Atos - Registration Document 2016

G Corporate governance and capital G.1 Management of the Company

Management of the Company


Officer of the Company since February 10, 2009 when the Thierry Breton has been the Chairman and Chief Executive statutory governance was changed from a Supervisory Board Directors. On the occasion of the vote concerning the Company’s and Management Board system to a system with a Board of the Annual General Meeting of May 30, 2012, this unitary Board limited-liability company or “European Company”) decided by company) into a “Societas Europaea” (European public transformation from a “Société Anonyme” (public limited-liability Association of the Company that were submitted for their structure was upheld by the shareholders in the Articles of

governance by deciding to unify the functions of Chairman and approval. The Board of Directors confirmed this choice of December 30, 2016. consecutively to the Combined General Meeting held on term of office which occurred in May 2012, May 2015 and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer upon the renewal of his Chief Executive Officer and confirming Thierry Breton as detailed hereunder in the section entitled “Management Mode”. ensure a balance of powers in the governance structure are The reason for this management structure and the means to

Legal Information G.2

[G4-7] Corporate form


Anonyme” (public limited-liability company) was transformed The Company, which was initially incorporated as a “Société Europaea” (European Company) or “SE”) pursuant to a decision into a European public limited-liability company (“Societas

Association. provisions on “Sociétés Anonymes” as well as by the Articles of governed by applicable European Community and national of the Extraordinary General Meeting of May 30, 2012. It is

Corporate purpose and other information


is as follows: Association, the Company’s purpose in France and elsewhere Corporate purpose : under article 2 of the Articles of • sectors; advice and assistance notably in the finance and banking the processing of information, systems engineering, studies, • computer, on-line and office automation systems; the design, application and implementation of software, automation and broadcasting of information and notably: services which help in promoting or developing the the research into, study, realization and sale of products or • partnership and grant all loans, credits and advances; all shares and ownership rights, take all interests in a create alliances therewith, subscribe to, purchase or resell make all contributions to existing companies, merge or method, without any exception, or create any company, it can also operate, either by itself or using any other •

and more generally any commercial, industrial, real-estate, • indirectly related to one of the above mentioned purposes. movable property or financial transactions, either directly or been changed to “Atos SE” (previously “Atos”) upon the Company name : the corporate name of the Company has • Company) (article 3 of the Articles of Association). transformation into a “Societas Europaea” (European Nationality: French. • article 4 of the Articles of Association, the registered offices of Registered office and principal place of business : under • France – +33 (0)1 73 26 00 00. Atos SE are located at 80, quai Voltaire – 95870 Bezons, number 323 623 603. Registered in the Pontoise Registry of Commerce under Siren • Business identification code (APE code): 7010Z. • Date of incorporation and term : The Company was • March 2, 2081. incorporated in 1982 for a period of 99 years, i.e. up to

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