Moote D, Finck C, et al. McGill Thyroid Nodule Score in differentiating benign and malignant pediatric thyroid nodules: a pilot study. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg . 2017; 157(4):589-595. EBM level 4...................................................................................................155-161 Summary : This article is a retrospective chart review that pilots using the McGill Thyroid Nodule Score (MTNS) to assess the risk of malignancy in pediatric thyroid nodules. The authors reviewed the charts of 46 pediatric patients who presented with a thyroid nodule treated with surgical resection. A cumulative MTNS was calculated and compared with pathology. The pediatric MTNS was able to differentiate between benign and malignant disease in nodules that had indeterminate cytology.

Hanba C, Svider PF, Siegel B, et al. Pediatric thyroidectomy: hospital course and perioperative complications. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg . 2017; 156(2):360-367. EBM level 4.............162-169

Summary : This article is a retrospective database review that evaluates the Kids’ Inpatient Database for thyroidectomy patients and reports on hospital length of stay and postoperative complications. Younger patients (< 6 years of age) had a significantly longer hospital length of stay than those 6 years or older. The most common postoperative complication was hypocalcemia at nearly 20%. Respiratory complications occurred more frequently in the younger patients. Vocal cord paralysis was noted in 1.7%.

Ivancic R, Iqbal H, deSilva B, et al. Current and future management of recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. Laryngoscope Investig Otolaryngol . 2018; 3(1):22-34. EBM level 4..........170-182

Summary : This article reviews the current and future management of recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) in children and adults. Standard treatment is surgical excision with cold microlaryngeal instruments, microdebrider, and/or lasers. Adjuvant therapies for severe disease not controlled with surgery include cidofovir and bevacizumab. The HPV vaccine has been shown to have preventative as well as therapeutic effects. Novel immunomodulatory agents may provide a better approach to manage and treat RRP in the future. Yuhan BT, Svider PF, Mutchnick S, Sheyn A. Benign and malignant oral lesions in children and adolescents: an organized approach to diagnosis and management. Pediatr Clin North Am . 2018; 65(5):1033-1050. EBM level 4.................................................................................................183-200 Summary : This article reviews common pediatric benign and malignant oral lesions. Its goal is to familiarize the reader with clinical features that may warrant further work up and to provide diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for oral cavity lesions. Understanding the oral cavity anatomy, obtaining a thorough patient history, and performing a detailed physical examination are crucial for formulating differential diagnoses and optimizing work up and intervention. Zamani M, Grønhøj C, Schmidt Jensen J, et al. Survival and characteristics of pediatric salivary gland cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Pediatr Blood Cancer . 2019; 66(3):e27543. EBM level 4...............................................................................................................................201-208 Summary : This article is a systematic review of studies including children from infants to 19 years of age with salivary gland cancer. Nineteen studies with 749 children were included in the review. Overall, 95% of the patients were treated with primary surgery and 24% underwent adjuvant radiotherapy. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma was most common in all salivary glands, followed by acinic cell carcinoma and adenoid cystic carcinoma. Five-year overall survival was 94%.

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