The Gazette 1984




help us improve our service to our clients, our office efficiency, our life style and our bargaining power. Improved Service The improved service to clients came from the fact that we set up a Directory of Members. The Directory published the name, address and phone number of each member and also any areas of specialised knowledge presented by that member. It was agreed that members would be free to telephone each other for an informal second opinion on any legal problem. If some members had a specialised knowledge they were expected to share it. This meant that a client coming to one member of "FORUM" would have the benefit of the knowledge and experience of other members in an indirect way. This idea of informal second opinions is very popular in the U.S.A. We also came up with the idea of members sharing their library facilities which would mean greater access to information for each individual member. Improved Efficiency Improved office efficiency came partly through sharing facilities such as outdoor clerks, photocopiers and computers. Lectures and discussions have been held on book-keeping, V.A.T., legal fees, and general business development. Improved Life Style Members of "FORUM" found that they were working longer hours by being self-employed and that they had difficulty in taking holidays. By developing greater efficiency in administrative matters such as book-keeping and sub-delegating of work to outdoor clerks the long hours could be shortened. We also reached an informal arrangement whereby members who were going on holidays would be able to have "Locums" to supervise their office in their absence. Many sole practitioners find themselves cut off from their fellow professionals. "FORUM" meetings always incorporate an aspect of socialising and last Christmas a joint office party was organised for "FORUM" members which was a great success. Improved Bargaining Power By grouping together as "FORUM" we found that we could obtain discounts and better service from people with whom we did business. Office suppliers were prepared to give 10% to 15% discounts to members. Communication companies offering Pageboy "Bleeps" gave special group discount. Printers offered discounts or free art work to our members. Other areas that come up for discussion, but have not yet been acted on, are negotiating special rates for service and maintenance agreements on office equipment and also perhaps negotiating special rates for professional indemnity insurance and life policies. Meetings "FORUM" meetings are held every six to eight weeks. Sometimes a guest lecturer is invited but members are always expected to participate by contributing ideas. The meeting does not try to come to a consensus on any matter that is up for discussion and each member's views must be respected. "FORUM" allows people to air their views and exchange ideas. Each person will probably get something 135

A Forum for New Firms

by John Schutte, B.C.L., Solicitor

While chatting to a colleague over lunch about the mutual problems which we both experienced as a result of having set up in practice I realised that many other young solicitors had set up during the last year or two and that they must all be going through the same "teething problems". As a result of this conversation we decided to contact a number of our friends who had recently established their own firms with a view to setting up a discussion group. What resulted from these tentative enquiries turned out to be something more exciting and enthusiastic than either of us had ever thought possible. Most of the recently established firms were one or two man practices whose principals had said that they had become very isolated after setting up. Many of the people we contacted had worked as salaried assistants in larger firms and now found themselves cut off from their colleagues. As a result they were excited at the possibility of meeting other solicitors to discuss legal and administrative problems. Self Help We decided to call the discussion group "FORUM" as it would be a meeting place for different ideas. The idea of "FORUM" was to allow solicitors to come together on a regular basis and to air their views, exchange ideas and generally help each other with the problems which we all had to face in going into practice, developing our business and providing a better service. "FORUM" was intended to supplement the services of the Law Society and various Bar Associations which have to look after the interest of the profession as a whole rather than a relatively small section of the profession such as newly established firms. Hopefully, the experience which we have had in setting up "FORUM" might encourage other groups of young firms to set up similar organisations in their locality around the country as we feel the problems of setting up in practice must be common throughout the country. After two exploratory meetings of the group to focus attention on problem areas, it became clear that "FORUM" could help us in a number of ways. It could

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