

Fibicher, the p re sid en t: the general m eetings are held N r. 6 3 Ø stergade. Selskabet fo r Danmarks Kirkehistorie , The Danish Church Distort/ Society. T he object o f this S o c ie ty , w hich m ay be called the Danish Ecclesioloyical Society, is to p rin t all docum ents illustrative o f the D anish C h u rch ; to rep rin t the m o st v aluable and scarce o f the ancient R ituals, and o f the w ritings o f the school o f R eform ers in this co u n try ; to illustrate all those a rts w hich have been devoted to the service o f the C hurch ; and, by m eans o f public m eetings in the C apital and pro v in ces, to excite an interest in subjects o f this n a tu r e , and to advance th e stud y o f the Church m onum ents still left in D enm ark. T h e Society, founded in 1 8 4 9 , now num bers upw ard s o f 6 0 0 m em bers. The Industrial Association, founded in 1 8 4 0 , h a s by vario u s m eans, p a rtly b y w eekly exhibitions of hom e and foreign objects of in d u stry , p a rtly by p o p u lar lec­ tures and the pu blication o f a q u arterly periodical, and by other suitable m e th o d s, endeavoured to aw aken an in terest for D anish in d u stry , to en­ courage and im pro ve i t , and to diffuse useful know ledge am ongst those engaged in it. The great Industriforeningen, o r ,

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