September 2019 HSC Section 1 Congenital and Pediatric Problems

systemic side effects of IFN-alpha have limited its use, and adjuvant therapies have moved toward intralesional bevacizumab and cidofovir. Immunomodulatory agents, such as the anti-PD-1 antibody pembrolizumab, have shown activity against HPV-associated HNSCC, and an ongoing Phase II clinical trial has been initiated to assess the efficacy of pembrolizumab in RRP. Further- more, HPV vaccines, including the newly developed non- avalent Gardasil-9, have shown therapeutic benefit, but randomized clinical trials are needed to evaluate the efficacy of HPV vaccines to reduce the recurrence rate of RRP. Due to the low incidence of RRP, acquiring a suffi- cient number of patients may be difficult for a single institutional study; thus, large, multi-center clinical tri- als are required to assess the efficacy of the HPV vac- cines. Routine HPV vaccination in pre-adolescent children is also expected to secondarily reduce RRP inci- dence by decreasing the incidence of genital warts caused by HPV, thus reducing vertical transmission of HPV to newborns. In conclusion, RRP is incurable with current treat- ment modalities. Adjuvant therapies are utilized when surgery cannot control disease, and the efficacy of adju- vants is limited to increasing the time interval between surgical procedures. Additional research on the interplay between low-risk HPV and the immune system is critical and may lead to the development of novel immunomodu- latory approaches to better manage RRP patients. 1. Duggan MA, Lim M, Gill MJ, Inoue M. HPV DNA typing of adult-onset respiratory papillomatosis. Laryngoscope 1990;100(6):639–642. 2. Derkay CS, Wiatrak B. Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis: a review. Laryngoscope 2008;118(7):1236–1247. 3. Larson DA, Derkay CS. Epidemiology of recurrent respiratory papillomato- sis. APMIS 2010;118(6–7):450–454. 4. Derkay CS. Task force on recurrent respiratory papillomas. A preliminary report. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1995;121(12):1386–1391. 5. Reeves WC, Ruparelia SS, Swanson KI, Derkay CS, Marcus A, Unger ER. National registry for juvenile-onset recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2003;129(9):976–982. 6. Rodier C, Lapointe A, Coutlee F, et al. Juvenile respiratory papillomatosis: risk factors for severity. J Med Virol 2013;85(8):1447–1458. 7. Kashima HK, Shah F, Lyles A, et al. A comparison of risk factors in juvenile-onset and adult-onset recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. Laryngoscope 1992;102(1):9–13. 8. Ruiz R, Achlatis S, Verma A, et al. Risk factors for adult-onset recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. Laryngoscope 2014;124(10):2338–2344. 9. Abramson AL, Steinberg BM, Winkler B. Laryngeal papillomatosis: clini- cal, histopathologic and molecular studies. Laryngoscope 1987;97(6): 678–685. 10. Bonagura VR, Hatam LJ, Rosenthal DW, et al. Recurrent respiratory pap- illomatosis: a complex defect in immune responsiveness to human papillomavirus-6 and -11. APMIS 2010;118(6–7):455–470. 11. Bonagura VR, Vambutas A, DeVoti JA, et al. HLA alleles, IFN-gamma responses to HPV-11 E6, and disease severity in patients with recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. Hum Immunol 2004;65(8):773–782. 12. DeVoti J, Hatam L, Lucs A, et al. Decreased Langerhans cell responses to IL-36gamma: altered innate immunity in patients with recurrent respi- ratory papillomatosis. Mol Med 2014;20:372–380. 13. DeVoti JA, Rosenthal DW, Wu R, Abramson AL, Steinberg BM, Bonagura VR. Immune dysregulation and tumor-associated gene changes in recur- rent respiratory papillomatosis: a paired microarray analysis. Mol Med 2008;14(9–10):608–617. 14. Rosenthal DW, DeVoti JA, Steinberg BM, Abramson AL, Bonagura VR. T(H)2-like chemokine patterns correlate with disease severity in patients with recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. Mol Med 2012;18: 1338–1345. 15. Rosenthal DW, Schmidtmayerova H, Steinberg BM, et al. Recurrent respi- ratory papillomatosis (RRP): Disease severity associates with enhanced T H2 -like dendritic cell chemokine (DC-CK1) plasma expression. J Allergy Clin Immunol 115(2):S81. 16. DeVoti JA, Steinberg BM, Rosenthal DW, et al. Failure of gamma inter- feron but not interleukin-10 expression in response to human BIBLIOGRAPHY

papillomavirus type 11 E6 protein in respiratory papillomatosis. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 2004;11(3):538–547. 17. Bonagura VR, Siegal FP, Abramson AL, et al. Enriched HLA-DQ3 pheno- type and decreased class I major histocompatibility complex antigen expression in recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 1994;1(3):357–360. 18. Bonagura VR, Du Z, Luo L, et al. KIR3DS1, KIR2DS1, and KIR2DS5 pro- tect against the development of severe recurrent respiratory papilloma- tosis (RRP) in HPV-6/11-infected patients. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2009; 123(2):S165–S165. 19. Rabah R, Lancaster WD, Thomas R, Gregoire L. Human papillomavirus- 11-associated recurrent respiratory papillomatosis is more aggressive than human papillomavirus-6-associated disease. Pediatr Dev Pathol 2001;4(1):68–72. 20. Nebesio CL, Mirowski GW, Chuang TY. Human papillomavirus: clinical significance and malignant potential. Int J Dermatol 2001;40(6):373– 379. 21. 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Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology 3: February 2018

Ivancic et al.: RRP Management


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