Cordoba Tourist Guide 2013 Spa-Eng

A un paso de Córdoba Surrounding the capital city

tes, con DO Priego de Córdoba , y la Cueva de los Murciélagos , en Zuheros, de gran interés arqueológico y espeleológico To the east of the Province is the area of the Upper Guadalquivir . Formed by eight municipalities, the river Guadalquivir and the Cardeña-Montoro Natural Park are the defining features of the landscape. Ideal for fishing, hunting, and bird watching, the area also has attractive monumental towns and villages such as Montoro and Villa del Río, with a wealth of possibili- ties for cultural tourism. The Sierra Mo- rena straddles the middle of the province crossing it from east to west and again is made up by 8 municipalities which in this case lie within the boundaries of two natu- ral parks: the Sierra de Hornachuelos and the Cardeña-Montoro. Thanks to its rich hunting, mining and natural resources, its huge potential for active tourism, and its traditional architecture, the area is an ideal destination for inland tourism. The


Ruta del Barroco cordobés / Cordoban Baroque Route


of Origin and are featured in the famous Wine Route - and the largest concentration of wetland reserves in the south of Cordo- ba . To the north of the province lies the largest area, Los Pedroches . It is made up of 17 localities spreading over gently rolling hills and lush meadows which are natural habitat to the Iberian pig, sour- ce of the highly renowned Los Pedroches Iberian ham , which has its own Denomi- nation of Origin and is the central feature of a Tourist Route. En el sector oriental de la provincia se halla el Alto Guadalquivir . Formada por ocho po- blaciones, tiene en el Guadalquivir al prota- gonista indiscutible de su paisaje junto con el Parque Natural Cardeña-Montoro . Idónea para la pesca, la caza y la ornitología, ade- más del más exigente turismo cultural con ciudades monumentales como Montoro o Villa del Río. Sierra Morena se extiende de este a oeste por el centro provincial y está compuesta por ocho municipios que parti- cipan de dos parques naturales: Sierra de Hornachuelos y Cardeña-Montoro. Su rique- za minera, natural y cinegética, las posibi- lidades de turismo activo y su arquitectura tradicional la configuran como un destino único para el turismo interior. Regada por el Guadajoz y situada entre las Sierras del Sur de Jaén, la Subbética y la Campiña cordo- besa surge la comarca Guadajoz- Campiña Este. Fundamenta en su aceite de oliva (DO Baena) una próspera oferta turística que se complementa con museos, alma- zaras y una específica Ruta del Aceite . Al sur de Córdoba encontramos La Sub- bética , comarca compuesta por 14 lo- calidades. Su principal reclamo lo basa en la simbiosis Naturaleza-Cultura, con productos consolidados como el Parque Natural de las Sierras Subbéticas , la Ruta del Barroco que recorre Priego de Córdo- ba, Lucena y Cabra, entre otras; sus acei-

Guadajoz-Eastern Campiña area is irriga- ted by the river Guadajoz and situated bet- ween the Sierras of the Sur de Jaén, the Subbética and the Campiña. Its olive oil industry ( Baena Denomination of Origin ) is the basis of a thriving tourism industry which is complemented by museums, oil pressing plants and a route specifically dedicated to olive oil. To the south of Cor- doba is the Subbética , an area made up of 14 localities. Its main attractions, based on a combination of nature and culture, include wellestablished features such as the Sierras Subbéticas Natural Park , the Baroque Route which explores Priego de Córdoba, Lucena, and Cabra, amongst other places, its olive oils with their Prie- go de Córdoba Denomination of Origin , and the Los Murciélagos cave in Zuheros, which is of considerable archaeological and speleological interest.

Cueva de los Murciélagos / The Los Murciélagos cave


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