U Magazine, Fall 1988


New a.d. in step with campus sports philosophy By Ted Cosen Ac USO, academics don't cake a back seat to athletics. And in the recent

nationwide search for a new athletic director, Tom Burke, vice president of student affairs, searched for an individ– ual who shared USD's perspective on athletics and academics. Tom Iannacone proved to be that individual. Iannacone, director of ath– letics for four years at Sc. Francis Col– lege in Loretto, Pa., began his duties at USO on September I. He replaced Fr. Patrick Cahill, who served as the Torero athletic director for nine years before stepping down during the summer to accept an associate pascorship at Guard– ian Angel Cathedral in Las Vegas. Hard work, loyalty and dedication are just a few of the words chat his col– leagues use to describe the 47-year-old Iannacone. A father of three, lanna– cone's experience includes : 1984-88 Athletic Director, St. Francis College Expanded spores offerings

New Athletic Director Tom Iannacone looks.forward to sports challenges ofthefuture at USD.

A: My philosophy is that the pur– pose of intercollegiate athletics is to maintain the athletic program as an integral and significant pare of the stu– dent body. Athletic competition pro– vides an environment that is goal and success oriented. Such programs pro– vide the University with opportunities to meet the various needs of its students and to enhance the development of values that will be critical for success beyond the college experience. Q: How would you compare the Ease Coast to the West Coast? A: Certainly the climate is conducive to year-round athletic competition which is helpful in promoting both the institution and all of our programs. Q : What are your immediate goals for the USO athletic program? A: Coming in on September 1, all of the plans for the coming year have been developed and actually are in progress. Without having the opportunity for prior planning, I am simply meeting with my staff and all other college con– stituencies to develop a clear and total picture of both the University and the athletic department, and how the department fits into the campus com– munity and the mission of the Univer– sity. I will then be able to identify needs, sec goals and develop a plan for the future. D

Iannacone participated in a brief ques– tion and answer session shortly after his USO arrival. Q: What kind of experience do you bring to the University of San Diego? A: My experience throughout my career has been broad based. I have a strong background in business and personnel administration, organizational skills, coaching, public relations , a com– mitment to academic integrity and have a solid reputation amongst my col– leagues. Mose importantly, I have the skills necessary for the management of a comprehensive intercollegiate athletic program. Q: Why were you interested in the University of San Diego? A: My research indicated chat the institution had a strong reputation aca– demically and an interest in maintaining and developing quality athletic pro– grams. I feel comfortable in chis envi– ronment as it has strong similarities to my basic philosophy. My four years at Sc. Francis were very productive and I believe I made a positive impact on both the athletic program and the col– lege. The move to the University of San Diego realizes both professional as well as personal goals and I look forward to the challenges of the future.

and men's and women's scholarships, renovated facilities, improved bud– gets, established a master plan for the future and continual development of athletics. Active member of ECAC Metro Conference committee on conference development. Assistant Athletic Direc– tor, Fordham University Also served as assistant football coach. Received the prestigious Jack Coffey Award from Fordham's Alumni Associa– tion for outstanding contri– butions co athletics. Offensive Coordinator, Backfield Coach, Fordham University The 1977 squad was and remains the highest scoring team in Fordham history, averaging 34 points a game. M.S. Physical Education, Western Connecticut Scace University. B.S. Physical Education, University of Connecticut.





Q: What is your philosophy of inter– collegiate athletics?



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