USD Women's Tennis 2003-2004
San Diego, California - America's Finest City
San Diego is truly "America· s Finest City... A modern metropoli s (second largest in California) and a popular yea r-round resort. San Diego spreads from the coast to the de se rt , including c liffs. mesas. hills. canyons and vall eys. San Diego a lso surrounds one of Cal ifornia 's g reates t natural harbors which ha s bee n a dominant factor in dete rmining the city's history. economy and development. Meteorologists claim San Di ego as the country's only area with perfect c limate. This ideal year-round env ironment posts an ave rage daytime temperature of70 degrees, with an annual rainfall average of less than IO inches. Most days are sunny, with humidity generall y low, even in the summe r. The climate. attrac ti\·e setting and recreational faci li ties make San Diego "America's Finest C ity... Acco rding to Sports Illu strated , "For sheer numbers of parti c ipants. diversity of pursuits of invo lvement , San Diego must ran k as the spo rts fitness capital of the U .S."
Sports are a major feature of the San Di– ego lifestyle. One can sai l, swim, surf, scuba dive , snorkel, wind-surf on 70 miles of public beach or golf at any of the over 80 golf courses throughout the co unty. Balboa Park, a 1, 158-acre recreation and cult ural center, offers 25 tenni s courts, two gymna– siums, two municipal golf courses , and one of the nation's finest zoos. Mission Bay Park is a 4 ,600- acre playground for jogging, fishing, bicycling, tennis , golf, jet skiing and kite flying .
As we ll as participating in recreat io nal act iv iti es. San Diego suppo rt s the ir pro fess io na l teams -– the NFL Chargers play at Qualcomm Stad ium , and the National League Padres enter their first year at Petco Park. During co ll ege football bow l week, San Diego annually hosts the Pacific Life Ho liday Bowl in lat e December. During 1998. Qualcomm Stadium hosted the Super Bow l game between Denver and Green Bay: fo l– lowed by the World Series between the San Diego Padres and the New York Yankee s. The Super Bowl returned to San Diego in 2003 . Whatever sport in g acti\ ity there is, it 's here in San Diego -- the sports cap ital of the U.S. 1
San Diego Padres, National League
Champions, 1998, 1984
San Diego Chargers, AFC Champions, 1994
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