Atos - Registration Document 2016

B Atos positioning and strategy B.3 Strategy and 2019 ambition

all these sustainability issues. and management roles… The Atos Digital Workplace addresses stakeholder roles, employee training, monitoring of performance compliance and trust monitoring, security, data management, and mobile working, better governance with improved with less travel and lower real-estate footprint thanks to remote brings many sustainability benefits like environmental impact meeting…), the Atos Digital Workplace end-to-end offering networks, business applications, instant messaging, virtual By unifying all technologies used by employees (mails, social capabilities. It simplifies and streamlines the understanding of transform data into actionable business insight using cognitive Atos Codex supports public and private sector organizations to

cross data links, semantic and contextual information for an resource-constrained environment. innovating, cutting costs and boosting long-term profitability in a opportunities for bringing sustainability inside organizations: eco-system, and measuring this impact, will open up Finally, understanding how doing business really affects their goals if necessary and focus efforts on the sustainable variables. sustainable constraints as “parameters” in their activities, refine ecosystems and climate, supporting businesses to integrate their eases to understand the interactions between citizen, resources, on sustainability matters. For instance Atos Codex admirably optimized decision criteria taking into account possible impacts

customer base and to strengthen its technological capabilities Continue to participate to the IT industry consolidation to expand its


prior years. business model and to acquire companies providing new clients and technological capabilities with the same financial discipline as in the Atos maintains a financing agility to support the Group development ambition. It will seize value creative opportunities to reinforce its

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