The Gazette 1984


APRI L. 1984

Among those who replied that they were moderately or totally happy with their career choice, age brought increasing contentment. At 30 or under, 51 percent were moderately happy and 34 percent totally happy. At 50,45 percent were moderately happy and 45 percent were totally happy. At 66 and over, 79 percent were totally happy and 15 percent moderately happy. Because 89 percent of the lawyers surveyed said they were happy with their career choice, it is surprising to discover that only 59 percent said they would choose law again if given a second chance. The pattern here showed great variation by age, with younger lawyers saying they would switch careers if it were possible. At 30, half said they would not change careers, but 35 percent were uncertain. At 50,63 percent would not change, while at 66 and older, 78 percent would not change. The great time demands of the practice of law seem to be the source of this equivocal attitude toward careers. When asked what one factor they would change in their working life, more than 51 percent expressed a desire for more time for family and leisure. The second most frequently cited source of dissatisfac- tion was the nature of the work itself. Fourteen percent, including many lawyers 30 or younger, indicated they would like to be doing work that was less routine in nature. Ten percent said they wished they had more time for other business interests. Younger members also were somewhat more likely to express a desire to have more clients, while members between the ages of 40 to 65 were more likely to want more time for other business interests. The lawyer-client relationship itself was not a major source of dissatisfaction. When asked their opinion on this, most members in the survey felt the majority of clients are honest and above board in their dealings with their lawyers and that the relationship is about the same as it has always been. If there is tension, those surveyed believe it stems from the legal process itself and from the unyielding demands of time. Fifty-five percent felt that clients do not understand the lawyer's role as advocate and that too many clients expect legal miracles á la Perry Mason. Only 31 percent felt otherwise. The demands of time also weigh heavily on the lawyer-client relationship. Seven of every 10 members felt clients did not understand their lawyers' workload in general, and an overwhelming 83 percent expressed the feeling that clients don't understand the amount of work that goes into preparing their case. •

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VACANCY FOR Temporary Solicitor

Candidates shall: (a) have been admitted and enrolled as a Solicitor in the State. (b) have at least four years satisfactory experience as a Solicitor including adequate experience of court work, after admission and enrolment as a Solicitor and (c) possess a high standard of professional training and experience. AGE LIMIT: Over 25 years of age on 1 April 1984 Salary: £10,867 p.a. Application forms and full particulars available from Personnel Dept., P.O. Box 52, Sarsfield House, Francis St., Limerick.

(Rosslyn S. Smith is a lawyer in Chicago and the former assistant publisher and controller of the ABA Journal. She designed and administered the surveys on which this article is based.)

James Malton's "A View of the Law Courts". One of a range of Malton prints now available. Elegantly mounted and framed in dark wood. Range also includes Trinity College, The Cu s t om House, and St. Patrick's Cathedral. Details from: Picture & Print Supplies, 224 Castletown, Leixlip, Co. Kildare. Tel. 243854.

Latest date for receipt of completed Application forms is 9th May, 1984.


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