

(Janeellibygnirtfferne , th e Cancetti - b u ild in g s, situate on the S lotsholm to the w est o f the E x­ c h a n g e , consist o f a large m ain - b uilding, raised by F red erik I V ., w hose b ust in m arble is placed ov er the e n tra n c e , and o f three other buildings added to it in later tim es. H ere are the offices o f the v ario u s M in isters, except th a t o f the M arine, w hich is still at G amm elholm . T h e C ancelli-building is united to C hristiansbo rg by a C orridor. In the p a rt n e are st the c o rrid o r, opposite to the palace, th ere still stands a m assive fabric o f m asonry — w alls of vast thickness: these are the last rem ains of the old K io b e n h a v n s S lot; and here the P riv y A rchives of the State and of the R oyal .Fam ily are deposited. D eeds o f considerable antiquity are here accum ulated in room s w hich m ay decidedly be considered as fire-proof. O f the M edeci, of the S tu arts , o f the B artho lom ew m assacre and m any o ther historical events we here find the authentic records. T he oldest original docum ent, according to :r

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