Atos - Registration Document 2016

G Corporate governance and capital G.2 Legal Information

Rights, privileges and restrictions attached to shares

shareholder vote is required to increase the liabilities of shareholders. Terms and conditions for calling and general conduct of Ordinary General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting (articles 34 and 35 of the Articles of Association) “Extraordinary” when the decisions relate to a change in the Articles of Association or Company’s nationality or where required by law; and, “Ordinary” in all other cases. The Extraordinary General Meeting rules by a majority of two-third of General Meetings of Shareholders are considered to be the expressed votes, and the Ordinary General Meeting rules by the majority of expressed votes; expressed votes do not include blank and null votes of the present or represented shareholders, or of shareholders having voted by mail. General Meetings are called and conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of French law. share capital equal to or greater than 2% or, following a shareholding of 2%, any multiple of 1% are required to inform within 5 trading days from the date on which one of these thresholds is crossed, of the total number of shares, voting rights or securities giving access to the share capital or voting rights of the Company held by them. the Company, by registered letter with return receipt requested, In addition to the thresholds defined by applicable laws and regulations, all private individuals and legal entities, acting alone or in concert, who acquire, directly or indirectly, a fraction of the Failure to comply with the above requirements results in rescission of the voting rights attached to those shares relating to the unreported fraction at all General Meetings of Shareholders held during a two-year period following the date or regularization filing of the aforementioned notice. Application of rights mentioned in the minutes of the General Meeting. this penalty is subject to a request by one or more shareholders holding at least 5% of the Company’s share capital or voting above-mentioned thresholds. The same information obligation applies, within the same terms and conditions, each time the fraction of the share capital or voting rights of a shareholder decreases to less than one of the Control of the issuer No provisions in the Articles of Association, or in any charter or Internal rules, may delay, postpone or prevent a change of control of the Company. (article 10 of the Articles of Association) Disclosure of threshold crossing

Voting rights (article 33 of the Articles of Association) Each share carries one voting right. There is no share with excluding the application of the so called “Florange law” (Act modification of article 33 of the Articles of Association aimed at Meeting held on May 28, 2015, the shareholders approved the double voting right. On the occasion of the Combined General of the Company. consequently, maintain single voting rights at General Meetings dated March 29, 2014) related to the double voting rights and (article 28 of the Articles of Association) Participation in General Meetings of Shareholders person or by proxy. All shareholders may be represented by All shareholders may participate in General Meetings either in also be represented by any other natural person or legal entity a civil solidarity pact (“PACS”) has been concluded. They may their spouses, by another shareholder, or by partners with whom of their choice. The proxy must show evidence of this delegation. shareholder or the financial intermediary registered on its behalf subject to the registration of the shares in the name of the The right of shareholders to participate in General Meetings is General Meeting. shareholding certificate enabling them to participate in the intermediaries shall deliver to holders of bearer shares a according to the regulations in force. Such financial Internet. Article 28 of the Articles of Association provides for the terms and conditions of shareholders’ participation in General Meetings in particular by means of an electronic voting form made available on the Company’s website. E-voting has been conference or by telecommunication means, including the available to the Company shareholders since the Combined General Meeting held on May 28, 2015, through the grant of access to a dedicated online voting website, ahead of the General Meeting. Directors, may take part in General Meetings through video The shareholders, upon decision of the Company’s Board of

Identifiable bearer shares (article 9 par.3 of the Articles of Association)

bearer shares at any time. The Company may proceed to the identification of holders of

Changes to shareholders’ rights

majority at an Extraordinary General Meeting. A unanimous Any amendment to the Articles of Association, which set out the rights attached to the shares, must be approved by a two-thirds

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